
Rules and Expectations

  1. Grades are very important, if you do not pass, you cannot play. Therefore, you will report your grades periodically so that the coaching staff may monitor your progress academically and assist you with anything you may need to ensure that you are eligible to participate. If your grades drop below 75, extra conditioning will be assigned.
  1. Classroom conduct is also very important. You will respect all your teachers the same as you respect your coaches and teammates. At no time will it be acceptable to create a disruption in a class. Your conduct will also be monitored periodically, and if you have conduct that is not becoming of an athlete, you will receive extra conditioning. If I am notified by one of your teachers that you are having issues with behavior, we will discuss together how to best remedy the situation and you will receive conditioning.
  1. When you step onto the field it will be expected that you will behave as an athlete should, this includes being prompt to class and practices, being serious during times of training and learning, and to work hard at what we are doing. There will be times for fun and entertainment, but I would like to see dedication and hard work.
  1. You are a representative of the softball program at Klein Forest High School, and it is vitally important that you act like it. I will not tolerate fighting on or off the field. You will be immediately removed from the program if this takes place. Every single player is a leader and I expect each of you to lead your fellow peers and teammates. I will not tolerate drinking, drug use, or any sexual activity while you are on campus or with your teammates. I cannot control what you do at home but I do expect that you treat yourself with respect and cherish your body. Do not take for granted the talents and abilities you have been given.
  1. My door is always open, and if you would like to talk or share any concerns with me at any time then feel free to come see me. Do not think that something someone else is doing that is affecting you and your teammates is not your business. If it is having a negative impact then it affects everyone and should be taken care of immediately. I will handle all information and situations discreetly and will only involve school administration if and when absolutely necessary.
  1. If you need to get ahold of me after school hours it is ok to call me. My cell phone number is 281-797-6396. My email is . It is not ok to call me during class periods or text me while you are in class. I will give you extra conditioning for this, it is unacceptable.
  1. Every girl is expected to dress out every day of the week. Consequences for not bringing clothes or equipment will be rendered the same day or the following day before the athlete will continue normal activities with the class.
  1. The following requirements will be in place for the off season for ALL girls who wish to participate in the softball program this year:
  2. Attendance of a minimum of 15 extra-curricular activities other than your own sport will be mandated. You will be required to have the signature of an administrator on duty at the end of the event in order to receive credit.
  3. All will complete hours of community service. The specific events will be stated a later date. We are planning for Breast Cancer Awareness events for community service at this time.
  4. ALL girls who are not in another sport at KFHS in the fall, will practice with and participate in Cross Country. This is not an option and is not negotiable. You will follow the same guidelines for missing practice as the Cross Country team, everything missed will be made up during class or after school if necessary.
  5. The district form for allowing textual communications must be completed and returned immediately.
  1. It is unacceptable to be involved in any illegal activities that will negatively affect the school, the athletic program, and our team. These activities include, but are not limited to the following: Drinking, drug use, sexual misconduct, stealing, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind, abuse (physical, verbal, and emotional) of any kind toward any member of the school in its entirety. Any violation involving an illegal activity of any kind will not be tolerated, and you removal from this program will be immediate.

Return the bottom portion below : ______

Signature of student athlete: ______Date: ______

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______Date:______

Contact information:

Student Name: ______

Parent Name:______

Phone: ______
