Weekly Message

March 20, 2018

My dear children,I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocatewith the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 1 John 2:1(NIV)

And when he had taken it, the four living creaturesand the twenty-four eldersfell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harpand they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayersof God’s people. Revelation 5:8 (NIV)

Happy Spring! While the weather doesn’t feel like it here in Racine, according to the calendar today if the first day of Spring! During the last week or two I have noticed plants poking up through the ground next to the south entryway doors of the church. I always enjoy watching new life begin each year; it just never gets old to me even though it happens year after year. Sometimes, though, if I am too busy to notice I can miss out on some of the process. I hear the birds singing in the early mornings now, too, another sign of Spring. As it all unfolds, I want to be intentional and watch the changes and not take any of it granted or forget how the changes happen.

I have been preparing for my next small groups that will begin after Easter. It’s a study on prayer called, “Praying with Jesus”. Two of the things that are mentioned in the first session are the scriptures above. The first one, 1 John 2:1 talks about Jesus being our advocate, He prays to the Father on our behalf. The speaker said, “Jesus is still praying for us right now!” This provided a great visual for me – something I’m not sure I’ve had before, at least not that I can say I remember. It is easy to get caught up in what I’m praying but in a sense, I’m missing part of the “process”. I know that I am praying to God, to the Son and to the Spirit, but remembering that Jesus is interceding on my behalf is perhaps not something that I am thinking about. The scripture from Revelation is one that caught my attention and is one that I don’t really remember. It talks about our prayers being in golden bowls, another great visual for me. I know our prayers are important to God, but to say they are in golden bowls shows that they are important.

I am looking forward to this study and would like to invite you to consider joining one of the groups, either on Wednesday nights from 6-7 pm or Fridays at 9:30 am. Prayer was an important part of Jesus’ life and who better to teach us than Jesus himself? Wherever you are in your faith journey there is probably more for us all to learn when it comes to prayer. Just like it’s easy to miss the changing seasons and/or take them for granted, I think it’s easy to miss out on new things from God if we are not intentional in our journey. I hope you will join me!





Prayers for Virginia Jensen who broke her ankle

Prayer requests given during 9 o’clock service.

If you would like to have a joy or concern shared, please email the church r call the office at 262/632-1607.Please remember that we have prayer shawls available for you to give to those you know that are going through difficult situations.

Please keep the following South East District church and clergy in your prayers this week:

Milwaukee: Church of the Good Hope and MKE: New St. James Community UMC’s, their pastor Lawrence McGuin, and their 26/70 members, Milwaukee: Church of the Good Hope UMC is located at 8700 W Good Hope Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53224 and MKE: New St. James Community UMC is located at2828 N Humboldt Blvd. Milwaukee, WI 53212.

We continue to pray for healing mercies, strength, courage, comfort and compassion for the following individuals. Please keep them in your prayers:

Carl Fields

Trish’s Brother-In-Law, Patrick

Mark Wilczynski

Bill Wilms

Kendra O’Connell

Ron Hansen

Prayers for child care teacher Luxmy

Destiny Erhardt

Sharon Behling

Nancy Holmlund

Lenny Hartnell

Isabella, Dennis and Judy’s granddaughter

Prayers for Ann Johnson whose cancer has returned

Please keep Allie Healey in your prayers as she struggles with health issues

Prayers for Karen Passow

Beverly Keller

Alex Cappy

Anne Herman

Denise Czarnecki

Debbie Rodriguez

Ruben Murry

Linda Gonzales

Albright Family

Rob Enigl

Carol Fox

Ron Ruffalo

Continued prayers for Judy Moungey

Debbie Pesek

Marlene Schaar

Chris Ruud

Bixler Family

Sorenson Family

For Pam Anderson, cousin of Anne Herman, who has cancer.

Mary Horgan

Orion Horak

Marge Engaas

Mattie Cannon

Doug Hoyt

For members of our armed forces and their families at home.


Need a 2018 Calendar?

Christ Church has plenty of 2018 Calendars! If you need some, you can find them in both the north and south entryways!

Electronic Directory-We have been working on a new picture directory since last Fall and the books have arrived. If you had your picture taken or submitted a picture, we have a copy for you. We are also excited to share that the directory is now online on our webpage. The page is password protected so if you would like access, please contact the church office. We are able to make changes to keep your information up to date so please notify us of any changes to your address or phone numbers.

Are you ready for tornado season??- As spring is slowly coming, the Safety Committee has brought in the Fire Prevention Bureau to recommend evacuation locations for both fire and weather emergencies that may occur on a Sunday morning. While much more information is being written, please know the Fellowship Hall and the Library are approved evacuation locations. The Safety Committee is dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment for staff, the congregation, and visitors to Christ Church.

Thank You Christ Church from ASP
A big thanks to all of our Christ Church family and friends who have supported our mission project for 35 years and still going strong. Last Sunday’s fundraiser was a huge success once again. Attendance was up over the past couple years and total proceeds of nearly $4,000 were raised. All funds will be used to send two crews to Kentucky this June to make homes warmer, safer and drier. ASP 2018 - Called To Serve



The 5th annual Easter Party, Passport to The Bunny Trail, will be held Saturday, March 24th, 2-4 pm. During this indoor event, children age 10 and under will stop at 10 locations along the trail. At each stop, children will play a game or be asked to perform a task; then they will have their passport stamped. Finally at the end of the trail, with a fully stamped passport, they will meet the Easter Bunny. As the well-traveled children say goodbye to the Easter Bunny, they will all be given a goodie bag, thanks to donations of candy. While along the bunny trail, hungry travelers can stop at the oasis to purchase a hot dog plate for $2.00.When you walk in the South entrance, you can register to win an Easter basket full of candy, and a gift card. All you need to do is fill out a registration slip. The Christian Life Ministry Team


Offering envelopes for 2018 are ready to be picked up! You will find them on the table under the TV in the south entryway. They are placed in alphabetical order. Even if you give electronically, please take your envelope as there is important information in it.



Maundy Thursday – 7 pm

Good Friday – 7 pm

Feed My Starving Children’ Event-We have reserved 30 spots for Saturday, April 28th for the 2 pm – 4 pm shift at Feed My Starving children in Libertyville, IL. You are invited to manage your sign-up through their website. Simply go to fmsc.org and select “volunteer”. Select “Join a Group” and enter code – 1255044. At that point you will enter your information. Please see Liz Martin if you have any questions or need help signing up.


New Small Groups will start the 2nd week of April – please see the Connection Table to sign-up.

MEN IN MINISTRYis a Bible study for any men that are interested – they meet onWednesdays at 6 pm in theConference Room. This is an on-going group that meets September through May.

Fusion Youth Ministryis open to ALL 6th – 12th graders. We meet at Christ Church in the Fellowship Hall/Room 13 from 6 pm -7:30 p.m.on Wednesday night. Spend time together, learn about God’s word, and serve the community around us.


Text “connect” to (262) 631-3012 -This replaces the old “Remind” system – please help us get things switched over.Follow the instructions once you receive a reply back. This communication system will allow us to send reminders or cancelations to you. Sign uptoday.

More Opportunities to Serve:Would you like to greet our guests onSundaymornings? We have a couple ofSunday’s with openings to serve at our Welcome Center before and after our 10:30 service. There is also the opportunity to serve as ushers, particularly at the 10:30 service. If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please see Liz Martin.

***Did you know?

To help families in the important task of raising children well, Christ Church has afamily resource center called “Faith @ Home,” located in the South entryway. Check it out.

If you miss aSunday; the sermons are available on our websitechristchurchracine.com

Find us on Facebook at Christ Church Racine and remember to “like” us.

Please remember to sign in on the pew pads everySundayas that is how we care for our members and friends. Thank you.

The Weekly Message is put together by the staff of Christ Church with the hope that it is helpful to you. Please send any feedback to. Please feel free to share this message with your friends and family.