SubjectofthePolicy: Committees

Council Policy Type:School Operational Policy


A.The school council will monitor the following components throughmonthlydepartmentmeetings.







B.The school council may establish ad hoc committees to accept specific assignmentsat thedirectionoftheschoolcouncil. Adhoccomminuteformationshallbesubjecttothe requirements of this policy. All other-requirements for an ad hoc committee shallbeestablishedinthejurisdiction statementspecificallycreatedbythecouncilforthead hoc committee upon itscreation.

C.Eachdepartmentwillusea templatewiththefollowingareastobediscussedmonthlyand report to the SBDM council. The student achievement coach Idepartmenthead will be responsible for sending minutes to the SBDM council prior totheregularmeeting.

Curriculum:Assessthestatusoftheschool'scurriculumandinstruction,research and discuss appropriate curriculum and instruction issues, make recommendationforconsideration to the school council on issues related to curriculum andinstruction,completeassignmentsfromthecouncilrelatedtocurriculum,instruction,and school improvement plan.

Budget: The SBDM council will develop a budget that includes all funds allocated tothe school council to fund priorities of the council as listed in the schoolimprovement plan; include in the budget a recommendation for expenditures for purchasinginstructional materials and supplies; and complete additional assignments from thecouncil. Theprincipalwillnotifyeachdepartmentiftherearefundsthatcanbeutilized by the department. Also, the department can make a request to the councilfor any items that can be utilized bythe department.

Professional Development/Technology: Assist theprincipal inthe implementationoftheprofessionaldevelopmentincludedintheschoolimprovementplan,reviewforapprovalanyprofessionaldevelopmentbudgetrequestsfromthestaffbeyondwhatwhichisincludedintheschoolimprovementplan,andcompleteanyadditionalassignments from thecouncil.

Assesstheneedsoftheschoolregardingtechnologyanddevelopa plantoaddressthe school's technology needs; work with the district technology committee and the supervisor to develop a district wide plan to meet state recommendations andguidelines; and complete assignments from the council related to technology.

Attendance:Assist the principal in the implementation of the districtattendance policy,creatingattendanceincentivesforstudents,andserveasanappealspanelwhen necessary for students who are considered truant.

Literacy:The purpose of the literacy committee is to communicate the importanceofliteracyandliteracystrategiestoallstakeholders.Thecommitteeismadeupoftwomembers to serve on the .district committee who will meet periodically with thecurriculumoffice.Thedistrictteamwilldiscussandadoptstrategiestobeimplementedinallschoolsinthedistrict.Thesememberswillmeetwithestablishedliteracy committee teams at RMS to share and implement adopted literacy strategies.

Date of First Reading: November 2, 2002

Date of Second Reading: November 19, 2002

Date Revised/Reviewed: November 15, 2011

Chairperson Signature: ______