Vestry Minutes

June 21, 2016

Trinity Episcopal Church

Hattiesburg, Mississippi


Clark Callahan, Junior Warden

Michael Watkins, Treasurer

Jan Moore, Bookkeeper

Barbara Carter

Toni Bailey

Tom Hardy

Chuck Tardy

Elizabeth Lentz-Hill

Ward Conville

Ellen McKenzie

Bob Brahan

Max Grivno, Clerk


Marian Fortner, Rector+

Meg Paul, Senior Warden

Gretchen Grimsley

CALL TO ORDER: Callahan called the meeting to order at 5:15pm.

OPENING PRAYER: Moore led the Vestry in a prayer.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Conville moved to approve the agenda. Carter seconded. Approved by unanimous assent.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETING: Hardy moved to approve the minutes of the prior meeting without revision. Lentz-Hill seconded. Approved by unanimous assent.



Senior Warden (Paul): None.

Junior Warden (Callahan): The awnings have been re-installed. Callahan has not had the opportunity to gather information on architects for the Parish Hall remodeling. He also performed minor repairs on the bell tower.


Communications—Toni Bailey—No report.

Christian Formation—Elizabeth Lentz-Hill—Trinity hosted the Outward and

Visible Signs event as part of Festival South. The event was well-received.

Master Plans for Grounds—Clark Callahan—No report.

Fellowship—Chuck Tardy—No report.

Liturgy—Ellen McKenzie—No report.

Newcomers—Tom Hardy—Jan Moore reported that the Newcomer Ministry team will meet in July to prepare for the Ministry Market and the beginning of the school year. We are working on the directory and will be having a meeting to improve signage. We will be having Christmas in July to support local homeless shelters.

Outreach—Bob Brahan—The Scout troop had its summer day-camp and will be on a camping trip later this month. Our Eagle Scout will be receiving his badge later in the summer. Grivno had no report.

Pastoral Care—Gretchen Grimsley—No report.

Stewardship—Barbara Carter, Ward Conville—No report.


The Parish is good financial health. We have $97,000 cash-in-hand and both the restricted and unrestricted accounts are sound. Moreover, Trinity is $25,000 ahead in its pledges, and are $40,000 above the amount budgeted—both figures are well ahead of last year. In the past month, for example, our unpledged contributions were at $4,000, while we had budgeted $2,000. The supply priest budget ran over for the past month, but our annual budget for this item is still ahead of budget. Conville moved to approve the report. Bailey seconded. Approved by unanimous assent.


Consideration of what to do with church van: Recently, when the Scouts wanted to use the van, they discovered that the engine would not start. Conville inspected the vehicle and purchased a new battery, which did not resolve the problem. Put simply, the van is in an advanced state of disrepair. It is rusting, a missing arm for the chair, and a wasp nest in the engine compartment. Callahan believes it would cost a few thousand dollars to overhaul the van, and questioned whether the Parish uses it enough to justify the repairs or, more broadly, keeping any vehicle. There was some discussion of whether it would be cheaper to simply rent a van a few times a year as needed. Brahan moved to give Moore permission to check on how the Parish can sell a donated vehicle. Conville seconded. Unanimous assent.

OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.

CLOSING PRAYER: There being no additional business to discuss, Brahan moved to adjourn. Bailey seconded. The meeting adjourned at 5:40.