Delta County Joint School District No. 50


7655 2075 Rd.

Delta, Colorado 81416

Phone 970-874-4438 Fax 970-874-5744

October 21st, 2015

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Delta Pregnancy Resource Center, which is a non-profit organization, is providing education, encouragement and the tools for students to raise the bar of sexual self-control in their lives. The Resource Center is sponsoring a speaker, Ms. Shelly Donahue, to come into our schools and visit with students for about an hour. Shelly Donahue is a co-contributor of the WAIT (Why Am I Tempted?) Training Curriculum. Ms. Donahue has traveled to 48 states and 7 foreign countries giving students and parents the tools to communicate the message of abstinence until marriage. Her message is to guide students toward the purpose for sex in marriage and the benefits of healthy relationship skills for teenagers. Ms. Donahue believes that teens do what they know until they know better. Ms. Donahue wants to help this generation reach their hopes and dreams by honoring themselves and one another.

As a parent, you may opt your student out of the speaker on why teens should wait and have sexual self-control. The goal of this program is to help students learn to make good decisions now and later in life. Ms. Shelly Donahue will be presenting the week of October 26th in your local high school. She will also be offering community and parent meetings at the Delta Center on October 27th and at Hotchkiss High School on October 28th at 6:00 p.m. Please call the school or send the below form signed back to the school if you do not want your student(s) to attend the guest speaker.

Thank you.

My son/daughter at ______school.

(School Name)

______I do NOT want him/her to attend the guest speaker, Ms. Shelly Donahue.


Students Name


Parent Name Date