St. Francis of Assisi’s Preschool & Pre-K 2017
Welcome & September Newsletter
Welcome to the start of the 2016-2017 school year! My name is Cheri Martinson. I have been the Early Childhood/Pre-K Director here at St. Francis for the past 10 years and I truly feel it is my “second family”. When I refer to my “kids”, I am not necessarily referring to my own four children. I have great love for your children. My goal is for our program to be a place where your child is comfortable and feels free to explore and express their feelings, needs and capabilities. Most of all I want it to be a place where he or she; loves to be and learns about Jesus and how much God loves them! Please feel free to come to me at any time with questions, concerns, ideas etc. In order to best serve you as the primary educator of your family, I feel that it is important to keep the lines of communication open. This is the best way to ensure that your child’s Pre-K experience is a positive one! This is the Pre-K monthly newsletter. This is the place where you will find Pre-K program information, monthly events and important dates! Each teacher will send home specific class details weekly.
Mrs. Cheri Martinson
Pre-K Program information: Electronic program information, monthly newsletter, calendar as well as Pre-K Handbook are on SFA website: Go to Click on: Preschool/Pre-K. Click on: Little Lambs Calendar and Events.
Wednesday Worship at 8:35am will begin on September 27th. This will be a special time for all three classes to start their day all together to learn about Stories of God’s Love, FIAT (Faith In Action) as well as praise, and worship God.
Music class will begin on September 27th once we are more familiar with our classroom routines.
Reminders: If you have not already, Please, turn in your paperwork. I will send home reminders for mission paperwork. The physician's form can be turned in by September 14th.
Sign In/Sign Out Procedures: Reminder Responsible adult is required by law to sign in and out all Pre-K students every day. A full signature (NO INITIALS) is required upon arrival and departure. Only the people listed on your child’s emergency card are allowed to sign them out.
Fingerprint Policy: All adults who volunteer on campus must be fingerprinted and cleared via LiveScan. Forms and locations are available in the school office.