GladewaterIndependentSchool District
Campus Improvement Plan
School Motto: “Well Done”
Weldon Mission Statement
We care about children with a commitment to the individual success of each student. Team Weldon celebrates our past, embraces our present and we anticipate our future, with a desire to maintain a caring environment.
Belief Statements of WeldonSchool
We believe we care for each child and we are committed to positively affecting their learning and character.
We believe enhanced learning through the celebration of success and tradition promotes a positive, caring environment.
Team Weldon. Committed staff. Continuing the tradition. Celebrating character. Achieving excellence.
We believe that we celebrate our past, embrace our present, and anticipate our future.
District Mission Statement
The administrators, teachers, and staff members of GladewaterIndependentSchool District in partnership with students, parents, and community members, are dedicated to helping each student prepare for life-long learning and effective citizenship.
The District Education Improvement Council collaboratively developed the District Improvement Plan. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 National Performance Goals have been adopted by the district and are reflected in the District Improvement Plan. The following funding sources support the objectives and strategies identified in the District Improvement Plan: Title I, Part A; Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; Special Education; Head Start; Gifted & Talented; SSI; State Compensatory Education; Tobacco Grant; and Local.
This school district and its Career and Technology Education Program does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, age, or national origin in its educational programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504, and Title VI.
Este distrito escolar y su Programma de Educacional de Carrera y Tecnologia no discriminan en base de sexo, disabilidad, raza, color, edad u origin nacional ensus programas educativos, actividades, o empleo como lo require el Titulo IX, Seccion 504 y Titulo VI.
Submitted to Board of Trustees on ______
Campus Education Improvement Council Members
Position / Name / Term ExpirationNon-Teaching Professional / Shirley Rowe * / Open
Non-Teaching Professional / Sha Steward / Open
Non-Teaching Professional / Lynda Meadows / Open
Special Education Representative / Sky Holcomb / September 2013
Regular Program 4th Grade Teacher / Susan Schug / September 2013
Regular Program 4th Grade Teacher / Carolyn Ricks / September 2013
Regular Program 5th Grade Teacher / Carrie Ballard / September 2013
Regular Program 5th Grade Teacher / Jeanne Semar / September 2013
Specials Teacher Representative / A.J. Meals / September 2012
Parent Representative / Valescha Stephens / September 2012
Parent Representative / Matt Byrd / September 2012
Business Representative / Sondra Daniel / September 2012
Community Representative / Cisco Frierson / September 2012
Community Representative / Todd Clifton / September 2012
* Chairperson
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
The following sources provided data for the comprehensive needs assessment. An in-depth review of data led to the development of the goal, objectives, and strategies included in the CampusImprovement Plan.
- Longitudinal AEIS data
- Longitudinal academic performance data for non-AEIS student groups
- Program Evaluations
- Stakeholder Surveys
- Discipline Reports
- Formative Assessment Data / Math and Science Benchmarks
- Staffing Needs
- Professional/Paraprofessional Training Needs
- Norm-referenced Tests
- Promotion/Retention Rates
- Informal Evaluations
- Focused Data Analysis
- Weldon Intermediate School missed AYP Reading (Performance) None.
Components of a Campus-wide Program
1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment
2. Reform Strategies
3. Highly Qualified Teachers
4. Professional Development
5. Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers
6. Parental Involvement
7. Teachers Involved in Assessment Decisions
8. Timely Assistance for Students
9. Coordination of Programs
Academic Performance Chart
2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013Reading ELA / Reading ELA / Reading ELA / Reading
ELA / Target / Math / Math / Math / Math / Target
All / 95% / 88% / 92% / 85% / 90% / 94% / 87% / 88% / 87% / 90%
African American / 84% / 90% / 90% / 81% / 90% / 80% / 90% / 84% / 79% / 90%
Hispanic / 85% / 84% / 91% / 82% / 90% / 85% / 84% / 97% / 85% / 90%
White / 86% / 92% / 93% / 87% / 90% / 84% / 91% / 88% / 89% / 90%
Special Education / 71% / N/A / 82% / 76% / 90% / 57% / N/A / 82% / 84% / 90%
Eco. Disadvantaged / 81% / 89% / 89% / 83% / 90% / 80% / 87% / 83% / 86% / 90%
LEP / N/A / N/A / 95% / 86% / 90% / N/A / N/A / 95% / 86% / 90%
Accountability / 2009 State / 2009 Federal / 2010 State / 2010 Federal / 2012 State / 2012 Federal / 2012 State / 2012
Weldon IntermediateSchool / Recognized / Meets AYP / Recognized / Meets AYP / Recognized / Meets AYP / Pending / Did Not
Meet AYP
2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012
Writing / Writing / Writing / Writing / Science / Science / Science / Science
All / 95% / 90% / 82% / 91% / 83% / 84%
African American / 93% / 83% / 89% / 71% / 89% / 82%
Hispanic / 99% / 83% / 99% / 78% / 85% / 86%
White / 85% / 87% / 78% / 91% / 89% / 83%
Special Education / 57% / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
Eco. Disadvantaged / 87% / 84% / 80% / 81% / 85% / 79%
LEP / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A / N/A
Goal 1: Weldon Intermediate School will provide opportunities to promote a lifestyle of wellness including fitness, safety, and well-being.
