MSc in Family Medicine
Thesis Committees:Membership & Meetings
The following are the guidelines for the procedures to be followed in setting up and conducting the thesis committee meetings for graduate students enrolled in MSc Family Medicine.
The Department of Family Medicine and the Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Studies office requires a yearly thesis committee meeting for every graduate student in the program as a minimum. Both studentsand thesis supervisors should understand the role of the Committees.
Why have a Thesis Committee?
The progress of a student during their graduate studies should be monitored at regularintervals to see that the work is going satisfactorily; that the student is working hard enoughto complete the thesis in a reasonable time; that when there are problems, either with theproject or with the student-supervisor relationship, these are dealt with and solved promptly;that the student receives encouragement and advice from the members of the Committee; andthat the format and substance of the thesis be discussed before writing begins.
Thesis Committee Membership
A student’s thesis committee will include 3 members at a minimum:
- Thesis supervisor and co-supervisor (if applicable) (1-2 members)
- Thesis committee member(s)-one member should be from within the department and one from outside the department and/or university (1-2 members)
- If you have two supervisors, you only need one more member, preferably external to the department
Date of First Thesis Committee Meeting
The Thesis Committee should be set up and should meet for the first time in the Winter or Summer Terms of the student’s first year. This meeting needs to occur before the end of the first year or August 31st. Subsequent meetings are held annually at a minimum. Please note: Graduate Student Research Progress Tracking and the Composition of Thesis Committeesformsaredue by August 31st along with the Minutes completed by the student as described below.
Who Sets Up the Committee and When?
Thesis Committees are set up, and meetings are arranged at least one month prior to the
proposed date of the meeting. The student's supervisor is expected to provide a list of
possible names for the Committee, the time and place of the meeting, and the scheduling of the event.The final composition of the committee should be done in conjunction with the student.
Minutes of the Meeting:
The Minutes of the meeting should be taken and created by the student for each meeting. When completed the student will submit to the supervisor and, in turn, the supervisor will submit all forms and Minutes to the rest of the Committee and the Program Director. Lastly, a copy of everything needs to be emailed to the Program Coordinator.
Updated by Jamie DeMore on February 8, 2016