Minutes of a Meeting of the Resources Committee held at 6.30pm on Thursday, 19 February 2009 in the Town Hall, Banbury.
Present: Councillor Mallon (Chairman)
Councillors: Clarke, Colegrave, Ilott and Morris
Officers: Anne Greenway (Deputy Town Clerk)
Mark Hassall (Accountant and RFO)
Ian Brearley (Recreation & Amenities Manager)
R.56/08 Apologies for absence
Councillors: Bonner, Donaldson, Strangwood and Turner; and Mark Recchia (Town Clerk)
R.57/08 Declarations of Interest
The Accountant and RFO declared a personal interest in Agenda item 12 Spital Farm Allotments (Minutes R.67/08) as a plot holder and left the meeting prior to discussion on this item.
R.58/08 Minutes of the last Meeting
IT WAS RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 January 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Councillor Morris arrived.
R.59/08 Income & Expenditure Report
Members considered the report of the Accountant & RFO which covered the period up to 10 February 2009. Overall the Committees were within forecast. Remaining funds to be spent of £681k across all services were made up of General Services £352k, Planning £7k and Resources £322k.
Present underspends were timing related, particularly in relation to capital expenditure which would be transferred into earmarked reserves at the year end and utilised as these projects progressed. It was anticipated that spending across all Committees would be broadly in line with the Projected Annual Budget for 2008/09 previously approved by the Council.
IT WAS RESOLVED to receive and note the Income and Expenditure report.
R.60/08 Grants & Budget Sub-Committee
The Minutes of a meeting of the Grants & Budget Sub-Committee held on 28 January 2009 had been circulated to all Members. The Meeting had given careful consideration to the applications for Annual Grant Aid against the Council’s current policy, guidelines and budget provision of £37,000.
IT WAS RESOLVED to endorse the recommendations of the Grants & Budget Sub-Committee meeting held on 28 January 2009.
IT WAS RECOMMENDED that the Council confirm the Annual Grants and the provision for Small Grants for 2009/10 as outlined in Appendix 1, pending the financial vetting, as necessary, by the Accountant & RFO.
R.61/08 Local Authority (Members Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (As Amended) – Parish Allowances Schemes
The Committee considered a report of the Deputy Town Clerk, following the annual consideration given to the level of Members Allowances by the Parish Remuneration Panel appointed by the District Council.
The Committee had previously resolved that the Town Council should not adopt a Members Allowance Scheme under the Local Authorities (Members Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003 (Minute R.7/03 refers) but it had accepted the travelling and subsistence allowances as set out in the Parish Remuneration Panels reports should be paid for approved duties outside the town of Banbury (Minute R.53/03).
Members were reminded that travel and subsistence allowances were not permitted for any meetings held within the parish of Banbury. “Approved Duties” included Members attending training events or attending meetings as a representative of the Town Council and needed to be specifically approved by the appropriate Committee in advance.
1 the travelling and subsistence allowances recommended by the Parish Remuneration Panel report, as set out at Appendix 2, be adopted and included in the Members Allowances Scheme from 1 April 2009; and
2 the scheme currently in force in respect of the payment of travelling and subsistence allowances be rescinded with effect from 31 March 2009.
R.62/08 Strategic Objectives
The Chairman noted that the Auditors had highlighted the lack of strategic objectives in their report on the 2007/08 Accounts. The Policy Group had worked with Officers over the past four months and had settled upon the following:
Mission Statement
The Council will strive to improve the quality of life for people living in Banbury and enhance the attractiveness of the town as a place to live, work, visit and invest.
Corporate Objectives
· To provide a strong voice for Banbury
· To preserve the traditions, character and identity of the town.
· To promote Banbury as a clean, safe and prosperous town.
· To provide high standard and cost effective services.
· To work in partnership with others to achieve more for Banbury.
Once adopted, it was intended to draft individual Service Objectives, which would then lead to the creation of Measurable Performance Targets.
IT WAS RECOMMENDED to Council that the Mission Statement and Corporate Objectives as set out above be adopted.
R.63/08 People’s Park Activities
Members considered the report of the Events and Projects Officer, which proposed the re-introduction of Sunday afternoon activities in People’s Park. The majority of the proposed activities would be undertaken either by volunteers or the Park Ranger Service and would not incur additional costs. Radio Horton had already agreed to do three Roadshows and it was hoped to involve the District Council’s Play Rangers. Activities such as a Brass Band concert would not go ahead without sponsorship.
IT WAS RESOLVED to endorse the re-introduction of “Sunday in the Park” events.
R.64/08 Renaming of the Minstrels Gallery
The Chairman noted that the Council had referred a suggestion from Councillor Turner, to re name the Minstrel’s Gallery “The Queen’s Gallery” in commemoration of the visit by Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, to the Committee for consideration (Minute C.57/08 refers). The Town Mayor hoped that this renaming could take place during her Civic Dinner on 27 March. Following the request, and in view of the short time scale, the Town Clerk had commenced formal procedures to gain permission to do this, through the Palace and Ministry of Justice. The Lord Lieutenant had been supportive, but it was not known when a decision would be made.
Members were supportive of the suggestion providing it involved no further additional expenditure.
IT WAS RECOMMENDED to Council that the Minstrel’s Gallery be renamed “The Queen’s Gallery”.
