Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 7th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Renaissance 1350-1650
Lens: Humanism

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

Global Perspectives
1.Increasing knowledge and the flow of ideas creates change.
6-9.WHC 1.7.2 Identify the technological advances developed by Ancient, Greco Roman, Middle Ages, Early-Modern, and Modern European societies and civilizations.
2.Increasing individuals’ knowledge and awareness may lead to conflict with existing social structures.
3.Interactions between cultures can be both positive and negative.
6-9.WHC 2.5.1 Explain how the resources of an area can be the source of conflict between competing groups.
6-9.WHC 1.9.3 Discuss how religion influenced social behavior and created social order.
6-9.GWH.1.8.2 Examine the impact of Europeans on indigenous cultures in the Western Hemisphere.
6-9.GWH. 1.8.1 – Describe major aspects of the civilizations of the Western Hemisphere prior to European contact, such as Mesoamerica. / 1. How do cultures change?
2. How/Why did humanism lead to changes?
3. What affects do cross-cultural exchanges have on the lives of people?
4.Increases in trade create urbanization and a shift in social structure.
6-9.WHC.1.8.2Identify the origins and characteristics of different social classes.
6-9.WHC.2.3.4 Explain how transportation routes stimulate growth of cities and the exchange of goods, knowledge, and technology.
6-9.WHC.3.2.1 Analyze the impact of economic growth on European society.
6-9.WHC.3.2.4 Identify important economic organizations that have influenced economic growth. / 4
a. What causes increase in trade?
b.Who benefited from the change in class structures?
c. How did new technologies and urbanization create new opportunities and jobs?
5.People migrate for economic and political reasons.
6-9.WHC.2.3.1 Identify main reasons for major migrations of people.
6.Physical features shape a culture’s identity (ie the European coastline made it conducive to sailing)
6-9.GWH.2.1.4 Analyze visual and mathematical data presented in charts, tables, graphs, maps and other graphic organizers to assist in interpreting a historical event. / 5
a.What causes people to migrate?
b.How did exploration and colonization affect present-day political boundaries?
6. How do physical features affect/shape cultures?
Civics & Government
7.Social, philosophical and economic factors impact governmental changes.
6-9.WHC.1.9.2. Explain how religion shaped the development of western civilization.
6-9.WHC.1.9.4. Describe why different religious beliefs were sources of conflict.
6-9.WHC.3.2.1. Analyze the impact of economic growth on European society.
6-9.WHC.4.4.2. Analyze the various political influences which shaped western civilization including the City-State, Monarchy, Republic, Nation-State, and Democracy. / 7
a. What factors caused the decline of Feudalism andthe rise of Monarchies?
b. What influence did the Catholic Church have on society?
c. What caused the power and growth of the Italian City-States and what influence did they have on Europe?
8.Change occurs when there is an interaction and exchange of ideas.
6-9.WHC.1.7.2. Identify the technological advances developed by Ancient, Greco Roman, Middle Ages, Early-Modern, and Modern European societies and civilizations.
6-9.WHC.1.8.1 Find examples of how writing, art, architecture, mathematics, and science have evolved in western civilization over time..
6-9.WHC.1.9.3. Discuss how religion influenced social behavior and created social order.
6-9.WHC.1.9.4. Describe why different religious beliefs were sources of conflict.
6-9.GEH.5.1.2 Give examples of how language, literature, and the arts shaped the development and transmission of culture in the Eastern Hemisphere.
6-9.GWH.5.1.2. Give examples of how language, literature, and the arts shaped the development and transmission of culture in the Western Hemisphere. /
  1. What religious and political reforms were experienced during this time and how did they effect development of economy, religion and science?
  2. How did art and music reflect the growth of Humanism?
  3. Who were the important people during the Renaissance, Reformation and Exploration?

