WP 05




Sub-Group N1 – ATN Internet Communication Services
2nd Meeting
19–21 May 2004, Montréal, Canada


1.Meeting Organisational Issues

1.1The second meeting of the ICAO Aeronautical Communications Panel (ACP) Working Group N Sub-group N1 was held at the ICAO headquarters in Montréal,Canada from 19–21 May 2004.

1.2The meetingswere chaired by Kelly Kitchens, who stood-in for Brian Cardwell, with thirteen experts attending the meeting. A list of attendees is attached as Appendix A.

1.3There were nine (9) Working Papers (WP) and five (5) Information Papers (IP) were presented. In addition, two flimsies were presented to the subgroup. The list of Working Papers and Information Papers is attached as Appendix B.

2.Approval of the Agenda

2.1The meeting reviewed the proposed Agenda, WP-201. The action items from the previous sub-group meeting were incorporated into the agenda to ensure that they would be addressed.

2.2It was clarified by discussion with Brian Cardwell that the outstanding Proposed Defect Reports (PDRs) relating to ICAO Doc 9705 are no longer the responsibility of WGN, and these were removed from the list of action items from the previous meeting. