2018USAU High School State Eligibility Exceptions
The Colorado USAU HS State Championships and Altitude Youth Ultimate follow the eligibility guidelines as outlined by USAU Ultimate. In short, any player competing for a High School team must be a full time student at the school they are representing.
If a player does not meet these criteria, they must seek an Eligibility Exception. Eligibility Exceptions are approved on a case by case basis by ⅔ majority vote through the Championship Committee. The Championship Committee is comprised of the Championship SYC, Girls SYC, District Coordinators (4), and an AYU Board Member.
The Championship Committee follows these basic guidelines when deciding on whether to approve an exception:
** Free Agent means "does not attend school of HS Ultimate team"
●A Free Agent must NOT have the opportunity to play at the school they currently attend (No Ultimate program in place).
●A Free Agent should join the closest school with an Ultimate program near the school that they attend.
●Teams taking on Free Agents should ideally have a need for players (recommended 12 or less players).
●A Free Agent should seek an exception as soon as they decide they would like to join a team and should NOT begin competing with a team until their eligibility is approved.
●A Free Agent should actively take steps to start a program at the school they attend. Free agents must seek approval each season and give updates on efforts to start a program at the school they attend each season.
It should be noted that these guidelines are just that - guidelines. A player or team does not need to meet these guidelines exactly, however it will help if they do. The Championship Committee rules on exceptions under these general principles:
- Providing playing opportunities to the most kids possible
- Maintaining fair play for ALL teams
- Fostering the growth of new programs and the sport in Colorado
To seek an exception, please email Justin Salvia ()
Please include in your email the name(s) of the player(s) seeking an exception and one paragraph explaining their situation. Be sure to highlight anything that meets the guidelines above!
The Deadline to Submit an exception for Spring 2018 is: Monday April 16th
At the discretion of the Competition State Youth Coordinator, roster exceptions can be made to include players from schools that cannot roster a full 10 player team to participate. This is after these players and/or partial teams have demonstrated a full effort to recruit players and form a team from within their own school. This all will occur at the discretion of the Competition State Youth Coordinator each season and previous season decisions will not be considered precedent setting. All roster exceptions will formally be communicated by Competition State Youth Coordinator in advance of the competition.
Girls: Combo teams will be allowed with the approval of the Competition State Youth Coordinator.
1)Players who are
- homeschooled
- using distance learning
- attending an alternative school (vocational, independent, etc)which doesn't offer an Ultimate team
are able to competewith a team in the school district of their current residency
2) Playerswhoresidein a school district a team
- are able to compete on a team in a school districtnearby* to themfor amaximum of 2 years
- must demonstrate effort toward starting a program at their own school
-must alert theMA HS League Directorof their existence and team allegiance
*"Nearby" is defined to be the next two towns/cities in any direction which borders their school district.
Note: Receiving teams have the right of refusal and final say on their roster decisions. An exemption eligibility in no way guaranteesa roster placement.
Disclaimer: exceptions may be granted and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
New Hampshire
At the discretion of the Competition State Youth Coordinator, roster exceptions can be made to allow players from schools that cannot roster a full 10 player team to participate. This all will occur at the discretion of the Competition State Youth Coordinator each season and previous season decisions will not be considered precedent setting. All roster exceptions will formally be communicated by the Competition State Youth Coordinator in advance of the competition.
Students who are not yet in 9th grade can compete with a high school team as long as they are deemed physically capable to compete at that level by their guardians and coaches, and pending approval from the team's school and/or club.
North Carolina
- Any student who does not have a team at the High School where he or she is a regular member or who is homeschooled, may seek permission to play with the nearest school to his or her primary residence that has an Ultimate program and is accepting players. Please email () if you need help finding teams in your area.
- If there is no school based program in an area, a team composed of local high school aged players may be allowed to participate at the discretion of the Tournament Director and State Youth Competition Coordinator.
To be considered, the student(s) must not have graduated from High School or earned a GED and must not have turned age 20 by January 1 of the year of the competition. The student(s) may compete with this team for a maximum of two years. At that point the student(s) must compete with the school he or she attends as a “regular member” or show that they are making a good faith effort to start a team at his or her own school each year.
- Teams comprised solely of Home Schooled players that are not official USA Ultimate home school cooperatives may also be considered for participation at the discretion of the Tournament Director and State Youth Competition Coordinator.
- Middle School students may be considered for eligibility ONLY if they are requesting to participate with the High School team for which they would normally play and that High School teamrequiresadditional players in order to meet tournament roster minimums.
If you are the Team Manager or Coach of a team at a High School, but there are not enough eligible players to meet roster minimums, a “combo” team may be allowed.
Combo Teams- A combo team is defined as any team that does not consist solely of regular members of the same high schoolANDthe combining schools cannot reach tournament roster minimums on their own. Combo teams may be eligible for States with the following stipulations:
- Combo teams must accept all players who wish to play from all of the combining schools
- The combined roster must not exceed 20 players.
- If there is a High School league in the area and the combo team has been approved by the league organizer to participate in the league as a combo team, the 20 player rosterstipulation may be waived and the team will be automatically eligible for States.
- Combo team requests for participationsolelyin the State tournament will be handled on a case by case basis and combos that provide a competitive advantage will not be considered.
Teams that require additional players in order to meet tournament roster minimums and do not qualify for any of the above exceptions may request to pick up individual players who may otherwise ineligible (i.e. they are not the nearest High School). These requests will be handled on a case by case basis by the SYC () and the South Regional Youth Director, and the team must be able to show an effort to meet the tournament roster minimum with players who would be eligible under established USA Ultimate Youth Competition Guidelines or existing North Carolina State Eligibility Exceptions. Player pick-ups of otherwise ineligible players that would provide a competitive advantage will not be considered.
- If your team competed in states last year, you may have up to 5 players from another school, but may not draw players from more than 3 schools.
- If your team did not compete in states last year, you may have a combo team. All players just need to be age eligible and be a full time student.
- If your team did not competed in the state tournament last year, may have up to 5 players from other schools,but may not draw players from more than 3 schools.
- If your team competed in the state tournament last year, all players must be from the same school.
Please reach out to the SYC - Tobey Balzer if you have any eligibility questions.