Objective 1: Weldon students will be evaluated and demonstrate improvement in physical fitness activities.
Supports District Goal(s): 1.1, 5.1, 5.2
/Formative Assessment
Students will be challenged and enriched through outdoor activities at CampTyler.
/ 5th grade teachers,Principal /
Activity Funds
/ Spring Semester /Students, parents, teacher feedback
Least Restrictive Environment: Provide opportunities for accommodating students with disabilities for participation in non-curricular and extracurricular activities / Special Education and Regular Education Teachers, Principal /Classrooms, lunch room, assemblies, extracurr. activities
/ Daily Classroom Opportunities /Observation of inclusion students
Continue to provide opportunities for parents to be partners in education. / PrincipalsCounselors
Parent Involvement
Teachers / Weekly /
100% of parents will have opportunity to participate.
Evaluation of fitness and participation / Physical education teacher / Every six weeks /Data from evaluation.
Fitnessgram / PE teacher /Classtime
/ Annually: Spring semester /Once a year
Jump Rope 4 Heart / PE teacher /Classtime
/ Annually: Spring semester /Once a year
Healthy Heart / PE teacher /Classtime
/ Annually: Fall semester /Once a year
Field Day / PE teacher /Classtime
/ Annually: Spring semester /Once a year
/2 days:
one for field
one for trackGoal 1: Weldon Intermediate School will provide opportunities to promote a lifestyle of wellness including fitness, safety, and well-being.
Objective 2: Weldon staff and students will be provided information and training regarding safety inside and outside the school environment.
Supports District Goal(s): 1.4, 3.2
/Formative Assessment
Ensure each campus has trained Crisis Prevention Intervention team for the Texas Behavior Support Initiative. / Principal / One training annually /100% of campuses will have trained team.
Utilize random searches with drug dogs for illegal substances / Principal / One a semester /50% reduction in incidents of found contraband.
/Red Ribbon Week and TX Public Schools Week
Continue to implement the Raptor System with v-soft technology to scan all visitors entering every campus. / PrincipalSecretaries / School year /
100% of visitors will be screened before entering GISD buildings.
Students will participate in Fire Prevention Week by observing fire trucks and fire safety tips provided by Gladewater Fire Department. / Principal w/Fire Chief / Gladewater Fire Department / Once a year /All Fourth and Fifth Grade Students will participate
/Create a class rotation schedule
Students will participate in fire drills / Principal, teachers, students / Conjunction w/Gladewater Fire Department / Once a month, one obstructed per semester /Drill documentation and forms
/Schedule at different times throughout the day
Students will learn more about weather and weather related safety. / Principal w/coordination National Weather Service out of Shreveport, Louisiana / National Weather Service out of Shreveport, Louisiana / Once a year per grade level /All students will participate in assembly.
/4th: Spring semester
5th: Fall semesterStudents will participate in severe weather drills / Principal, teachers, students / Weather radio and alerts / Once a semester /
Drill documentation and forms
/Schedule at different times throughout the day
Students will learn more about electricity and related safety. / Principal w/SWEPCO / Louie the Lightning Bug sponsors / One a year /Booklets provided by company
/All campus assembly
Goal 1: WeldonIntermediateSchool will provide opportunities to promote a lifestyle of wellness including fitness, safety, and well-being.
Objective 2: Weldon students will be provided information and training regarding safety inside and outside the school environment.
