
MINUTES of the Meeting of Aylesbeare Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 2 March 2011 at 7.30pm.


Cllr Mrs S Coward (Chair)

Cllr K Chun (Vice Chair)

Cllr Mrs T Ash

Cllr Mrs G Hichens

Cllr N Finegan

Cllr A Ringe

Clerk: Mrs L Parker

Others Present: Two members of the public

1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies had been received from District Cllr R Bloxham.

2. Declarations of interests in Items on the Agenda

No interests were declared.

3. Minutes

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 2 February 2011 were confirmed to be correct.

PC J Tyrrell and PCSO S Trail joined the meeting, gave a report, answered questions and then left.

4. Police Report

During February there was no recorded crime. There were 8 incidents reported to the Police which were: 3 missing persons, 2 vehicle obstructions, one road traffic accident, one sudden death and one report of a drunk walking along the B3180 road.

Cllr N Finegan informed the meeting that the inquest on the two deaths in the village in 2010 has been scheduled for 18 March.

5. Reports of County & District Councillors

No reports had been forwarded.

6. Chairman’s Report

The lengthsman was in the parish last week and completed some very positive work. He comes every 3 months for 7 days. With the new government in place and the Localism Bill very much to the fore, the clerk would enquire of the Highways Department whether parishes could have some input as to where there is necessary work for the lengthsman rather than all being managed at County Hall.

The daily bus service into Exeter run by Stagecoach is coming to an end on 21 May. It is envisaged that the service will be taken over by Beacon Buses. Cllr N Finegan said that this is the only bus service that serves the airport. The Chair would contact County Cllr Mrs C Channon to clarify matters.

The Chair has recently become a committee member on the Dying Matters Coalition. This coalition has been set up to make the public more aware of dying, death and bereavement and to encourage people to talk about these difficult matters.


The Chair suspended standing orders to thank Mrs Joan Kelly for being a spokesperson on the bus service. She uses it regularly and has been very helpful. Standing orders were then resumed.

7. Clerk’s Report

Mrs L Parker reported that the Chair is to attend a meeting on 22 March, organised by Devon Association of Local Councils, entitled Healthy Lives, Healthy People – the changing world of health services in Exeter, East and Mid Devon.

With the Royal Wedding taking place on 29 April, DCC has forwarded details of an application pack for community groups that wish to hold street parties. These details are on the main parish notice board and on the website.

The Give Way sign at Marwood Cross and the new Aylesbeare village sign are expected to be erected within the next two weeks.

Devon Highways are not unduly worried about subsidence at the bridge in Village Way. Since the barriers were installed alongside the edge of the culvert little movement has been seen. The remedial work scheduled along the B3184 near the airport will be dealt with by Keith Mills who will respond as to when this will take place.

HMRC has issued new guidelines regarding PAYE and NIC for Parish Clerks with effect from 6 April 2011. EDDC is taking steps to offer a service to help clerks overcome any problems with the changes.

Cllr K Chun would attend a meeting at Exeter City Football Club on Tuesday 15 March entitled Making it Work Locally – there would be a charge of £10 plus VAT.

8. Reports of Council Representatives on other Bodies

Primary Health Care Meeting – 16 January 2011

The Chair had attended this meeting. Ottery St Mary Hospital shop has closed due to difficulties experienced with stock and staff. The reception area is to be refurbished. The radiographer comes twice a week from Exeter. There is a much quicker diagnosis now due to electronic connections with the RD&E hospital. A new deputy matron and a housekeeper have been appointed. All 24 beds are occupied.

The Memory Café is being well attended at the Institute. Dr Tim Cox reported that the new consortium covering East Devon and some of Mid Devon is designated as a Pathfinder group. Doctors are concerned about the time that will be required for administration with this new consortium and it is hoped that local GPs will have an input to the new regime.

Exeter Airport Consultative Group Meeting – 9 February 2011

The Chair also attended this meeting. Comparison has proved that Exeter is one of the cheaper airports for short stay car park charges. The possibility has been highlighted of introducing an additional 30 minute charge for short stay parking. In response to concerns raised by a resident at the last meeting more ‘no parking’ signage has been put up outside an adjacent bungalow. Passenger numbers in October had shown a growth of 1% compared with 2009. November passenger numbers were down 3% and December down 11% due in no small part to the very poor weather. January passenger numbers were down 12%. Other regional airports were also suffering and showing reductions in passenger numbers. Significant growth for the rest of 2011 is not anticipated. It is predicted that the hotel and restaurant will be completed in December this year. It is to be a 4 storey building with 120 rooms. The first floor would be for the general public, the second floor for the public and also Flybe pilots and the third floor purely for Flybe staff and trainees. The interiors would be designed around the theme of the Devon landscape.


