New Jersey

Department of Transportation










FOUR (4) Three (3) Selections will be made from Technical Proposals received.

Only one (1) technical proposal submission is allowed per firm (no teams).




ROUTE 202 AND FIRST AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS project will be used as representative project for this solicitation. CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT report for route 202 AND FIRST AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS is provided for use in preparing technical proposals.

Route 202 and First Avenue Intersection Improvements:

Route 202 in the vicinity of C.R. 567, First Avenue, is a divided four-lane urban principal arterial located in the Borough of Raritan, Middlesex County. First Avenue, at its intersection with Route 202 is an undivided urban minor arterial and is under the jurisdiction of Somerset County. Route 202 and First Avenue form a fourlegged signalized intersection. The eastbound approach of First Avenue consists of an exclusive left turn lane, a through/right lane and two receiving lanes. The westbound approach of First Avenue consists of an exclusive left turn lane, a through lane, a through/right turn lane and one receiving lane. Both the Route 202 northbound and southbound approaches consist of two through lanes and two receiving lanes with all turning movements provided via forward jughandles. Both forward jughandles consist of an exclusive left turn lane and right turn lane at their intersection with First Avenue and intersect First Avenue approximately 115 feet from Route 202.

NJDOT proposes to construct an auxiliary lane along both directions of Route 202 in the vicinity of First Avenue along with minor modifications to both approaches of First Avenue. Majority of the widening would occur in the existing grass median which would be replaced with concrete barrier and attenuators. A deceleration lane would be added along Route 202 southbound to the forward jughandle at First Avenue. This would require a cul-de-sac along Leland Street at its intersection with Route 202. The eastbound approach of First Avenue would consist of an exclusive left turn lane, a through right lane, and one receiving lane. The westbound approach would consist of an exclusive left turn lane, a through lane, an exclusive right turn lane and one receiving lane. The side street signal phasing will be changed from split phasing to protected/permitted.

Route 18 Edgeboro Road & Tices Road Intersection Improvements:

Route 18 within the project limits is a divided six-lane urban principal arterial running south to north with a posted speed limit of 45 mph. The northbound and southbound traffic along Route 18 is separated by a concrete barrier curb. The project is located in East Brunswick Township, Middlesex County.

Route 18 and Tices Lane form a four-legged intersection. The northbound approach of Route 18 consists of three through lanes and one auxiliary lane for the loop ramp in the northeast quadrant of the intersection. The southbound approach of Route 18 consists of three through lanes with a fourth lane opening up immediately after the intersection to serve as a deceleration lane for the shopping center. Left turns are prohibited along the eastbound approach of Tices Lane.

Route 18 and Edgeboro Road along with a reverse jughandle from Route 18 southbound form a four-legged signalized intersection. Edgewood Road, Old Bridge Turnpike and a one-way ramp onto Route 18 northbound form a four-legged signalized intersection approximately 75 feet east of Route 18. All turns are prohibited along Route 18 with the turning movements provided via jughandles.

The NJDOT is proposing to prohibit left turns from Old Bridge Turnpike northbound and Edgeboro Road westbound onto Route 18 southbound. Left turns would only be permitted from Edgeboro Road westbound onto Old Bridge Turnpike southbound.

Traffic travelling to Route 18 southbound would be redirected to the Route 18 and Tices Lane intersection. To accommodate the relocated traffic volume at the Route 18 and Tices Lane and Tices Lane and Old Bridge Turnpike intersections, the NJDOT is proposing the following:

Modify the westbound approach of Tices Lane to Dual left turn lanes, a through lane, a through/right lane and two receiving lanes.

Modify the signal phasing to three phases consisting of Route 18 right of way, Tices Lane westbound protected left, and Tices Lane right of way.

Modify the southbound approach of Old Bridge Turnpike at Tices Lane to consist of a through lane and an exclusive right turn lane and modify the signal timing.

Remove the U-Turn sign along Route 18 northbound between Tices Lane and Edgeboro Road and redirect this movement to the existing U-Turn at S. Woodland Avenue.

Route 27 and Grand Street NB Intersection Improvements:

Route 27 at Grand St is a four legged signalized intersection in Elizabeth City, Union county MP. 33.96. Route 27 is one-way in the northbound direction with two lanes shared through-right and through-left lanes. Eastbound Grand St. is one lane with a shared through-left lane. Westbound Grand St. is a single lane approach providing for through and right turns. The intersection has a history of accidents, non ADA compliant equipment or geometry, poor pavements,antiquated traffic signal andno pedestrian push buttons or crossing signals.

The NJDOT is proposing to improve traffic signal by replacing the existing, make all curb ramps ADA compatible, improve crosswalk pavement markings, mill and pave within limits of intersection, tree trimmingandupgrade existing signing and add additional signs if needed. At this time we are not anticipating any utility or ROW.

Route 40 Woodstown Intersection Improvements:

The US Route 40 Woodstown Intersection Improvement project is being undertaken to improve traffic safety and efficiency at the US Route 40 and Main Street Intersection (M.P. 10.67), as well as to improve the quality of people’s lives in the Borough of Woodstown, Salem County. Tasks to be completed include revising intersection geometry and design of traffic control devices consistent with directions and guidelines established by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), driveway closure at the northeast corner, as well as upgrading traffic signal equipment and handicap ramps for compliance with current design standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Traffic control devices along each leg of the intersection, including street parking spaces, will be revised to complement the changes at the intersection or upgraded to meet current NJDOT and MUTCD requirements. Lighting will be upgraded as required under current NJDOT criteria. Right of Way impacts are not anticipated, but there is potential for utility impacts.

