Geog 406 Advanced GIS
Danielle BramLab 2
Lab 2:GIS Review
- Create a File Geodatabase
- Perform on-screen digitizing and populate an attribute table
- Create a map and symbolize a layer.
- Generate a map layout and save to a jpeg image.
- Capture a screenshot of the geodatabase you created.
- Answer the questions below
- Create a webpage, lab2.htm. You will include answers to the questions below and all the required maps and screenshots.
- Create a link to lab2.htm from your labs.htm webpage.
- Access the lab data. Copy the Lab2_GISReview folder from the “Y:\courses_dbram\Geog406\Labs\” folder OR download the file from my website. This Lab2_GISReviewfolder should be placed somewhere on your local computer. i.e. in the My Documents folder.
- Once you have copied/downloaded the Lab2_GISReviewfolder, check the properties for the folder and all the files in it. Make sure Read only is checked off so that you can save changes later.
- Right click on the folder.
- Choose Properties at the end of the context menu.
- Check off Read only, if necessary.
- Create a new File Geodatabase named “Water”.
- Inside the Geodatabase, create a new feature dataset named “Water_Features”
- Inside the feature dataset, create apolygonfeature class named “Lakes”.
- Make sure the features class has a field named “Name”. Field type should be “text”.
- Also, inside the “Water_Features” dataset, create anotherpolygonfeature class named “Water_Towers”.
- Make sure the features class has a field named “Type”. Field type should be “text”.
- The“Aerial.tif” image does not have a defined projection. You need to define the projection so that it matches the projection used by all the other feature classes in the “CityData” geodatabase.
- After you have defined the projection, load the Aerial.tifinto ArcMap along with the “Water_Features” and “Lakes” feature classes you just created.
- As identified on the image below, digitize into their respective feature classes (at a scale of 1:3,000) the 2 lakes (place this in “Lakes” and 1 water tower (place this in the “Water_Features”).
- In the Lakes features class attribute table, under the “Name” field, insert the lake names (Lake # 1 and Lake # 2) that match the appropriate lake as shown in the image below.
- In the “Water_Features” feature class attribute table, under the “Type” field, enter “Water Tower” for the water tower.
- Symbolize the Lakes with a light blue fill.
- Symbolize the Water Tower with a yellow fill.
- Label the Lakes on the map using the names entered into the attribute table for those features. Labels should be white, bold, Arial font.
- Load the “FireHydrants” feature class and symbolize by unique values using the “tested” field. Set the “Yes” features to a green circle size 8, and the “No” features to a red circle size 8.
- Create a map layout with the following elements/requirements.
- Zoom to the full extent of the aerial image.
- Landscape orientation, 8.5 x 11 size.
- Title: “Kansas Water Locations”; Black Font;Verdana; bold; size 20.
- North Arrow Type: ESRI North 4
- Scale Bar: Type = Line 1; Units = Miles
- Insert your name and the date in the bottom right corner of the layout.
- Insert a Legend
- Export the map layout to a Jpeg image.
- Insert the Jpeg image into the lab2.htm doc so it displays on the webpage.
- Go to ArcCatalog and expand the “Water” geodatabase you created so you can view the feature dataset and feature classes contained within.
- Perform a screen capture (Alt + PrtScrn) of ArcCatalog and paste into a Word doc.
- Insert the Word doc or a link to the Word doc in the lab2.htm webpage.
Answer the following questions:
- In step 5 above, you needed to figure out the projection of the feature classes in the CityData geodatabase. What is it? How did you assign the projection? i.e. what tool did you use?
- What are some advantages to using a Geodatabase?
- What is a feature dataset? Does the CityData geodatabase contain a feature dataset?
- Is “Surface type” a possible valid name for a field in a newly created feature class? Why or why not?
- What is a domain?
- What are edges and vertices?
- What are the first and last steps for editing features?
- What is the purpose for setting up snapping environments when digitizing?
- Why did I instruct you to use dynamic labeling to label the features on the map? What are the benefits of this?
- What was the first thing you should have done when you started to create a map layout?
Items to be included in the lab2.htm file:
- A Jpeg image of the map layout.
- A document, or link to a document showing the screenshot of the geodatabase you created.
- The answers to the above questions.