Description of Grading Procedures
Most assignments will be graded on a five- point rubric. Writing assignments, such as final drafts of essays, will be graded using the Writing Proficiency Rubric, which each student will be provided at the beginning of the school year. Rubrics will be used to grade most assignments and will be provided to students when assignments are given.
Generic Grading Rubric
5 / A / Advanced. Student excelled in all aspects of the assignment showing an extremely high level of an understanding of the content and skill setand should maintain that exceptional level of effort and academic excellence.4.5 / A- / Slightly advanced. The student shows a high level of an understanding of the content and skill set, but there is a minor error that is detected in the assignment. Nevertheless, there is a superior level of effort and academic quality evident in the student’s work.
4 / B / Slightly above proficient. The student shows a high level of an understanding of the content and skill set. The high level of effort and academic quality evident in the student’s work should be maintained, and the student should make improvements towards the advanced level by following the teacher’s feedback and/or using the assignment’s rubric.
3.5 / C / Proficient. The student shows a basic understanding of the content or has the basic skills for the assignment but should make improvements towards the advanced level by following the teacher’s feedback and/or using the assignment’s rubric.
3 / D / Moving towards proficiency. The student shows a minimal and/or flawed understanding of the content or skill set and still needs to make some improvements and should follow the teacher’s feedback and/or use the assignment’s rubric. Students are highly encouraged to redo the assignment in order to improve in their learning and raise their grade.
2.5 / Fail / Below proficient.The student shows a below minimal and flawed understanding of the content and skill set for the assignment. Student needs to make major improvements to his/her assignment, must redo the assignment for a higher grade, must apply more effort, and/or seek help from the teacher or peers.
0 / Zero / Student did not turn in the assignment and should make up the assignmentin accordance with the make-up work and late work policy. Students are responsible for making up the missed assignments and must follow the procedures. Also, a zero can represent academic dishonesty (in relation to plagiarism or other academic violations stated in the Code of Honor), which will be noted in the grade book as such. Parents will be contacted immediately when academic dishonesty has been detected.