Global Learning Programme Transition Project KS2 - 3


EVALUATION FORM: Please complete and return. Refer to the Guidance Notes. Evidence can be sent as separate files as jpegs / powerpoint slides / word docs. Please keep the form just for text.

Please DO NOT send as a PDF as we may need to edit it for the web site if used to exemplify good practice and working with Word or Pages is much easier.

Lead person name and contact details
Name of your school and contact details
Name of your Transition project
What schools did you work with?
How many teachers and pupils have you engaged with? (This will help us have an idea of the reach of the project) / Teachers involved at your school =
Pupils / Students involved at your school =
1. Please briefly tell us what you did and how thiswas planned to develop pupils'/ students' knowledge and understanding ofone or more of the key GLP Themes.
  • Knowledgeof developing countries;
  • Knowledge about globalisation;
  • Knowledge of different ways to achieve global poverty reduction and development, and the arguments around the merits of different approaches,
  • Knowledge and understanding of the concepts of interdependence and sustainability.
Please supply at least one piece of supporting evidence, this might be e.g. a planning overview, lesson or Medium Term plan.
See Guidance Point 1
2. Please tell us what you did and how this supported:
  • Enquiry and critical thinking about development and development issues.
See Guidance Point 2
3. How did this project specifically develop subject knowledge and thinking in Geography?
Please supply at least one piece of supporting evidence; this might be e.g. some planning, an image of pupil / student work, an electronic link to a Blog or website.
See Guidance Point 3
4. What other subjects contributed and how?
See Guidance Point 4
5. What was the impact? How do you know?
Please supply at least one piece of evidence for this e.g. comments and feedback from students, teachers, other stakeholders, quality of work produced, assessment showing progress between start and end of project.
See Guidance Point 5
6. Do you have any useful resources to share? E.g. books / websites / packs etc
7. Will you be repeating this and why / why not?
8. Do you give permission for evidence of engagement and photographs to be shared with DfID, websites and journals?
9. Head teacher signature


I have completed the form.
I have provided at least three pieces of supporting evidence
I have completed an invoice for the full amount of £500 (including any VAT) and provided the payment details for the school)
We have agreed that our materials can be used more widely to publicise work done on global learning.
We have permission to share any images that we have used which show pupils/ students faces.

Thank you so much for being a part of this project.

Contact details Julie

The Geographical Association

160 Solly Street, Sheffield S1 4BFTel: 0114 2960088 Fax: 0114 2967176Mob 078407028


Geographical Association