Instructor (IN): Hello and welcome to the Window-Eyes to JAWS transition tutorials. My name isRaul Gallegos and I am an assistivetechnology trainer from Houston, Texas. I am a longtime Window-Eyes user and Iwill be walking you through a series ofaudio tutorials which are designed tomake the transition from using Window-Eyes to using JAWS a bit more smoothly. Each of these tutorials will focus onjust one item. Therefore, if other areas for the transition do not interest you, you don't have to listen to everything.
In thismodule, I will talk about some of thebasic differences between Window-Eyesand JAWS; and go through the Startup Wizardwhen you first install JAWS. Iwill compare that to what you might beused to with Window-Eyes; and hopefully,this will make things easier.
First off, both Window-Eyes and JAWS havea talking installer, meaning that a blindperson can install JAWS with nodifficulty. Once JAWS is installed andthe computer has rebooted, one of thefirst things that comes up is theAuthorization Wizard. This is becauseJAWS uses an Internet license manager inorder to function properly. If you haveinstalled Window-Eyes in the past, youwill know that Window-Eyes has a Startup Wizard which walks you through aseries of quick settings. JAWS doessomething similar. In case you cancel thewizard out and need to start, you canalways bring up the Startup Wizard fromthe JAWS help menu. First you'll need toactivate the JAWS main window. This issimilar to pressing CTRL+backslash from Window-Eyes to access its CTRL panel. With JAWS the command is insert with theletter J.
JAWS: JAWS Home Use.
IN: Once I press insert J, I am taken to the JAWS main window. From here I can navigate to the Startup Wizard by activating the help menu whichis done with ALT+H.
JAWS: Menu, help menu, training T.
IN: Then from here, I press the uparrow until I get to the Startup Wizard.
JAWS: Check for updates,update authorization, Startup Wizard… Z.
IN: The voice I am using is the vocalizer, Tom, voice. It's possible that upon initialinstallation, you might be using theeloquence voice. In another module, I willcover how to change voices. I will nowpress ENTER to activate the Startup Wizard.
JAWS: Leaving menus,JAWS Startup Wizard dialog,Your JAWS installerincludes a built in Daisy player called FS reader.
IN: Rather than letting the voiceread the entire dialog, I have simplypressed the CTRL key so that I caninterrupt the voice and move through theStartup Wizard a bit more quickly.
The first screen talks about the Daisybooks. The Daisy books are a wonderfulresource to learn more about JAWS. Wewill go ahead and skip that for now. There is a checkbox to install themwhich is checked by default. So, I'm goingto press the spacebar to uncheck.
JAWS: Not checked.
IN: If at any point you are not surewhere you are at exactly, you can pressthe read line hotkey which is insert+up arrow, which is either the
dedicated up arrow or the number 8 onthe number pad; and it will read you thecurrent line.
JAWS: Install training materials, checkbox not checked.
IN: So this verifiesthat I have unchecked the box for thetraining materials. I will now pressENTER to move on to the next screen.
JAWS: Speech settings, rate 120 left rightslider, 20percent,ALT+R.
IN: The first optionwhich comes up is the speech rate. It isvery important that you understand whatJAWS is saying and if the synthesizer istoo slow or too fast, it might not be themost pleasant experience; and so, therefore, one of the first options toset is the speech rate. If you press theup and down arrow that will move thespeech rate; but, it will be such a smallincrement that you may not notice rightaway. So, I recommend perhaps page up orpage down to go faster or slower.
JAWS: 30percent.
IN: So, I press page up and now it's at 30percent, whereas before, it was at 20.
JAWS: 40 percent
IN: and there is 40 percent, and so on. I'mgoing to press page down to move back to20 percent because I don't want it to be too fast for this demo.
JAWS: 30, 20 percent.
There are other settings in this dialog, but theyare not as importantfor initial setup. So, I will simply pressENTER to continue.
JAWS: Run JAWS settings. Ifyou select start JAWS at the logonscreen.
IN: This next screen is to determinehow JAWS will start when the computerboots up. By default, this is set up sothat JAWS will load both at the logonscreen, as well as, after the current usersigns in. In most cases, this is a greatidea,if JAWS is the only screen readeron your system or if other screenreaders are installed; but, you still wantJAWS to have the priority. If you areused to using Window-Eyes and if youstill have Window-Eyes installed youmight have Window-Eyes starting upautomatically. So in this case, you mightwant to disable this feature. If I pressmy readline hotkey, I will hear:
JAWS: StartJAWS at the logon screencheckbox not checked.
IN: the checkbox whichsays to not start JAWS at the logonscreen. So, you can press the spacebar to check or uncheck it. For the purposesof this demo, I will leave it unchecked. Yours might be checked by default. I'mgoing to press tab.
JAWS: Start JAWS after logon for all users checkbox not checked
IN: This option I would recommend to alsoleave unchecked because the third optionis where you might want to set itdepending on your personal preference. So, I will go ahead and press tab.
JAWS: Start JAWS after logon for this user, combo box,NEVER.
IN: Right now it is setfor the never option. So the firstcheckbox for the logon screen in thiscombo box for the current user meansthat when I boot up my computerJAWS will not start automatically.
JAWS: Start JAWS after logon for this user combobox, never.
IN: Now, if I change this to always, itmeans that as soon as this user signs inJAWS will load automatically. I would only set this once I have eitheruninstalled Window-Eyes or I have gottencomfortable enough to the point where Idisable the automatic start up inWindow-Eyes and then I can switch tothis one. So for now,
JAWS: Never
IN: I will put it back at never and pressENTER to continue.
This next screen inthe Startup Wizard has some moreadvanced options which can be ignoredfor now, other than bringing yourattentionto the keyboard layout. So, I'm going totab there.
JAWS: Forms, use keyboard layout, combo box, desktop.
IN: This is a combo boxwhich has three choices desktop, laptop, and kinesis. The desktop and laptopkeyboard layouts are probably the mostpopular. If you have a full-size desktopkeyboard, then choosing the desktopkeyboard layout makes most sense. If youhave a laptop keyboard which may nothave an extended number pad, thenchoosing the laptop layout would be agood idea. I will now press ENTER tocontinue to the next screen.
JAWS: Verbosity settings, tutor messages. this next section
IN: This next section has to do with the way JAWS talks. Thetutor messages which are on by default, give you a quick tip of what you can dowhen you go to a new CTRL such as abutton, list box or edit box. If youare a new computer user or if you arenew to Windows, you might want to havethis extra bit of information to giveyou some extra tips. For the purposes ofthis demo, I will turn this off.
JAWS: Tutor messages turn off menu and CTRL help, radio button checked.
IN: The otheroptions in this screen are not asimportant for this initial setup. So, Iwill simply press ENTER to continue.
JAWS: Braille translation settings
IN: These nextcouple of screens have to do withBraille displays. I will simply leavethem at their defaults and press ENTERto continue.
JAWS: Braille settings. JAWS Home Use.
IN: This concludes the initial wizard set up forJAWS.
One last tip, if you would like toquickly make an adjustment to the speechof the voice, you can do so by pressingthe hot key CTRL+windows+ALT with page up or page down for faster orslower. This basically means that youwill hold CTRL+windows+ALT asyou're holding them you will tap thepage up or page down repeatedlyuntil the voice gets to a comfortablespeed. If you only want to change thevoice speed temporarily, you will not usethe Windows key. Therefore, the command isCTRL+ALT with page up or page down.
Thank you for listening.