In addition, pedestrian amenities (handicap ramps, signing and crosswalks) will be improved at the Route 45 and Bowen Avenue Intersection (M.P. 9.52) and at the US Route 40 and Maple Court Intersection (M.P. 10.83), located north and east respectively of the primary project intersection. Lighting at each intersection will be upgraded as required under current NJDOT criteria.

Include when appropriate - Technical proposals are being solicited for Preliminary Engineering, Final Design and Construction Engineering Services. However, services under the original agreement shall be limited to the completion of Preliminary Engineering services. Final Design Services and Construction Engineering Services may be initiated at a later date as a CONSULTANT AGREEMENT ADDENDUM, at the sole discretion of the State.


On Display / None
Project materials (display boards, schematics, plans, studies, etc.) will be available for review from 8:00AM to 5:00PM on, Monday through Friday, in the Bureau of Professional Services, Procurement Division, until N/A . Viewing of these documents will be by appointment only and is limited to a duration of two hours so that all interested firms may have an opportunity to view these documents. To make an appointment please call the Manager, Professional Services at 609-530-2452.
Available Electronically / Not Available Electronically / Partially Available Electronically
As an alternate to scheduling an appointment to review hard copy display materials at the Professional Services office, we have also included instructions for downloading electronic display materials. If you need assistance downloading the materials, please e-mail . The Department will NOT provide electronic or any other type of copies of project materials to consultants unless otherwise noted.


See the attached list of firms that are presently prequalified for this project. These firms are eligible to submit a Technical Proposal. If your firm is not on this list, your Technical Proposal will only be accepted if your firm becomes prequalified with the NJDOT as of 3:00 PM on the closing date of this solicitation in the following discipline(s) and level of service. Firms are urged to call the Manager, Bureau of Professional Services at 609-530-2452 if your firm is not on the attached eligible firm listing but intends to submit a Technical Proposal.

h-1 highway design / B

Only one (1) technical proposal submission is allowed per firm (no teams) unless otherwise noted on page 1 of this solicitation. Sub consultants that plan to participate in this solicitation must be cost basis approved by the NJDOT as of 3:00 PM on the closing date of this solicitation. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in disqualification from the Project.

Firms wanting to Joint Venture may do so by returning a completed Statement of Joint Venture as part of their submission of a Technical Proposal. Each firm participating in the Joint Venture must be prequalified by the NJDOT. Each discipline and level of service requirement of a project must be satisfied by at least one member of the Joint Venture. Please refer to our website for the Statement of Joint Venture form.


E-mail question(s) to , attention Manager, Bureau of Professional Services. Specify "TP # 947 question" in subject line. If your firm does not have access to e-mail you may fax your questions to 609-530-2212. The Bureau of Professional Services will forward the question(s) to the Project Manager and post all questions and answers on the Professional Services Website.


ONE STEP PROCUREMENT PROCESS. Recommendations to the Consultant Selection Committee will be based on the evaluation criteria listed in Table A. The Department anticipates a selection will be made during September 2013.


Federal Goal / 15.7% ESBEs / Prime contractors may use DBE and/of ESBE firms in order to satisfy these ESBE goals.

An updated CERTIFIED FIRM list may be obtained from the Department’s Web Site at: or by contacting the Office of Civil Rights/Affirmative Action at 609-530-3009. All firms to be utilized to meet the Goals should be listed under the Administrative Requirements in Section 2 of the solicitation. Failure to make a good faith effort to meet the established goal may be cause for canceling negotiations with a selected firm and selecting a new firm.


Technical Proposals for this solicitation must be received by the Department of Transportation, 1035 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0600 and logged in at the receptionist/lobby area at the David J. Goldberg Building (Main Office Building - MOB) with the date and time. TP's are to remain at the David J. Goldberg Building (Main Office Building - MOB) and Professional Services personnel will pick them up. Technical Proposals will NOT be accepted at the Engineering and Operations (E&O)Building. The absolute deadline for TP's is 3:00pm on the closing date of the solicitation. All TP's must be addressed to the Manager, Professional Services with the project name and TP# clearly indicated, to ensure their proper destination. If mailing in the TP's, they must be logged in at the NJDOT Headquarters mailroom by 3:00pm on the closing date as well. NO EXCEPTIONS. See the Professional Services website for the complete procedure. Four (4) copies of the Technical Proposal are required. Only one (1) technical proposal submission is allowed per firm (no teams) unless otherwise noted on page 1 of this solicitation.

Note: The Submission must also include a CD with the full technical proposal package in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat format with an Original signed Letter of Transmittal.


The selected firm will be required to comply with the Affirmative Action requirements of P.L. 1975, c.127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27).

Prior to execution of an Agreement, the selected firm will be required to submit one of the following documents disclosing Affirmative Action evidence: Letter of Federal approval or Certificate of Employee Information Report or Completed Affirmative Action Employee Information Report (Form AA302).

POST EMPLOYMENT RESTRICTIONS of the nj conflicts of interest law

Firms are advised to be aware of Post Employment restrictions for ex-NJDOT employees who are utilized for work under this technical proposal. Failure to comply with this may result in disqualification from the Project. Refer to NJSA 52:13D-17, which states:

No State officer or employee or special State officer or employee, subsequent to the termination of his office or employment in any State agency, shall represent, appear for, negotiate on behalf of, or provide information not generally available to members of the public or services to, or agree to represent, appear for, negotiate on behalf of, or provide information not generally available to members of the public or services to, whether by himself or through any partnership, firm or corporation in which he has an interest or through any partner, officer or employee thereof, any person or party other than the State in connection with any cause, proceeding, application or other matter with respect to which such State officer or employee or special State officer or employee shall have made any investigation, rendered any ruling, given any opinion, or been otherwise substantially and directly involved at any time during the course of his office or employment. Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this section is a disorderly person, and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $500.00 or imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both.