1. Summary of Findings and Strategic Humanitarian Priorities

-Duringtheearthquake, Sankhuexperiencedthenear-total destructionofitsinnercity, whilemuchofitssurroundingsettlementshavebeenflattened.

-Accordingto Key Informants (KIs), over 100 inhabitantshavedied in thedisaster, while 7055 houseshavebeentotallyorpartiallydamaged.

-Severalbodiesare still buriedunderthe rubble, asthereisno heavy machinerytoreachthem.

-Residentsareliving in makeshifttents out ofbambooandplasticsheeting, sometimessharingthe same spacewithupto 100 people.

-NogovernmentorhumanitarianaidhadreachedSankhuby 25 April, despiteitsproximityto, andaccessibiltyfromthecapital.

-Urgent actionneededwithregardstoshelters, NFIs, WASH, food, andpossiblyclothing.

2. Situation Overview

On 25 April 2015, Nepal was struckby an earthquakethat registered 7.5 on the Richter Scale. Millionsofpeoplehavebeenaffectedbythedisaster, withover 5,000 peopleconfirmeddeadandseveralthousandsmoreinjured.

The epicentreoftheearthquakeislocated 77km northwestofKathmandu, in Gorkhadistrict. Whilstthe impact ofthedisaster in KathmanduMunicipalityis well-documented, thedamageincurred in therestofthecountry – in particular remote areas – isless well-known.

As such, in ordertoassessthesituation outside ofthecapital, ACTED staff (Luca Pupulin, Philip Bato) conducted Key InformantsInterviews (KIIs)andmade personal observations in SankhuVillage in ShankarpurMunicipality. KIs estimatethat 10,000 people live insidethecityofSankhu, whiletherest live in smallervillagesandsettlementsnearby.

Duringtheearthquake, Sankhuexperiencedthenear-total destructionofitsinnercity, whilemuchofitssurroundingsettlementshavebeenflattened. Accordingto KIs, over 100 inhabitantshavedied in thedisaster, while 7055 houseshavebeentotallyorpartiallydamaged.NogovernmentorhumanitarianaidhadreachedSankhuby 25 April.

The situationinsidetheMunicipalityrequires urgent actionwithregardstoshelters, NFIs, WASH,food, andclothing.

3. Assessment Methodology

2 KIIs (4 hours total) wereconducted on 28 April 2015. Duringtheseinterviews, 2locationswereassessed:

-Sankhu, thecentralvillage in ShankarpurMunicipality;

-The outervillagesandsettlementsthatsurroundSankhu.

4. Assessment Findings

Populations Affected______


-Anestimated 100 peoplearesaidtohavedied; 60 bodieswerecollected, 35+ aremissingandexpectedtohavebeenburiedunderthe rubble.

-Withoutassistance, it was estimatedby KIs thatresidentscouldstay in Sankhuforanothertwoweeksmaximum, after whichtheywouldhavetomoveto live withfamily/relative in Kathmanduorothercities.

Needs, Coverage and Gaps

-Sankhuis in urgent needofmostformsofhumanitarianassistance, asoutlinedbelow.



-Accordingtomunicipality, residentsreportedthat 7055 sheltershadbeeneitherbeentotallydestroyed – orpartiallydamagedtopointofinhabitaion. For a populationof 26,000, thisconstitutesthevastmajorityofbuildings in thecity, which was confirmedthroughobservationduringthevisit.

-As short-term solution, residentsareliving in makeshifttents, generallymadefrombamboosticksandplasticsheets.

-The groundunderneathiswet, theweatheriscold after sun-set, whilerainshavebeenpredictedforthecomingtwoweeks.

-Residentsaresharingthesemakeshifttentswithupto 100 persons per tent.

Needs, Coverage and Gaps


-Mid-term: Monsoon will start in twomonths, after whichwinterizedshelters will needtobeprovided;

-Long-term:Most original housing will needtobedemolishedandclearedwith heavy machinery, whichcouldtakemonths.

Livelihoods, Food Security and Nutrition______


-Most residents of Sankhu are farmers, and rely on the production of wheat, rice, maize and potatoes. It is currently wheat and potato harvesting season.

-Many residents had recently harvested and stored their harvest at home. After their houses collapsed, they lost both their seeds and harvest.

-Residents asked for more food, and concerns were voiced over food stocks.

-No preparations are being made for the next planting season as everyone is allocating resources to coping with the disaster.

Needs, Coverage and Gaps

-Possible Cash-for-Work to clear rubble and demolish buildings;

-Food assistance;

-Provision of seeds, or cash assistance to replenish stock.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene______


-Water sourced from local well. Concerns voiced by KIs on possible contamination and the need to chlorinate.

  • Water-level is high, possible contamination through leaking septic tanks (if these are used).

-Municipality advised residents to boil water, but concerns remain over cleanliness.

-Lack of water flagged as major concern by KI, as well as expense of buying bottled water.

-Open defecation used by majority of residents. Few remaining private latrines are shared by hundreds of residents.

-Prior sewage management concerns are now exacerbated.

Needs, Coverage and Gaps

-Sanitary facilities;

-Hygiene kits;

-Hygiene promotion;

-Wells need to be checked for contamination.



-All threehospitals in municipalityhaveonlyreceive minor damage.

-Potential forspreadofdiseasesif WASH issuesare not resolvedanddeceasedbodiesremain stuck under rubble.



-Sankhuis a predominantly Hindu village, with Buddhist and Christian minorities. One KI identifiedDalithresidentsofthetown – thelowest Hindu caste – tobeparticularly vulnerable totheirostraciedsocietalstatus.

Needs, Coverage and Gaps

-Dalith dimension must be takenintoconsideration in programmaticdecisions.



-All schoolshaveonlyincurred minor damageandarecurrentlybeingusedasinterimsheltersby IDPs.


Relief Efforts/Assistance______

-Nogovernmentassistancehasbeenreceived (exceptfordeploymentofunderequippedsoldiers) andnohumanitarianagencieshavereachedthevillage.

4. Humanitarian Access

