Job title:
Deputy Traffic Manager / Directorate:
Post number: / Division:
Highways & Neighbourhood Services
Grade:9 / Section/team:
Information & Governance
Overall purpose of job:
To co-ordinate all works on the Highway Network to ensure all works are carried out in an efficient and effective manner minimising delays to the travelling public and to ensure there are no conflicts between various organisations.
To manage the highway network throughout North Lincolnshire, specifically in relation to the New Roads and Street Works Act and the Traffic Management Act and to ensure all works are carried out safely.
To develop, introduce and maintain effective Permit schemes as outlined in the New Roads and Street Works Act and the Traffic Management Act.
Post holders will be expected to be flexible in undertaking the duties and responsibilities attached to their post and may be asked to perform other duties, which reasonably correspond to the general character of the post and are commensurate with its level of responsibility.
Main responsibilities:
Monitors the network and traffic management processes against targets and quality standards as laid down in the Divisional Service Plan so that the service delivered is consistent with the plan’s objectives.
Responsible for the effective delivery of the council’s duties under the New Roads and Streetworks Act and the Traffic Management Act, in relation to the regulation, coordination, inspection and monitoring of those working on the network.
To advise the Highway & Neighbourhood Services Team of any issues relating to the condition of the highway network, identified during the undertaking of the Traffic Management duties, which will inform and enhance future decisions about maintenance work programming and priorities.
Evaluates the performance of those working on the highway network and take the necessary action so that response and quality standards required under highway legislation are achieved.
To deputise for the Traffic Manager from time to time in undertaking duties under the Traffic Management Act.
Responsible for the effective delivery of the council’s duties under the Traffic Management Act, as delegated by the Traffic Manager, including, for example, the introduction of permit schemes and other measures as introduced by legislation.
Coordinate strategies with other Groups and Services, leading and participating in working groups as required to maximise the effective use of resources.
Establishes and maintains networks of contacts, undertaking day to day liaison with stakeholders, including the public, contractors, Highway Agency, the local highway authority, all statutory undertakers and their contractors, to ensure that the highway network operates in an efficient and effective manner.
Develops and maintain effective communications and a good working relationship with other service areas and external organisations so that problems, disputes, conflicts are kept to a minimum and, where they do arise, can be resolved efficiently.
Provides courteous, professional and technical responses to written and verbal enquiries from a range of individuals and organisations, including dealing with stressful and confrontational situations, so that the council fulfils its public service obligations and commitments.
Assists the Line Manager with continuous professional development, identifying and recommending training needs to ensure that individuals achieve their maximum potential.
To maintain accurate contemporary records of all works, responses to incidents and the like in order that the authority can make such records available in future insurance or litigious situations.
To ensure compliance with relevant health and safety legislation in all aspects of work undertaken so that your own safety, and the safety of working colleagues and occasional visitors, is safeguarded so far as is reasonably practical.
To perform winter maintenance and other emergency duties, including participation in out of hours rotas, as necessary to ensure the Council fulfils its statutory obligations and achieves its stated objectives in respect of these functions.
Knowledge, skill and experience:
An in depth knowledge of relevant highway related legislation, specifically the New Roads and Street Works Act, the Highways Act, Chapter 8 of the Traffic Signs Manual and the Traffic Management Act.
Able to interpret and action all Health and Safety at Work legislation associated with working on the highway network.
The ability to deal assertively and effectively with a range of individuals and organisations on complex matters.
The ability to solve complex problems in the functional areas.

Working in a multi-functional organisation.

Evidence of CPD.
To prioritise own work and that of others.
Good communication, influencing, negotiating and presentation skills both orally and in writing.

Extensive experience of monitoring and supervising others working on the highway.

The Councils financial regulations in respect of the specific function.