R.65/08 Confidential Business Exclusion
It was proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Councillor Colegrave, and WAS RESOLVED that, in accordance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the items set out below on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the general interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
SUMMARY of items discussed during confidential session
R.66/08 Option Negotiations - Orchard Fields: Update
Members considered an update regarding the Option Negotiations with Oxfordshire County Council.
IT WAS RESOLVED that the Town Clerk undertake the actions detailed in the Confidential Appendix.
The Accountant and RFO left the meeting.
R.67/08 Spital Farm Allotment Association Lease
The Committee considered an update on negotiations regarding the lease with Spital Farm Allotment Association.
IT WAS RESOLVED that the report be noted.
The meeting ended at 7.25pm.
Organisation / Ref / 08/09 Grant / 09/10 Request / 09/10 Grant / LGA REF*Banbury Citizens Advice Bureau / 1 / 6,156 / 12,000 / 10,000 / 142(2A)
Banbury & District Samaritans / 2 / 1,856 / 1,800 / 1,800 / 137
Cherwell Community & Voluntary Service / 3 / 598 / 0 / 0 / 137
Banbury & District Twinning Assoc / 4 / 1,232 / 1,250 / 1,000 / 144 (2)
Willy Freund Centre / 5 / 2,324 / 2,500 / 2,500 / 137
Age Concern (Banbury) / 500 / 0 / 0
WRVS Cornhill Centre / 500 / 0 / 0
Britannia Road Family Centre / 6 / 1,500 / 4,000 / 1,000 / 137
Ryder-Cheshire Volunteers / 11 / 0 / 500 / 0
Banbury Fire Cadets / 500 / 0 / 0
Banbury Folk Association / 7 / 500 / 500 / 500 / 145
Carers Centre (N & W Oxon) / 8 / 650 / 1,210 / 0
BYHP / 2,500 / 0 / 0
Banbury & District Community Bus Project / 14 / 0 / 500 / 500 / 137
VITALISE / 9 / 400 / 460 / 400 / 137
Oxfordshire Carers Forum / 13 / 0 / 510 / 0
Banbury Bulldogs Skater Hockey / 365 / 0 / 0
The Mill Community Education & Arts Centre / 400 / 0 / 0
Let’s Play Project / 17 / 0 / 3,634 / 1,380 / 137
ORNHS Trust (Horton Hospital – Brodey) / 10 / 0 / 15,000 / 12,000 / 137
Life Education Centres Thames Valley / 12 / 0 / 2,146 / 0
Banbury Lawn Tennis Association / 15 / 0 / 33,406 / 0
1460 Banbury Squadron ATC / 16 / 0 / 3,000 / 3,000 / 145
ARCh (Assisted Reading for Children) Ox / 18 / 0 / 5,000 / 0
Total / 19,981 / 87,416 / 34,080
Total for Small Grants / 1,019 / 2,000 / 2,920 / 137
Total Grants Budget / £21,000 / £89,416 / £37,000
* All references relate to the Local Government Act 1972
Appendix 2
Members Allowances as recommended by the Parish Remuneration Panel appointed by the District Council
The Remuneration Panel recommended that for 2009/10 Parishes gave consideration to levels of allowance as follows:
(a) that the Inland Revenue specified mileage rates of 24p per mile for motorcycles regardless of the cc and 40p per mile regardless of the cc of motor vehicles (with no tax implications) be paid;
(b) that passenger supplements be not paid;
(c) that the supplements relating to the payment of tolls and other parking charges be adopted and included in parish allowances schemes;
(d) that the specified occasions when parish members travel other than by their own vehicle be included in parish allowances schemes:
o Travel by public transport (the rate not to exceed the amount of any ordinary or other cheap fare (if available) and where there is more than one class of far travel should be by second class fare until t is decided that first class fare should be substituted)
o Supplementary allowances (the rates/fares referred to above to be increased by any supplementary allowances but not exceeding the expenditure incurred)
o Travel by taxi (and public transport) (in cases of urgency, and where no other public transport is available, the reimbursement of the actual taxi fare and , in any other case, where travel is by public transport, the payment not to exceed the amount of the fare)
o Travel by hired vehicle (the usual allowance rates applicable to the cc of the hired vehicle in accordance with the allowance rates specified by the relevant council excluding the hire costs)
(e) that the Inland Revenue specified rate of 20p per mile be paid for travel by bicycles and other “non motorised” forms of transport;
(f) that a travelling allowance be paid for electric or similar specialised vehicles at a rate of £1.10 per journey regardless of the distance for which a tax dispensation would need to be sought from the Inland Revenue;
(g) that each individual parish council determine the “approved duties” to be eligible for the payment of a travelling and subsistence allowance within the five categories set out in the Regulations;
(h) that the subsistence allowances be paid up to the maximum rates as previously notified by the NJC index linked to the RPI (excluding mortgages) as set out below:
· breakfast allowance / More than 4 hours away from the normal place of residence before 11.00am / £6.02
· lunch allowance / More than 4 hours away from the normal place of residence including the lunch time period between 12 noon and 2.00pm / 8.32
· tea allowance / More than 4 hours away from the normal place of residence including the period 3.00pm to 6.00pm / 3.24
· evening meal allowance / More than 4 hours away from the normal place of residence ending after 7.00pm / 10.29
· overnight subsistence
(i) absence overnight
(ii) absence overnight in London or at the National Association of Local Councils National Conference / 91.14