Salisbury University

Department of Music

Fulton Hall rm. 200

1101 Camden Avenue

Salisbury, MD 21801

(410) 543-6385


The Department of Music has a rolling audition policy and appointments can be made

at the mutual convenience of the student and faculty

*music minors audition for ensemble placement only

Desired audition date _______________ q A.M. q P.M. Do you require an accompanist? q YES q NO

Please type or print CLEARLY

Name__________________________________ Home Phone (_____) ____________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________

(street and number) (city, state, zip code) (zip)


High School ___________________________________________________________________

(name) (city and state) (zip)

Graduation date ________ Current GPA __________ Year to Date GPA_________ SAT/ACT score ________

Have you applied for admission to SU? q yes q no

Have you been admitted to SU? q yes q no

I will be enrolling as: q New freshman q Transfer q Re-entering

College(s) attended Dates to

Total hours earned ____________ Grade point average ________

q Bachelor of Arts: Traditional q Symphony Orchestra

q Bachelor of Arts: Instrumental Performance q Concert Band

q Bachelor of Arts: Vocal Performance q University Chorale

q Bachelor of Arts: Music/Teacher Certification q Jazz Ensemble

q Bachelor of Arts: Music Technology q Other Ensemble

q Undecided

q Music Minor: Major field of interest

q Non-music major/minor: Major field of interest

My principal instrument or voice classification (S, A, T, B) is ____________________________________

Please list any other instruments you play __________________________________________________

List the two or three selections you expect to perform.

Piece Composer


Have you had any private lessons on your primary instrument or voice? q yes q no

How long have you played your primary auditioning instrument or voice? ___________________

Do you read treble clef? q yes q no Do you read bass clef? q yes q no

Have you had any private lessons on the piano? q yes q no Number of years__________

Have you had any study in music theory? q yes q no

What is your band, choir, or orchestra experience?_______________________________________


Why do you want to be a music major and what do you plan to do with a music degree?_________


What influenced you to apply to Salisbury University? ____________________________________



*Please print and complete this form and bring a completed copy to your audition