Writing Homework
ChEn 475
Fall 2012
- Explain in five sentences or less how to tie a neck tie or how to tie shoelaces in a precise and concise manner.
- Try to decrease the number of words while maintaining all pertinent information.
(59 words)
Figure 2 shows a linear relationship for the data at 20°C. The data points were run through a linear regression program and r2 was found to be equal to 0.999. This means that the data fit a linear graph exceptionally well. The conclusion drawn from this was that at 20ºC the reaction was first order with respect to NaOH, . . .
- Identify portions of the sentences below that are vaguely written and make recommendations on how to improve the writing.
Our fittings have pressure drops and corresponding K and L/D values quite close to the literature values though somewhat lower, indicating a slightly superior product.
This data was quite easily reproduced in subsequent experimental runs indicating they are accurate (or at least contain commonly recurring errors).
- Read the example problem statement provided in class, the example proposal, and the memo report. When you have finished, answer the following.
a)A good introduction should explain the background of the problem and identify the purpose of the proposal/paper. Rate the introduction on a scale of 1-5 and explain your reasoning.
b)A good theory section should be logical and contain enough pertinent equations that the reader can follow how the calculations will be done and how the experimental data fit into the equations. Very basic equations should not be included nor should equations showing trivial operations. Overall, the reader should understand exactly how the author(s) analyzed the data from their experiments. Rate the theory section on a scale of 1-5 and explain your reasoning.
c)In a memo report, the experimental section is usually short. It should contain just enough information so that the reader can understand what was measured, how many replicates were done, and the basics of the apparatus. The bottom line is the reader should know the types and amounts of data that were collected. Rate the experimental methods section on a scale of 1-5 and explain your reasoning.
d)Overall, a good proposal should convince the reader that the writer has a plan with a good chance of accomplishing the objectives of the project and has the resources and skills to do perform the work. Has the proposal convinced you that the writer can succeed at the goals of the work? Explain.