Grade: 7th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Renaissance 1350-1650
Lens: Humanism
AC = Assessment Code:Q – QuizzesP - Prompts

Critical Content and Skills O – ObservationsWS – Work Samples

D – DialoguesSA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know… / AC / Students will be able to… / AC
  1. Humanism and its impact on societies
  2. The rebirth and expansion of arts, sciences and literature during the Renaissance
  3. The printing press allowed for the rapid spread of ideas
  4. The Reformation was a time of religious change
  5. The sale of indulgences and other corruptions led to the Reformation
  6. Protestants were groups of people who formed new Christian churches in protest of Church practices
  7. Effects of Europeans on New World cultures
  8. The role of the Medici family and patronage during the Renaissance
  9. Factors leading to the rise of Middle Class
  10. The effects of the Columbian Exchange on the “Old and New World”
  11. Areas of world exploration
  12. Major trade routes
  13. Significant political and physical features in Europe
  14. The influence the Catholic Church had on society
  15. The reasons/causes for the growth and influence of the European cities and Italian City-States
  16. Significant People – see EOC vocabulary list
  17. Significant events leading to the Renaissance:
  • Black Death
  • Hundred Years War – breakdown of Feudalism
  • The rise of monarchies
  1. The impact of the Scientific Method on modern thinking
  2. The causes and effects of the discovery of the “New World”
  1. Recognize cause and effect relationships
  2. Read, label, interpret maps, charts, & graphs
  3. Identify main ideas
  4. Use critical thinking skills
  5. Read for comprehension
  6. Organize information to clarify concepts
  7. Use interpersonal skills to perform group tasks
  8. Organize information in logical sequence
  9. Analyze information
  10. Use acquired information to predict outcomes
  11. Analyze differing perspectives to draw conclusions
  12. Compare and contrast information
  13. Understand and use historical numbers and symbols (ie. Roman numerals)
Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8
Note: All Common CoreObjectives will be included in the skills section of each unit. Teachers must include these objectives in their instructional units.
Please see pages21-23 of this document for a complete list of the CCSS for Literacy in History/Social Studies.

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 7th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Age of Enlightenment: 1650s-1800s
Lens: Conflict and Change

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

Global Perspectives
  1. Cultural changes occur through violent and/or peaceful methods.
6-9.WHC.4.4.2 Analyze the various political influences which shaped western civilization including the City-State, Monarchy, Republic, Nation-State, and Democracy. / a. What were The Enlightenment ideas that brought about revolution?
b. How does national identity change in response to revolution?


  1. The inequality of taxation and mercantilism can increase the desire for economic independence.
6-9.WHC.3.2.1. Analyze the impact of economic growth on European society. / a. What is mercantilism?
b. How is mercantilism unfair to the colonists?
c. How did taxation cause political unrest?


  1. The movement of people, ideas and information influence unrest and revolution.
6-9.WHC.4.4.1. Describe the role of government in population movements throughout western civilization.
6-9.WHC.5.1.1 Explain common reasons and consequences for the breakdown of order among nation-states, such as conflicts about national interests, ethnicity, and religion; competition for resources and territory; the absence of effective means to enforce international law. / a. Why did people migrate?
b. How did political unrest affect migration?

Civics & Government

  1. Humanism changed the responsibility and focus of government.
6-9.WHC.4.4.2. Analyze the various political influences which shaped western civilization including the City-State, Monarchy, Republic, Nation-State, and Democracy.
6-9.WHC.5.1.3 Evaluate why people unite for political, economic and humanitarian reasons. / a. What role did individual rights play in developing government?
b. Why do people revolt against their government?
c. How do people protect their rights within a government? (documents/constitutions)


  1. Enlightenment ideas can bring about democratic revolutions.
6-9.WHC.4.4.2.Analyze the various political influences which shaped western civilization including the City-State, Monarchy, Republic, Nation-State, and Democracy.
  1. Revolutions can incite other revolutions.
6-9.WHC.4.4.3 Analyze and evaluate the global expansion of liberty and democracy through revolution and reform movements in challenging authoritarian or despotic regimes.
6-9.GWH.4.5.1 Identify the major forms of government in the Western Hemisphere and compare them with the United States..
6-9.GEH.4.5.1. Identify the major forms of government in the Eastern Hemisphere and compare them with the United States. / a. Who were The Enlightenment thinkers?
b. What were the significant ideas that came from The Age of Enlightenment?
a. How did one revolution lead to another?
b. What is the sequence of the revolutions?
Grade: 7th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Age of Enlightenment: 1650s-1800s
Lens: Conflict and Change
AC = Assessment Code:Q – QuizzesP - Prompts

