RCOG Application Form for Honorary Position
In accordance with College policy, all candidates should be up-to-date with their membership subscription and in Good Standing with the College.
Please complete the form electronically and expand the spaces accordingly
Role applying for: / Vice Chair of Trainee’s Committee for Clinical Quality and Inter-Speciality Partnership(VC C-QIP)
Post qualifications:
Employing organisation:
Post held:
Year of obtaining MRCOG (if applicable):
Year of obtaining: FRCOG(if applicable):
RCOG registration number:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Past and current positions on RCOG committees/Specialist Societies/ (please give name of committee and dates served):
Professional interests:
Declaration of Interest:
Supporting Statement
- Please provide a statement supporting your application for this role including why are you applying for this post and what are your relevant experiences as per the role description (one side of A4 only). Please make reference to the criteria regarding the person specifications and provide examples of how you meet these.
- Please provide a brief CV on two sides of A4 and attach to this application form.
Declaration of good standing
- I confirm that my name is NOT currently removed from the Medical Register in any country nor have any conditions been applied.
- I understand that it is my responsibility to inform the College if, during my tenure of office, my name is removed or conditions applied from a Medical Register in any country.
- I note that the College reserves the right to withdraw membership of any committee or honorary appointment.
Name: ______Signature:______
To apply, please send your completed application form to .
The College is committed to promoting equal opportunities in employment and prohibiting unlawful discrimination on the grounds of sex, marital status, colour, national or ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation and religious or political beliefs.
In order to ensure that these policies are being followed, all applicants are asked to provide the following information, which will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not form part of the selection process. Information given is for monitoring purposes only and is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Application for (Role Title ): / Vice Chair of Trainee’s Committee for Clinical Quality and Inter-Speciality Partnership (VC C-QIP)Name
Male / Female / Age
Marital Status
What is your Nationality?
Ethnic Origin (please tick the box which most closely relates to you)
Chinese / Mixed
White and Black African
White and Black Asian
White and Black Caribbean
Other Ethnic Background (please specify):
Do you consider yourself disabled? Yes / NoIf yes, please give details______