Knowledge of highway maintenance techniques

MS Office systems - Use of appropriate information and communication technology systems.
Be able to transport yourself throughout the Council area in a timely manner.
Ability to monitor and coordinate budgets.
Local government administration systems and procedures, financial regulations and standing orders.
Possession of a relevant technical or professional engineering qualification
Winter Maintenance Experience.
Experience of working in a highway maintenance environment.
Creativity and innovation:
To co-ordinate all works on the Highway Network to ensure all works are carried out in an efficient and effective manner minimising delays to the travelling public and to ensure there are no conflicts between various organisations.
To manage the highway network throughout North Lincolnshire, specifically in relation to the New Roads and Street Works Act and the Traffic Management Act and to ensure all works are carried out safely.
To develop, introduce and maintain effective Permit schemes as outlined in the New Roads and Street Works Act and the Traffic Management Act.
To liaise with all statutory undertakers on the timing of works to avoid conflicts and to ensure the most efficient methods of working are utilised.
Where works are not being undertaken efficiently – to resolve and direct rectification measures.
Identify practicable, cost effective and innovative solutions to reduce the impact on the highway network, of operations taking place on that network.
Recommend the extent of maintenance works, including the choice of plant and materials to meet arising needs, technical standards and value for money criteria.
The interpretation and application of engineering related regulations, health and safety legislation and council policies and procedures.
Investigate and assess the maintenance and network management related issues to any operations carried out on the network.
Monitor the performance of those working on the highway and continually assess the effectiveness of financial penalties / court action in achieving statutory targets.
Develop systems/procedures to meet the continuing demands /requirements of the Traffic Management Act and New roads and Streetworks Act including the introduction of permit schemes etc as developed by regulations and Codes of Practice originating from Central Government.
Contacts and relationships:
Meets with the Group Manager – Information & Governance on a weekly basis.
Statutory Undertakers, other organisations/bodies and contractors on a daily basis as and when they seek or have obtained authority to operate on the highway.
Consults with staff across the Operational Services area to identify and programme workload and discuss variations and pressures where applicable (weekly).
Contact with colleagues within the council at all levels on a daily basis.
Contact with Town and Parish Council representatives.
Contact with Elected Members as and when required on matters related to network issues.
Members of the public and businesses to deal with queries/complaints (weekly).
Suppliers and sub-contractors with regard to resource provision (daily).
Decision making:
Decides on the co-ordination of all works on the Highway Network to ensure all works are carried out in an efficient and effective manner minimising delays to the travelling public and to ensure there are no conflicts between various organisations.
Can decide to stop and remove contractors working on the highway if either they have no notice (or permit) or if works are being carried out in a dangerous manner or were the method of working is not acceptable.
Develops, introduces and maintains effective Permit schemes as outlined in the New Roads and Street Works Act and the Traffic Management Act.
Identifying and deciding on appropriate solutions to reducing the impact of those operating on the highway.
Serving standard notices on members of the public, statutory undertakers businesses and other organisations which commit offences when operating on the highway and to ensure that remedial action is taken.
The issuing of licenses, permits and other authorisations as necessary to those wishing to operate on the highway.
Use of initiative to determine priorities when dealing with complex and contentious problems and queries.
Responsibility for resources:
Tapes & Measures
Mobile Phone
Personal Protection Clothing
Pocket data capture device.
Work demands:
The post has significant autonomy in structuring the working day requiring high levels of self-discipline and time management.
The work cannot follow an established routine due to the reactive nature of the post in responding to the requirements of the public, statutory undertakers, Town and Parish Councils, Council Officers, Elected Members and outside bodies.
Physical demands:
Required to be physically fit, traversing rough ground, lifting and carrying equipment.
Required to drive between Council Offices and other sites.
Required to work in a hazardous environment.
Required to work in adverse weather conditions.
Required to use IT equipment in the interrogation of data.
Working conditions:
Office based 60%
Site based 40%
Working in the highway in a “hostile” environment.
Lone working as and when required
Work context:
Risk of falls and other risks associated with construction sites and the highway.
Risk of physical attack from members of the public and those operating on the network.
Danger from working in close proximity to traffic.

Position in organisation:
Indicate how many staff the post is directly accountable for:
Are posts in more than one location? YES
Is this at the same site? Are the posts managed highly mobile? Highly mobile
Is the supervision/management shared with another post in the structure? No
Please indicate which post(s) ______
You must provide an organisation chart that shows where the job sits within the structure. This should be a simple diagram but with enough detail to put the job into context, i.e. the post holder may manage different groups of staff undertaking different tasks. The chart must show the job in question, the job to which it reports, those jobs which report alongside it and any subordinate posts.

The post is subject to:
Disclosure of convictions under the Rehabilitation of Offenders (Exemption) Act 1974 Yes □ No □
Political restriction Yes □ No□
(signed) / (print) / Date:
Manager: (signed) / (print) / Date:

Policy and Resources Cabinet Member – 19th September 2012, Implemented – 8th October 2012 Page 1 of 7