York Suburban Lacrosse Club
General Board Meeting
February 4, 2014 Minutes
The York Suburban Lacrosse Club General Board Meeting for February 2014 was called to order by Candice Sipes at 7:30 pm. In attendance: Bob Coppage, Sara Hunt, Pat Kehoe, Pamela Kutcher, Candice Sipes and Dwight Sipes.
Guest Speaker, Kat Dixon from Youth Sports Photo Inc. presented YSLC with a number of different photo options for team and individual photos for the 2014 season. For the boys, the date for the team and individual photo will be Sunday, April 6 starting with the U9 boys team at noon. A different date will be selected for the girls team and individual photos. A photographer will also be at the games taking action shots. There will be an online ordering option available this year in addition to paying onsite with check/cash.
Minutes: Sara Hunt—January 7, 2014 minutes were distributed for review. There were no changes.
Treasurer’s Report: Bob Coppage—As of January 31, 2014, cash was reported at $12,535.80 and $3,450 in outstanding registration fees. Bob will be sending out a statement the week of Feb. 7. No final figure was received for the Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser to-date. Restaurant needs YSLC Tax ID #. The Treasurer-Elect position will be discussed again toward the end of the season.
President’s Report: Candice Sipes—Uniform status: sample sizes will be available at clinics. Candice will be placing the order soon; she will be ordering blank jerseys for anyone registering late. The YSLC apparel store, through the Stylin’ Strings website, will be open by Thursday and the cutoff date is Monday, March 3. Orders can be placed after this date with a second batch at a date to be determined. Pinnies were ordered through Stylin’ Strings. Field status: the Penn State field is confirmed, the York Suburban field request has been submitted—waiting for the soccer request and then YSSD will assign field time. The turf field has been requested. Bob Coppage will be getting five (5) first-aid kits.
Nemesis Lacrosse Club and Chaos have combined—they are especially looking for U9 boys and girls to participate. If girls are interested, they should contact Nemesis; boys should contact Chaos.
Dwight will be ordering a porta potty through Tiger Trash for the Penn State field. A porta potty, paid for by YSSD, will be available at the High School.
Chair Reports
YCLA: Candice Sipes—schedules are out and are to the coaches. The regular season is over May 15 with U13 and U15 post season play scheduled. If someone is interested in getting some post season rec play for U9 and U11 they should contact Candice.
Communications: Pamela Kutcher—Chili fundraiser information, Team Parent Rep Request, Concession help needed, LAX Bash “Save the Date” and Team Picture “Save the Date” are the items for the next YSLC Newsletter.
Team Parent Rep: Sara Hunt for U9, Pamela Kutcher for U11 and Nina Cassino for U15. Currently need a Parent Rep for the U13 Boys Team and the Girls Team. Christine Williams and Linda Warren are in charge for the concession stands at boys games. A volunteer to coordinate the concession stand at girls games is needed. Also needed are volunteers to helps staff the concession stand at both boys and girls games.
LAX Bash: Crystal LeCates and Candice Sipes—Candice and Crystal met today, Feb. 4. The event will be April 26 from 7 to 11 pm at Central Market. Pat Kehoe will follow-up on having beer for the event (3 ¼ kegs of Miller Lite, a lager and Blue Moon). Music: Grove Jones, Jr. is confirmed for the event and will play from 8-11 pm. Presale tickets will be $50 a couple, $25 for individuals. At the door, tickets will be $75 and $30. The bracelet system will be in effect: orange bracelet for $5 (beer only), white bracelet for $10 (beer or wine) and a $20 black bracelet will get attendees whatever they’d like to drink. Each team will also be asked to donate a basket to the event’s auction. Themes are tentatively scheduled as: “Night on the Town” (Date Night) for the U9 Boys Team, “White Wine” for the U11 Boys Team, “Game Day” (Tailgating) for the U13 Boys Team, either “Martini Madness” or “Booze Cruise” for the U15 Boys Team, “But It’s Good for You” for the Girls Team and “Pamper Yourself” AND “Man Cave” for the Board of Director’s Baskets.
Equipment Manager--Open
HS Mentor Program Liaison—Open (Anthony Giuffrida is not able to serve in this position)
Old Business
Keith Martin Memorial Invitational will be Sunday, March 23: Pamela Kutcher—Nothing new to report.
YSLC Fundraisers—Pam is waiting to hear back from Chipolte, Candice needs a new date for Chili’s and Pam will be calling Infinito’s to arrange a fundraiser in April.
The next meeting will take place on March 4, 2014 at 7:30 pm at The Cove.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sara Hunt.