9. Planning Applications

Observations made between meetings, due to time constraints, were ratified:


Application No: 11/0053/MRES (Adjoining Parish)

Applicants: New Community Partners, c/o David Lock Associates

Location: Site of New Town, Honiton Road, Rockbeare

Proposal: Application for approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, in respect of the first phase of the development of Cranbrook new town (03/P1900) comprising:

Development parcels for 1,120 dwellings (excluding landscaping within the development parcels)

Areas of strategic or common landscaping including the entrances into the site, the main square within Phase 1 of Cranbrook, country park threshold, former A3 frontage and retained trees and hedgerows and

Areas of common or strategic infrastructure including drainage basins as defined on the Cranbrook Development Framework Plan, layout, construction details, appearance and landscaping of the Main Local Route and the Parsons Lane Link Road connecting to the former A30.

Observations: The application is noted.

Application No: 11/0223/FUL

Applicant: Mr D Chetty

Location: Great Houndbeare Farm

Proposal: Construction of garden room extension to farmhouse, detached swimming pool building and creation of pond

Observations: Recommend approval. There were concerns raised regarding the over sizing of the proposed building and extension.

Application No: 11/0246/FUL

Applicant: Amek Investments Ltd

Location: Aylesbeare Inn

Proposal: Construction of 2 semi-detached dwellings with associated access and parking (renewal of planning permission 06/3509/OUT with issues of scale, appearance and landscaping reserved)

Observations: Recommend refusal. There are concerns that this application reduces the long term viability of the Aylesbeare Inn by reducing the car parking spaces. This village has lost its school and shop and the community uses the garden to the Inn. It is felt that reducing the size of the car park/garden could detrimentally affect the potential for the profitability of the Inn and ultimately the community. Access to the new properties through a crowded pub car park was also to be too restrictive for all parties concerned.

New applications

Application No: 11/0217/FUL

Applicant: Hoskins Farm Partnership

Location: Common Farm

Proposal: Retention of extension to agricultural building for livestock and storage

Observations: Recommend approval


Application No: 11/0370/FUL

Applicant: Mr & Mrs W Thomas

Location: Boundary Oaks, 11 Village Way

Proposal: Construction of first floor extension

Observations: Whilst members agree to the extension in principle it was felt that the design of the extension is unsympathetic with the surrounding properties. It is felt to be out of keeping with the

general appearance of the village.

10. Finance

Payment of the following invoices was approved

Cheque No Detail Amount

000762 Parish Clerk £206.44

000763 EDDC – Grounds Maintenance £614.93

The renewal of the Grounds Maintenance Contract with EDDC for the year ending 31.3.12 was considered. This will be £563.70 plus VAT – an increase of 10%.

Resolved: To accept the quotation

The appointment of Mr David Hinchliffe as the internal auditor for year ending 31 March 2011 was considered. His fee of £100 will remain unchanged from last year.

Resolved: To appoint Mr Hinchliffe as the internal auditor.

11. Devon County Council: Playbuilder project

The Chair updated the meeting on events thus far. DCC have sent a check list of information needed which the Chair and Cllr K Chun would work through. Cllr K Chun offered to be the MC for the day. The Chair, County Cllr Mrs C Channon and District Cllr R Bloxham would say a few words. Cllr Mrs T Ash would make enquiries regarding a microphone and obtain some florist’s ribbon for the cutting ceremony. It is envisaged that cars will be left at the Village Hall and all walk to the playground. The event will be on Monday 11 April at 2.30pm and the ceremony opened by Devon County Cllr Christine Marsh. Refreshments would follow in the Village Hall. The invitations would be printed by Cllr A Ringe. The Chair would contact the advertisers in Topics to see whether they would be prepared to place a small advertisement on the invitation.

The annual inspection of the playground equipment has been timed so that the new items can be inspected at the same time as the originals.

12. Annual Parish Meeting

The Clerk would send letters to all the local organisations inviting them to attend and informing them of the new format. A further advertisement would be placed in Topics.

13. Parish Footpaths

Cllr K Chun, the Footpath Warden, would contact Richard Spurway at the Public Rights of Way Department, County Hall to try to solve the problem of cyclists on FP14. He would also try to obtain a replacement gatepost for FP2 to replace the one that has gone missing. He is endeavouring to install a kissing gate on FP5 – funding has been applied for. He is soon to have a meeting regarding the opening of Withey Bed Lane which is quite likely to happen. Blind Lane has been cleared and now makes quite a pleasant walk, albeit a little muddy at the moment.

14. Playing Field Report

The Chair, together with Mr David Griffiths, has rubbed down the paintwork on the bus and anticipates painting it in the next few days.


15. Correspondence Received

Wicksteed Playscapes: Flexi swing literature

Devon County Council: (1) Social care for adults (2) Devon Minerals Update No 7

16. Dates of next meetings

Parish Council – Wednesday 6 April at 7.30pm

Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 11 April at 7pm

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.



