SEMINAR| CCMA Proceedings and Labour Law Update
Cities and dates
East London: 25 July 2016 / Midrand: 26 July 2016
Cape Town: 28 July 2016 / Durban: 29 July 2016
About the seminar
The first half of the seminar will focus of practical issues at the CCMA such as when to refer dispute, who can sign referral forms, the requirements parties need to adhere to when consenting to the jurisdiction of the CCMA, options open to the CCMA when the parties before it belong to a bargaining council, the legal consequence of when the CCMA transfers a matter to the appropriate bargaining council, as well as a discussion on some key Rules of the CCMA. The purpose of these discussions is to highlight certain practical procedures at the CCMA of which all users of the CCMA should be aware.
The second half of the day will focus on discussions on the very latest labour law judgments delivered by our courts. Judgments have been deliberately chosen to elicit debate among the participants.
Seminar content
Participants will receive detailed notes on each topic discussed. Summaries of judgments under review will also be given to participants and will include a quote from the judgment encapsulating the legal principle delivered.
The seminar will not be delivered in a conventional lecture style manner. Participants will be presented with various scenarios and asked to give advice to the fictitious employee or employer they would be representing. Having done this participants will be referred to what the current law is respect of each scenario discussed.
Who should attend?
Any person who has an interest in labour law or in involved in labour law disputes (attorneys, HR managers, trade union officials, employer organisation officials etc.) and who wants to keep abreast with the latest developments within the field.
Expert presenter
Adv Moksha Naidoo is a member of the Johannesburg Bar and focuses exclusively on employment law matters. He writes a monthly article in the De Rebus and has delivered the labour law seminars on behalf of LEAD from 2012.
Moksha was appointed as a part time commissioner at the CCMA during which time he practiced as an attorney for his own account. Moksha has been invited to act as a Judge of the Labour Court on occasions.
Registration queries: e-mail Annelie Dagnin on , tel +27 (0)12 441 4669
Seminar queries: e-mail or call +27 (012) 441-4613/4690/4644

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REGISTRATION FORM | CCMA Proceedings and Labour Law Update
Save the form and the type your details directly onto the form to replace . Select the correct block Save and email the form to together with proof of payment.
Fee per delegate (VAT Inclusive)
Practising attorneys / R 1 350
Candidate attorneys / support staff / R 1 220
Delegates from law firms located further than 150 km from the closest venue / R 980
Non-practising attorneys / Others / R 2 700
When and where in 2016
East London: 25 July Midrand: 26 July Cape Town: 28 July Durban: 29 July
Your details
Surname: / First name:
ID number: / Gender: F M / Your position:
Firm/company: / City/Town: / Title:
Tel-w: () / Fax: () / Race (for reporting)
Cell: / Email:
Postal address or docex: / Postal code:
Payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT)
Account Name: Law Society of South Africa | Bank: FNB Pretoria
Account: 6200 9641 079 | Branch Code: 251445 | Reference: Cell / Surname / Amount: R
Special Dietary Requirements (if any):
Halal Kosher Vegetarian / If disabled, can we assist you at the venue?
Where did you hear about the seminar? Email SMS Word of Mouth EmployerWebsite
Notes on LEAD Seminars and Workshops
1.Registrationsare confirmed only if proof of payment is attached to the registration form.
2.The LSSA will not accept liability for feesnot paid into the LSSA designated bank account.
3.LEAD makes use of reputable venues. The venue for this event will be determined by the number of registrations.Please wait for the confirmation before you make flight and accommodation bookings.
4.Registrations close 48 hours prior to the event. Late registrations can be made with LEAD approval
5.To cancel a seminar registration, the delegate should e-mail at least 48 hours before the seminar starts to avoid being liable for the full fee.
Registrations: Annelie Dagnin - or tel +27 (012) 441 4669
Seminar queries: or tel +27 (012) 441-4613 / 4690 / 4644