Supports District Goal(s): 1.4, 3.2
/Formative Assessment
Students will participate in lock down drills. / Principal, teachers, students / Conjunction w/Gladewater Fire Department /Once a semester
/ Drill documentation and forms /Schedule at different times throughout the day
Students will participate in Shelter in place drills. / Principal, teachers, students / Conjunction w/highway or railway as needed/ hazmat coordinator /Once a year
/ Drill documentation and forms /Coordinate with other drills
Students will participate in reverse evacuation drills. / Principal, teachers, students / Opposite of fire drill /Officially, once a semester
/ Drill documentation and forms /Schedule at different times throughout the day
Students will participate in training related to bullying and cyber-bullying / Principal, teachers, students, Counselor, Upshur Co. Sheriff’s Dept. / Counselor provided materials, discipline procedures /Continuous
/ Referrals and student incident reportGoal 1: WeldonIntermediateSchool will provide opportunities to promote a lifestyle of wellness including fitness, safety, and well-being..
Objective 3: Weldon staff and students will be provided opportunities to develop physically, socially, and emotionally.
Supports District Goal(s): 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 5.1, 5.2
/Formative Assessment
Continue to provide activities enabling students to smoothly transition from the home to school, from campus to campus, and from school to work.
/ PrincipalCounselor
Parent Involvement
Liaison / Daily Planners, mentoring program, parent forums, open house /
SpringSummer /
Minimum of twice a semester,
3rd Grade orientation,Cub Camp,
Middle School orientation for 5th grade,
Career Day for 4th and 5th grades
Effective teaching of Bienestar program
/ Counselor, Coach/PE teacher /Bienestar materials provided
/Once a six weeks
/Discussions during gym class
Students create and maintain a wellness journal
/ PE teacher /Journal
/Once a six weeks
/Class discussions during PE
Attendance policy will be observed:
Notice of attendance policy in student handbook.
Attendance clerk keeps a log of calls and documentation of absencesAttendance laws observed through school office
Prevention Counseling / Teachers, Secretary, Principal
Counselor /
Staff Time
/August – June
/Attendance/absence documentation
Continue to address the following as needed in staff professional development.§ Discipline Management to Include Physical and Verbal Aggression, Sexual Harassment, and Bullying
§ Classroom Management Ethics
§ Conflict Resolution
§ Student Code of Conduct
§ Suicide Prevention
§ Bloodborne Pathogens / Principal / Aug 11
Jan 12 / 100% of teachers will participate
Goal 1: WeldonIntermediateSchool will provide opportunities to promote a lifestyle of wellness including fitness, safety, and well-being.
Objective 3: Weldon staff and students will be provided opportunities to develop physically, socially, and emotionally.
Supports District Goal(s): 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 5.1, 5.2
/Formative Assessment
Provide each teacher in Grade K through 8 Bullying flipchart and Discipline Management flipchart.
/ Principal /School Year
/100% of teacher will receive materials.
Provide selected students the opportunity to participate in a mentor program – Wellness Point and Partners in Prevention / Principal, Counselor,Health Corp /
Classtime, Lunchtime
/As available
Students will view a video on “Changes”, about puberty / Principal, Nurse, Counselor, 5th grade students, Coach, Music Teacher / During PE class time / Once a year / Video and discussion with nurse, counselor, and male school employee / After Spine screeningsProvide students the opportunity to discuss hygiene / Coach / During
PE / As needed / In-class discussion
Recess / Teachers, students / Playground / Daily
Diabetic Specialist / Principal, diabetic team, district nurse, PE teacher / Local training
First Response Team / Principal, Cafeteria Manager, PE teacher / Local training / quarterly
Low Incident Disability (LID) training / TWSCenter, LID teacher, nurse, principal / TWSCenter, Spec Ed Dept. / Annually
Contact parents regarding student absences and file truancy complaints with the Justice of the Peace / Principal
Police Officer / Each Six Weeks / 95% attendance rate or higher each six weeks
Goal 2: WeldonIntermediateSchool will provide opportunities for academic growth through intrinsic and extrinsic motivators.
Objective 1: Weldon students will be provided individualized instruction to maximize academic achievement.
Supports District Goal(s): 1.1,1.2,1.5,2.1,2.2,2.3,4.2,5.1,5.2
/Formative Assessment
Continue enrichment opportunities for GT students
/ PrincipalGT teacher
Teachers / Distance Learning field trips, Destination Imagination, Kalidescope GIS day / School Year / 100% of GT students participating
Minimum of once a semester
Effective writing instruction for all students. Teachers will adjust instructional strategies based on benchmark results
/ 4th grade Language Arts teachers /Purchase of writing resources, local funds,
Consultant /2-4 week unit – one each six weeks as indicated in lesson plans
/Teachers will review and score at least one student produced effective writing sample within a two-four week period. Target - 4
Accelerated learning opportunities will be held within the school day for students who: failed TAKS the previous school year or indicate a need based on results of the benchmarks given each six weeks.
