Klondike Derby 2007 Events

Pain Town 1: Troop 373 Mark Fields H: 423-345-4680

·  Sleeping bag stretcher Paul Brooks C:423-357-3782

·  First Aid techniques: Splints/Shock

·  Stretcher Race

Rope Town 2: Troop 51 Dave Hrivnak W: 229-4307

·  Knot tying Steve Ankabrantd W:229-2657

·  A Frame Race Tommy Bernard

·  Log Lift Spencer Gilliam

Tree Town 3: Troop 250 Martin Alley C: 392-8319

·  Winter Tree Identification

·  Hatchet Throw

·  Tracking pit

Lost Town 4: Troop 387 Mike Miller H: 239-3626

·  Compass Parts and Map Symbols Lyle Hartbrook H: 276-479-2120

Cel: 276-608-2380


·  Orienteering Andrew Miller

·  GPS Randy Gardner, Lyle Hartbrook

Sailing Town 5: Troop 155 Kent Breeding W: 229-4931

·  Sled Inspection

·  Raft Race

·  Patrol Ski

Disneyland Town 6: Troop 387 and Other volunteers

·  King of the Klondike

·  Log Saw

·  Log Toss

·  Fire Building

·  Knock-out

·  Log Pull

·  Volunteers

o  Adults

§  Merv , Marvin Short, Eddie Eldridge, Ken Maloy, Jon Mather, Greg Kramer, Steven Bedford, Jos de Wit

o  Scouts

§  T-387 Leonel Collazo, Xavier Collazo 239-7812

§  T-48 Dalton Miller (349-6471), Jonathan Broome (349-7622)

Registration Troop 48 Ingrid Luufman, Brenda Good, Dan Firth


Humberto Collazo, Troop 387

423-239-7812 (Home) , 423-229-3286 (work), 423-276-1311(Cel)

Duties for Council and District

1.  Staff the First Aid Tent

2.  Reserve Warrior path Facilities

a.  Soccer fields and Marina

b.  Camp-site

3.  Press and communication contacts

4.  Get Registration Tent, tables, chairs

5.  Get Bull horn? Air Horn?

6.  Need signs for each town (Big ones!!)

7.  Need to facilitate large tents

a.  Mark Fields (345-4680/357-3782) is looking into the National Guard in Kingsport

i.  Possible contact name: Frank Bennett

b.  Lyle Hartbrook (276-479-2120 / 276-608-2380) is also looking into the Virginia National Guard too.

c.  Ask at Round table for troop tents that we can borrow and setup on Friday

d.  Martin Alley has a small tent that council will ask about it

8.  Prices

a.  We will need participation Ribbons for all troops and Packs

b.  Also we need plaques for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall point winners

c.  We will need prices to go along with all the competitions

i.  Ideally we have 6 towns with three prices each, total of 18 prices

ii. Also 3 very nice prices for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall point winners

iii.  Small gifts to give away to the others patrols for spirit and effort

d.  Possible donors that the group brainstormed

i.  Left over Pop-Corn prices

ii. Mountain sports

iii.  Bass pro shop

1.  Sevierville

2.  National

iv.  Sportsman Guide

v.  Cabelas

vi.  Ginder's Mountain

vii.  Cheaper that Dirt

viii.  Walmart – Daniel Fountz

ix.  Mahooneys

e.  We need to know if WE need to some personal contact sor if it should be done directly at the Council/District level.

Notes and other Details

1)  Possible Attractions between the end of the activities and the award ceremonies

(1)  Patriotic painted Hommer vehicle

(a)  Eddie Taylor could b e a contact for this.

(b)  Also Lyle will be looking into it

(2)  Armor Carrie from the Marine Reserves in JC

(a)  Capt Larry Taylor

(3)  Rock Climbing Wall

(a)  Need to be rented, price unknown

(4)  Target shooting using the Fire Truck Hose

(a)  Need to contact the Warrior Path Fire Department, Josh Widener

(b)  This could work, but they may have to leave in case that there is an emergency

(5)  Scoutmaster competition

(a)  The SM will compete in the game section

(i)  Kings of the Klondike

(ii)  Rope/Ball Challenge

(iii) The Raft Race?

(6)  Civil War Reenactment

(7)  Marty Silver or Fred Hilton (Wild Animals and Conservation)

2)  Would like to have a Hot chocolate, hot stew and hot soup for kids who get too cold.

3)  Also need to get Kerosene Heaters, 2-4 heaters.

Hi folks,
I guess we are all working on the same wavelenght I meet yesterday with Jeff and here are some updates on where we are:
1. Warrior Path Facilities. We have reserved the park and camp. We are checking on the use of the children park facility. It is almost done but there is still contruction on-going. Jeff is going to check what can we do. There are some fun activities that can be done there. Also if we can not use it, we need a strategy to maintain the kids out of there, since is a very tempting spot for them to hang out.

2. Patches. Jeff has those ordered and expect them to be node today or tomorrow.

3. Tents. Lyle and Tammy are still looking into the national guard in Gate scity. The fallback position is to use some tents that Eastman may faciliitate. The negative side of that is that we need to get them, assemble them and return them. THe Natioanl guard ussually does all that for us and threfore are the preferred option

4. Acitivites. We have 5 out of 6 towns confirmed. I still need confirmation for nature for T-250. Jeff is contacting M. Alley today. Jeff will provide sign holders and I will rint the paper signs for them.

5. Heathers. I still need some extra heather. I have one, but need more.

5. Chairs and tables. We will like to have 2-4 tables. POrtable chairs were brought by members, so I would encourage everybody to bring theirs.

6. First aid and hot food and drinks. Council and Brenda will help here. JEff is bringing their first aid kid and Brenda will coordinate the hot coffee and chocolate.

7. Registration. SO far, Dan Firth, Brenda and Ingrid will handle registration.. I will provide the forms and materials.

8. Prices, Plaques and Ribbons. Jeff is getting the plaques (1st, 2nd and 3rd overall winners) Everybody will get participation ribbons. We need9 nice gifts for the 3 overallwinners,and6 first place for each town. Smaller gifts for 2nd and 3rd plance for each town.

9. PA system. Jeff will bring the councill PA system. We need two extra 100feet extention cords to get power from the part to up in the hill. I also will get a battery operated bullhorn. I will also get from walmart a couple of air horns.

List of volunteers

Mark Fields H: 423-345-4680 C:423-357-3782

Lyle hartsock h: 276-479-2120 c:276-608-2380

Marvin Short

Jeff Bays

Steve Brummit

Jos de Wit 423-239-0803

Greg Kramer

Jon Mather 423-239-6676

Merv Shrirak 423-753-7470

Eddie Eldridge,

Ken Maloy

Steven Bedford

Mike Miller 423-239-3626

Lyle Hartbrook

Marvin Short

Dave Hrivnak H: 246-4373, W: 229-4307

Steve Ankabrantd W:423-229-2657

Kent Breeding W: 423-229-4931

Ingrid Luufman H: 423-349-7379, 423-439-7696

Brenda Good

Dan Firth w: 423-229-1397

Kipp West T-149, Church Hill, 423-357-8062