Critical Content and SkillsO – ObservationsWS – Work Samples

D – DialoguesSA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know… / AC / Students will be able to do… / AC
  1. Through revolution, new national identities develop.
  2. The Age of Enlightenment was a catalyst for change.
  3. How mercantilism benefited the Mother Country and hindered the colonies.
  4. Unfair taxes created political unrest.
  5. The spread of democratic ideas and individual rights during this time period.
  6. How the monarchies used Divine Right as a justification for their actions.
  7. The individual countries that produced constitutions
  8. The different types of government systems
  9. Divine Right Monarchy
  10. Constitutional Monarchy
  11. Democracy
  12. Constitutions are created to limit government and protect individual rights.
  13. The sequence of the conflicts: English Civil War, Glorious Revolution, American Revolution, French Revolution & Latin American Revolution
  14. The cause and effect of the conflicts: English Civil War, Glorious Revolution, American Revolution, French Revolution & Latin American Revolution
  15. The significant people of the time.
  1. Recognize cause and effect relationships
  2. Read, label, interpret maps, charts, & graphs
  3. Identify main ideas
  4. Use critical thinking skills
  5. Read for comprehension
  6. Organize information to clarify concepts
  7. Use interpersonal skills to perform group tasks
  8. Organize information in logical sequence
  9. Analyze information
  10. Use acquired information to predict outcomes
  11. Analyze differing perspectives to draw conclusions
  12. Compare and contrast information
  13. Understand and use historical numbers and symbols (ie. Roman numerals)
Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8
Note: All Common CoreObjectives will be included in the skills section of each unit. Teachers must include these objectives in their instructional units.
Please see pages21-23 of this document for a complete list of the CCSS for Literacy in History/Social Studies.

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 7th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Age of Industry: 1750s-1900s
Lens: Growth & Modernization

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

1.Modernization results in societal changes.
6-9.WHC.1.8.2 Identify the origins and characteristics of different social classes.
6-9.WHC.1.8.3 Describe how the structure of family changes in relation to socioeconomic conditions.
6-9.WHC.2.5.3 Explain how rapid growth of cities can lead to economic, social, and political problems.
6-9.WHC.3.1.2 List examples that show how economic opportunity and a higher standard of living are important factors in the migration of people.
6-9.GEH.1.8.4.Explain how and why events may be interpreted differently according to the points of view of participants and observers. / a. How did society change due to modernization?
b. How did the factory system change society?
c. How did immigration change cultures?
2.Economic changes affect politics, societies and governments.
6-9.WHC.1.7.2. Identify the technological advances developed by Ancient, Greco Roman, Middles Ages, Early-Modern, and Modern European societies and civilizations.
6-9.WHC.2.5.3 Explain how rapid growth of cities can lead to economic, social, and political problems..
6-9.WHC.3.1.2. List examples that show how economic opportunity and a higher standard of living are important factors in the migration of people.
6-9.WHC.3.2.2. Trace the evolution of hunting-gathering, agrarian, industrial and technological economic systems.
6-9.WHC.3.2.3. Identify influential economic thinkers and the impact of their philosophies.
6-9.GEH.1.8.3Compare various approaches to European colonization in the Eastern Hemisphere.
6-9.GEH.1.8.4.Explain how and why events may be interpreted differently according to the points of view of participants and observers. / a. What are the differences between Capitalism and Communism?
b. What were the reasons for the change from the Cottage Industry to the Factory System?
c. How did mercantilism benefit the Imperial Powers and hinder the colonies?
3.Nations seek to protect/promote their own interests.
6-9.WHC.3.2.4. Identify important economic organizations that have influenced economic growth.
6-9.GEH.1.8.4.Explain how and why events may be interpreted differently according to the points of view of participants and observers. /
  1. How did Nationalism help cause Imperialism?
  2. What other causes were there for Imperialism?
  3. What problems within the Factory System created a need for labor laws? Why was there a need for labor laws?

