Prior to your Career Break commencing, please complete the Career Break Agreement below and submit it to the HR Enquiry Service. You should retain a copy for your own reference.

Details of Member of Staff

Name: / <Perito> / Employee No: / <Perito>
Group/Office: / <Perito> / Job Title: / <Perito>
Start Date of Career Break: / <Work Flow> / Return to Work Date: / <Work Flow>

Address where Business Correspondence should be sent:

Address: / <Perito>

Keeping in Touch Arrangements during the Career Break:

Prior to your Career Break commencing, please discuss and agree with your line manager the nature and extent of reasonable contact which will be maintained. Details should be recorded below:

Line Manager Name: / <Perito> / Job Title: / <Perito>
Purpose of Reasonable Contact:
(for example, to provide updates on corporate change, Group/Office developments and training)
Form of Contact:
(for example, telephone, email)
Frequency of Contact:
Person who will initiate Contact:

Conditions applying to Career Break:

1.  I confirm that in advance of my Career Break commencing, I have:

made arrangements with BIT and my Head of Group/Office in relation to the management of my IT account □

returned SPCB equipment I had in my possession to the relevant Group/Office □ Please provide details of equipment returned in the box below:

Equipment returned (for example, laptop, Blackberry, corporate credit card):

where applicable, made arrangements with the HR Enquiry Service in relation to the repayment of an advance of salary □

2.  I agree that during the period of the Career Break set out above, I will:

not undertake any form of paid employment without the express prior approval of my Head of Group/Office □

provide the HR Enquiry Service with details of any changes to my contact details or other relevant personal circumstances □

3.  I confirm that I will return to work on <DATE> following my Career Break □

The following paragraph should be on a page with a tick box as we have for other flows.

I confirm that I have read and understood the SPCB’s Career Break Policy (link) and Guidance for Managers and Staff (link). I undertake to comply with all the requirements of the policy and my terms and conditions of employment during my Career Break. I understand that failure to comply may result in early termination of my Career Break and disciplinary action.