Myland Community Council

Planning & Development Policy Committee

Minutes of the Myland Community Council Planning & Development Policy Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 5th April 2017, 7.15 pm @ 101 Nayland Road, Mile End Road, Colchester, CO4 5EN

Present: Cllr John Stewart (Chair)

Cllr Jean Dickinson

Cllr John Dickson

Cllr Liz Gray

Cllr Pete Hewitt

Cllr Alison Jay

The Assistant Clerk

There were no members of the public present.

001-17/18 Apologies – to receive and accept

There were no apologies to receive.

002-17/18 Declarations of Interest - Councillors to declare individually any interests they may have in the items on the agenda.If a Councillor has a disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at a meeting, he/she must not participate in any discussion or vote on the matter at the meeting. The Councillor must withdraw from the room where the meeting is being held unless he/she has received a dispensation from the Clerk.

There were no declarations made.

003-17/18 Have Your Say – Members of the public can comment on any item on the agenda

There were no comments.

004-17/18 Chairman’s Announcements and Correspondence

There were no announcements or correspondence.

005-17/18 Minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2017 to be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st March 2017 were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Gray (Unanimous)

006-17/18 Update of progress of resolutions made at the last meeting

There were no updates.

007-17/18 Monitoring

Cllr Hewitt referred to the ongoing issue of flooding in Golden Dawn Way. He said he and Cllr Johnstone had walked the watercourses with representatives from Mersea Homes. He said there were no detailed surface water plans available at the moment. He said he had written to ECC, Anglian Water and the developers, and that the residents had been alerted to the fact that there were grants available for flood protection. He said he had asked Anglian Water to do a final sweep through the culvert.

He said he was still waiting for a reply from the Golf Club regarding the reservoir.

He said Anglian Water had decided there was no need for a sweep as both ends of the culvert were clear.

He said there was little more that could be done until detailed surface water plans were available.

008-17/18 Planning matters for review

There were no planning matters for review.

009-17/18 Planning, Licensing & Highways Applications/Appeals - To make recommendations, including requests for Section 106 money where applicable, on applications received

170488 – Land Adjacent Axial Way, Colchester – Application for removal of condition 3 and variation of condition 2 following grant of planning permission 160262 – Received 23rd February 2017

It was agreed to support this application.

Proposed: Cllr Dickson Seconded: Cllr Gray (Unanimous)

170483 – 7 Littlecotes, Colchester CO4 5EL – Two storey side extension and first floor side extension – Received 28th February 2017

Cllr Dickson declared a non-pecuniary interest in this application as the application site was close to his home and took no part in the discussion.

It was agreed to support this application.

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Dickinson (5 For; 1 Abstention)

170497 – 194 Mill Road, Colchester CO4 5JE – Erection of two-storey extension to the rear and side of the property – Received 24th February 2017

It was agreed to support this application.

Proposed: Cllr Stewart Proposed: Cllr Dickson (Unanimous)

170687 – 360 Mill Road, Colchester CO4 5JF – Rear single storey domestic house extension – Received 6th March 2017

It was agreed to comment as follows:

MCC note this application. On the available information we would be concerned that this extension might be overdevelopment of the site but we were not able to access the back of the site to confirm this. We would ask that CBC take this into account when considering the application.”

Proposed: Cllr Dickinson Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

Due to a Declared Pecuniary Interest in the following application, Cllr Dickinson left the room.

163028 - North Colchester Urban Ext Mile End Road, Colchester - Reserved matters application for part of the primary street following outline approval 121272. Also to part discharge of conditions 1, 7, 15, 28, 30, 34, 35. The outline approval was an EIA application. – Amended application received 15th March 2017

It was agreed to comment as follows:

“MCC acknowledges the changes made to combat issues raised in particular those concerning Cordelia Drive and Braiswick Lane safety issues. MCC notes that during the compilation of the Myland and Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan (adopted by CBC in December 2016) Historic England required a statement to be inserted regarding the protection of listed buildings, consequently Policy HOU2 of that Plan states ‘New housing will need to respect the setting of any nearby designated local heritage assets, including but not restricted to … Grade II listed Braiswick Farm House…’ The application should demonstrate how this has been achieved.”

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Gray (Unanimous)

Cllr Dickinson rejoined the meeting.

170715 – Unit 1, Turner Rise Retail Park, Petrolea Close, Colchester CO4 5TU – Installation of sprinkler tank and pump in the rear service yard to the building – Received 15th March 2017

It was agreed to support this proposal.

Proposed: Cllr Dickson Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

170638 – Severalls House, Boxted Road, Colchester CO4 5HG – Illuminated and non-illuminated monolith signage with sales flags Parcel E – Received 10th March 2017

It was agreed to comment as follows:

“MCC have no objection to the installation of the smaller proposed signs. We would have no objection to the larger sign if it was non-illuminated but would object to any illumination of this sign.

We note that the application includes sales flags although there appears to be no mention of flags within the information provided. We would object to the installation of flags should this be required by the applicant.”

Proposed: Cllr Hewitt Seconded: Cllr Dickson (Unanimous)

170826 – 51 Gavin Way, Highwoods Colchester CO4 9FF – Convert existing garage to kitchen, front extension for storage – Received 22 March 2017

It was agreed to support the application, with the request for the addition of a permeable surface to replace the grass area.

Proposed: Cllr Dickinson Seconded: Cllr Hewitt (Unanimous)

170802 – 12 Stammers Road, Colchester CO4 5LX – Proposed first floor side extension and garage roof alteration – Received 24th March 2017

It was agreed to support this application.

Proposed: Cllr Stewart Seconded: Cllr Gray (Unanimous)

010-17/18 To receive copies of Planning/Appeal Decisions

Copies of the following Planning/Appeal Decisions were received.

170299 – 61 Gavin Way, Highwoods, Colchester CO4 9FF – Removal of existing conservatory and replacement with new single storey rear extension – Permission granted, 3 conditions, 27th March 2017

163040 – 8 Littlecotes, Colchester CO4 5EL – Two storey side extension and a single storey rear extension (AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED 21st February 2017) – Permission granted, 4 conditions, 14th March 2017

170358 – Lookers Land Rover, Axial Way, Colchester – 1 x internally illuminated Land Rover pylon 2x internally illuminated Land Rover façade signs 1 x internally illuminated retailer letters 1 x internally illuminated individual letters 1 x non illuminated Welcome sign 1 x non illuminated approved customer sign 3 x non illuminated free standing directional signs 6 x non illuminated wall mounted direction signs – Consent given, 4 conditions, 5th April 2017

170299 – 61 Gavin Way, Highwoods, Colchester, CO4 9FF – Removal of existing conservatory and replacement with new single storey rear extension – Permission granted, 3 conditions, 27th March 2017

163194 – Alpha House, Severalls Hospital, Boxted Road, Colchester CO4 5HG – Non illuminated hoarding with sales flags and monolith signage – Split decision, 5 conditions, refusal for erection of 10no. flags, 2 March 2017

011-17/18 Date of next meeting 3rd May 2017, 7.15pm @ 101 Nayland Road

The meeting closed at 8.23pm.

Councillor John Stewart ……………………………………………………….. Chairman

List of abbreviations / Cllr – Councillor / NGUAE – North Growth Urban Area Extension
CBC – Colchester Borough Council / NP – Neighbourhood Plan
CIL – Community Infrastructure Levy / NEPP – North Essex Parking Partnership
ECC – Essex County Council / PRoW – Public Right of Way
LHP – Local Highways Panel / S106 – Section 106 of Town & Country Planning Act ‘90
LP – Local Plan / SPD – Supplementary Planning Document
MCC – Myland Community Council