Grade: 7th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Age of Industry: 1750s-1900s
Lens: Growth & Modernization
4.Industrialization is dependent on the availability of natural resources.
6-9.WHC.1.7.1. Explain how man adapted the environment for civilization to develop.
6-9.WHC.3.1.2. List examples that show how economic opportunity and a higher standard of living are important factors in the migration of people.
6-9.GEH.1.8.4.Explain how and why events may be interpreted differently according to the points of view of participants and observers. /
  1. Why did people migrate/immigrate?
  2. What natural resources were obtained from imperialized countries?

5.Developed countries have more power and influence.
6-9.WHC.1.7.2. Identify the technological advances developed by Ancient, Greco Roman, Middle Ages, Early-Modern, and Modern European societies and civilizations.
6-9.WHC.2.5.1. Explain how the resources of an area can be the source of conflict between competing groups.
6-9.WHC.3.2.1 Analyze the impact of economic growth on European society..
6-9.GEH.1.8.2. Identify the origins and characteristics of different social classes.
6-9.GEH.1.8.4.Explain how and why events may be interpreted differently according to the points of view of participants and observers. /
  1. Why did some countries come to dominate the world?
  2. Which countries were imperialistic leaders?
  3. How did the Industrial Revolution modernize the world?
  4. What were the effects of Nationalism?

Grade: 7th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Age of Industry: 1750’s-1900s
Lens: Growth & Modernization
AC = Assessment Code:Q – QuizzesP - Prompts

Critical Content and SkillsO – ObservationsWS – Work Samples

D – DialoguesSA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know… / AC / Students will be able to do… / AC
1.Immigration caused cultural changes.
2.The causes of class struggle
  • Formation of labor unions
  • Marxism
3.The effects the Factory System had on the following:
  • Urbanization
  • Working conditions/Health concerns
  • Child labor
  • Family Structure
4.How industrialized countries used the “White Man’s Burden” to further/justify Imperialism.
5.The reasons for the change from the Cottage Industry to the Factory System.
6.How mercantilism benefited the Imperial Power and hindered the colonies.
7.The differences between Communism and Capitalism.
8.Nationalism was a cause of Imperialism.
9.Countries used Imperialism to gather natural resources and markets.
10.Problems within the Factory System created a need for labor laws.
11.People Migrated/Immigrated for jobs.
12.Imperialism relied on the natural resources of other countries to fuel Industrialization.
13.Countries that Imperialized early dominated the world.
14.The Industrial Revolution modernized the world.
15.Nationalism brought about competition and conflict.
16.The effects of the agricultural revolution as it relates to the following: crop rotation, technology, enclosure
17.movement. /
  1. Use higher level thinking skills.
  2. Use interpersonal skills to perform group tasks.
  3. Establish cause and effect relationships.
  4. Read for comprehension.
  5. Selecting main ideas.
  6. Use acquired information to predict outcomes.
  7. Analyze differing perspectives to draw conclusions.
  8. Use available technology to gather, interpret, and present information.
Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8
Note: All Common CoreObjectives will be included in the skills section of each unit. Teachers must include these objectives in their instructional units.
Please see pages21-23 of this document for a complete list of the CCSS for Literacy in History/Social Studies.

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 7th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Age of Global Interaction – 20th Century
Lens: Responsibility

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

  1. Excessive nationalism can cause conflict.
6-9.WHC.5.1.1 Explain common reasons and consequences for the breakdown of order among nation-states, such as conflicts about national interests, ethnicity, and religion; competition for resources and territory; the absence of effective means to enforce international law.