/ 4th and 5th grade teachers, Tier teacher, math teachers /SRA, Rewards, Saxon Math, Accelerated Math, Tier process
/Benchmark results, weekly classroom assessments
SSI funds will be utilized for after-school program for students at-risk of failing STARR and the school year. / Principal, Director of Instruction, teachers /SSI funds
/Spring Semester, After School Program
/Student attendance sheets, report cards, TAKS results
Utilize the Student Assistance Team for Tier III Intervention. / Principal, Counselor, grade level team members / Staff time, SAT files / Each Six Weeks / Minutes of meetings, records of interventionsSSI funds will be utilized for students at-risk of failing for school year. / Principal, teachers / SSI Funds / Extended Year Program 2012 / Student Sign-in/Attendance sheets, lesson plans, report cards
Goal 2: WeldonIntermediateSchool will provide opportunities for academic growth through intrinsic and extrinsic motivators.
Objective 1: Weldon students will be provided individualized instruction to maximize academic achievement.
Supports District Goal(s): 1.1,1.2,1.5,2.1,2.2,2.3,4.2,5.1,5.2
/Formative Assessment
Utilize state assessment software and local information to disaggregate data from assessments to set goals and target students not reaching expectations.
/ Director of InstructionTeachers
Principal / DMAC Solutions, AEIS reports, benchmark tests, report cards, 3rd grade data, released TAKS tests, progress monitors / Each six weeks / 5% score increase in targeted students.
Provide additional support for at-risk students not reaching expectations.
- Tutorials
- After School
- Summer School
- Parent contact
- Parent Involvement Liaison
Teachers /
Each Six weeks
/5% score increase in targeted students.
Continue enrichment opportunities for GT students through a Pull-Out program.
/ PrincipalCounselor
Teachers /
Distance Learning field trips, Destination Imagination, Kalidescope, GIS Day
/Increase Number of Commended Performances on STAARTest.
Participate in Title III SSA with Region VII ESC for services to ensure high academic standards for LEP students. / PrincipalTeachers /
Each Six weeks
/100% of teachers participating.
Goal 2: WeldonIntermediateSchool will provide opportunities for academic growth through intrinsic and extrinsic motivators.
Objective 1: Weldon students will be provided individualized instruction to maximize academic achievement.
Supports District Goal(s): 1.1,1.2,1.5,2.1,2.2,2.3,4.2,5.1,5.2
/Formative Assessment
Provide staff with training on identifying, supporting, and monitoring student groups.- Dyslexia and Related Disorders
- Limited English Proficient
- Special Education
Gifted and Talented - At-Risk
- Homeless
May-13 / 100% of teachers will participate.
100% of eligible students will be identified and have opportunity to participate.
ARD, 504, LPAC, and grade-level team meetings will serve to keep all parties (Parents, teachers, administrator, counselor) informed and will include all parties in the decision making process for the students.
/ Principal. Counselor, Teachers, Parents / Staff Time / Bi-Monthly and Annually / Minutes of meetingsAdminister released 4th and 5th grade STAAR and analyze student performance.
/ 4th and 5th grade teachers /Released TAKS tests
Local Funds /Once in the Spring semester
/Benchmark results charted
Conduct individual parent meeting with every 5th grade parent whose child did not meet the state standard on STAAR, Grade Placement Committee.
/ Director of InstructionPrincipal
Teachers /
After admin. of STAAR
/100% of parents will be contacted.
Distribute School Report Card and publish Campus Improvement Plan on website. / Principal. SBDM members /Staff, Parents, school website
/Spring (TexasPublic School Week)
/Documentation of School Report Card distribution
Utilize parent volunteers in the classrooms and areas of need on campus. / Principal / School District volunteer program / Weekly / Teacher and parent feedbackGoal 2: WeldonIntermediateSchool will provide opportunities for academic growth through intrinsic and extrinsic motivators.
Objective 2: Weldon students will be provided the opportunity to engage in activities that motivate them to succeed..
Supports District Goal(s): 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.4, 2.1,2.2,2.3,24.2,5.1,5.2
/Formative Assessment
Continue research-based instructional intervention programs.
/ PrincipalTeachers / Compass Learning, SRA, Rewards, A.R., A.M., Fast Math, Education City / Each Six Weeks / 75% or greater of each student group passing assessments.
Utilize SCE funds at campuses to support Title I Schoolwide Programs.
/ Principal / SCE & FTEs /Each Six Weeks
/75% or greater of each student group passing assessments.
Create an environment of increased accountability for all staff.