For Further information please contact the BLaST Early Intervention Program in your area:
Lycoming County:
BLaST IU #17
501 East Third Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Bradford, Sullivan, and Tioga Counties:
BLaST IU #17
P.O. Box 63
Rt. 514 & Cowley Road
Granville Summit, PA 16926
or dial toll free 1-800-326-8528.
These FREE services are provided by BLaST IU #17 through State and Federal funds. Some services may be billed to Medical Assistance. There is no charge to you for accessing IU services.
BLaST Intermediate Unit #17 is an equal opportunity Regional Education Service Agency in compliance with Title IX and Section 504.
Intermediate Unit #17
Early Intervention
Your Regional Educational Agency Serving Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan and Tioga Counties in Pennsylvania
Early Intervention Programs And Services for Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families
Early Intervention
Programs and Services
Early Intervention Services are available to families with young children having special needs who live in Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, and Tioga Counties. Teachers and therapists work in cooperation with parents, public and private agencies, and other professional groups involved with children from 3 years old to school age.
Community screenings to determine possible delays in development, speech, or hearing for preschool children ages three to five
In-home instruction and therapy for children with specific delays
Center based programs for appropriately identified children
Direct instruction and/or support services for identified children enrolled in public or private day care centers
Community and parental awareness regarding disabilities and services
Coordinate the transition of preschool children into public school program
Provide speakers to the interested public on a wide variety of preschool topics.
AGE / Balance and Movement / Eye-Hand Coordination / Speech and Language / Play and Social Skills6 MONTHS /
- Plays with fingers and toes
- Lifts head when lying on back
- Rolls from stomach to back
- Moves toy from one hand to the other
- Picks up small objects
- Puts everything in mouth
- Babbles and repeats sounds
- Laughs and coos
- Makes sounds to indicate needs/wants
- Stretch arms to be picked up
- Shows likes and dislikes
- Turns head to familiar voices
- Follows you with eyes
- Crawls or walks with one hand held
- Sits without support
- Feeds self with fingers
- Hands you a toy
- Uses thumb and finger to pick up objects
- Responds to own name
- Has at least one meaningful word besides Mama/Dada
- Shakes head “No”
- Imitates sounds
- Cooperates in dressing
- Comes when you call name
- Waves bye-bye
- Walks upstairs holding hand
- Throws ball without falling down
- Feeds self with lots of spills
- Points to a few body parts
- Has at least 5 real words
- Points to familiar objects in book
- Points to desired items
- Plays in company of other kids
- Plays Pat-A-Cake and Peek-A-Boo
- Puts toys away on request
- Runs without falling
- Walks up and down steps alone
- Throws ball without falling down
- Drinks from cup
- Turns book pages
- Removes shoes and pants
- Imitates pencil marks or strokes
- Frequently uses 2-3 word sentences
- Uses pronouns (Mine/You)
- Refers to self by name
- Plays interactive games like tag
- Separates easily from mother
- Attempts to remove clothing
2 1/2
- Jumps with both feet off floor
- Throws ball at target
- Builds 8-9 block tower
- Unbuttons
- Copies 0-1
- Follows 2-step direction
- Names familiar pictures/objects
- Answers Yes/No questions
- Gets a drink without help
- Imitates you in routine household tasks
- Pedals a tricycle
- Goes up steps on alternate feet
- Catches bounced ball
- Snips with scissors
- Dries hands if reminded
- Strings large beads
- Undresses fully
- Unwraps candy
- Completes 4-piece puzzle
- Identifies pictures by use
- Tells about experiences
- Uses prepositions
- Counts by Rote 1-3
- Matches colors/objects
- Shares toys
- Plays with other kids
- Takes turns
- Identifies self as boy or girl
- Tries to hop or skip
- Alternates feet going down stairs
- Balances on 1 foot
- Completes 6-Part puzzle
- Buttons/Dresses self
- Catches thrown ball
- Draws a person with a separate head and body
- Sings a song
- Knows opposites
- Names some colors
- Counts to 10 by Rote
- Tells tall tales or shows off
- Plays cooperatively
- Pretends
- Tries to skip
- Hops on 1 foot
- Jumps rope or over an object
- Draws a 7-part person
- Ties own shoes
- Spreads with knife
- Copies
- Prints a few letters or numbers
- Understands concept of today/tomorrow
- ID’s object missing from group
- Asks what words mean
- Count 10-cubes and tells how many
- Helps parents around the house
- Plays complex active games
- Tries to follow rules
- Uses feeling words
Developmental Skills Timeline Chart
Every child grows and learns differently. This chart shows the approximate age when children are able to perform the skills as listed. If you have questions or concerns about your child’s developmental progress and feel there is a need for further assessment or consultation, contact the BLaST IU #17 Early Intervention program at the location that serves your county of residence.
Provided by BLaST Intermediate Unit #17