Coach Johnson’s

World Geography Course Description

In this class, we will explore the world’s numerous countries and their culture, politics, history, economic systems, and physical features. To do this, we will use individual and group projects, research, current events exercises, and in class lectures and activities.

Student Expectations

You have the right to a classroom in which you can learn to the best of your ability, and you have the responsibility to conduct yourself in a way that contributes to the success of you and your classmates learning experience.


Student Handbook: Please refer to the student handbook for school wide policies and procedures.

Homework Guidelines: Homework is due in class on the date assigned. Any and all work not turned in when due is considered late. Late work can be turned in the next day for a 70.

Spiral: Each student will maintain a geography spiral. The purpose of the spiral is to collect the student’s work product during each unit study so that when it is time to prepare for an exam, all the materials are available to them.

Tests: Tests will be given about every week and a half to two weeks. A review sheet will be given before every test and will be very useful in preparing for the test. Students will be allowed to retake in-class tests on their own time (before or after regular school hours) within the week following the original test date. The average of the original test and the retake will stand as the test grade.

Make-up Work: All work missed during excused absences can be made-up. You will have one day for making up assignments for each day missed unless you have had an extended absence. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what work was done while you were gone. Make sure you ask the teacher on your first day back. If you are going to be absent due to a school related activity, it is your responsibility to get your assignments from the teacher before leaving. Assignments will be due on the day you return to class unless otherwise specified by the teacher.

Grading Policy

  • 75 % Daily Work, Homework,

Warmups, Quizzes, Projects

  • 25 % Tests


  • 1 Subject Spiral Notebook
  • Box of tissue
  • Pen
  • Pencil

Contact Information:


Conference 7th period 12:53 – 1:42