Church Happenings September 14 - 21
Today / 9:00 am / Children’s SS
Meet & Greet / Hall
9:15 am / Sunday School
10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
11 am –
2 pm / Community Brunch Buffet / Hall
6:00 pm / Youth Group / Hall
Mon. / Office Closed
Hall Shampooed
6:30 pm / Choir Practice / Sanctuary
7:00 pm / Lions Club / Adult Lounge
Tues. / 7:00 pm / Tai Chi / Nursery
Thurs. / 6:00 pm / Senior High Youth Group / Mabel Cole Hall
7:00 pm / Deacons / Adult Lounge
7:00 pm / Trustees / Conference Room
Fri. / 10:00 am / Food Truck
1:30 pm / Neuro-Restorative / Hall
Sat. / Shower Set-Up / Hall
10:00 am / Tai Chi / Nursery
Sun. / Hoss’s Fundraiser Day
9:15 am / Sunday School
10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
4:00 pm / Bogdan Wedding Shower / Hall
6:00 pm / Youth Group / Mabel Cole Hall
AA Meetings – Mabel Cole Hall
Monday – Saturday / AA / 12 pm
Monday / AA / 6:30 pm
Monday / NA / 8 pm
Wednesday / AA / 8 pm
Friday / AA / 8 pm
Saturday / AA / 9 am
Saturday / AA / 8 pm

Greeting Cards

There are year-round and Christmas greeting cards on a table in the Lobby. Packs are $5. Money raised from selling these will go towards the needs of our church.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

“Love Grows Here”

Fairview Presbyterian Church

4264 Avonia Road P.O. Box 340

Fairview, PA 16415


September 14, 2014







LEADER: Come to me

PEOPLE: Says Jesus

LEADER: Come, all you who are weary and worn out

PEOPLE: That would be us

LEADER: Come, and I will give you rest

PEOPLE: We need rest.

LEADER: I will give you the kind of rest that renews your


PEOPLE: Lord we have come.

LEADER: So, let us learn to live simply and freely

PEOPLE: And discover the renewal of our souls

OPENING HYMN #498“Peace Like a River”


LEADER: All the time I am disturbed in my spirit

PEOPLE: Anxious about…

LEADER: School,


LEADER: Relationships,

PEOPLE: My weight and health,

LEADER: Money,

PEOPLE: The future,

LEADER: What people think of me,

PEOPLE: The kids…

LEADER: And yet…

PEOPLE: And yet…

LEADER: Never has there been a day

PEOPLE: A moment

LEADER: When Your good gifts have not surrounded me.

PEOPLE: Never have I been unloved by you,

LEADER: Never has your spirit been withheld from me,

PEOPLE: And when I count the blessings I have received

LEADER: They are legion.

PEOPLE: So why

LEADER: Yeah … Why do we fret?

PEOPLE: Why not be at peace

LEADER: For we are fearfully and wonderfully made

PEOPLE: By the God who is always present with us.


RESPONSE HYMN #493“It Is Well with My Soul”

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well with my soul, It is well, it is well with my soul.

But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy presence we wait
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul!

CHILDREN’S TIME “Rejoice in the Lord – Always”





CHORAL ANTHEM“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”

SCRIPTURE LESSON Matthew 6:25-34

SERMON “Hoarders”

CLOSING HYMN #493“It Is Well with My Soul”Vs’ 2-4


Thank You to Our Volunteers

Greeters –Paul & Wendy Case

Coffee Cart – Edie Leuschen

Sound System – Eric Scandale & Rick Bryant

Nursery –Jill Iszkula & Jim Getz

Community Brunch Buffet



11 am – 2 pm

Fellowship Hall

Catered by Twin’s Restaurant

Egg Strata

Baked Ham, Bacon, Sausage

Pancakes, Coffee Cake



Members will NOT be charged for this first event, however, we do ask for donations to help cover the food costs. Baskets will be on the tables. Just bring your Sunday bulletin and show it to Amy who will be collecting the money. We hope this will become a successful fundraising event!!!

Hoss’s Fundraiser Day

We will once again have a Fundraiser Day at Hoss’s on Sunday, September 21. You can go there for lunch, or dinner! We will earn 20% of everything above $300 in total pre-tax food and beverage sales. There is a sign-up sheet on the information table in the Lobby, along with Hoss cards. Please take one and show it to the cashier when you get there. Not only can we help raise money for our many needs, but enjoy good food and fellowship as well!

Paws in the Park Butterfly Release

September 20, 2014

Frontier Park 10 am – 4 pm

Please join Carol Redlawsk for Paws in the Park. She is sponsoring a butterfly release for Therapy Dogs United. You can purchase a butterfly for $7 and set it free in honor or memory of a loved one. They will be released at 2 in the afternoon of this fun doggy event! Make checks payable to Therapy Dogs United. For more information, please call Carol at 572-1041 or email her at .

The Daniel Plan

Penny Qualls will once again be offering “The Daniel Plan,” beginning Wednesday,September 24, at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The first meal will be provided. This class will run through November. There is a sign-up sheet on the information table in the Lobby. If anyone has any questions, feel free to call Penny at 450-6649 or email her at .

Jim Rimmer

Many of you know Jim Rimmer, who is Pastor of both Bethel Presbyterian Church in Cranesville, and Lake City Presbyterian Church. He is also very involved with Koininia. He is retiring, and his churches are having an Open House Retirement Party in honor of him here in our Fellowship Hall on Sunday, September 28, from 3-6 pm. If any members of our church would like to come, please call Amy and let her knowby Monday. They need to know how much food to provide!


The 2014 CROP Walk is Sunday, September 28 at 1:30 pm at Presque Isle, Beach One. If we participate, our church will receive a portion of the proceeds for our Food Pantry, which is about $500. We encourage you to take part, and help raise money for the hungry. Money is raised by sponsorship. If you don’t wish to walk, please make a donation. There is a sign-up sheet on the information table in the Lobby, along with donation envelopes. Start getting sponsors TODAY!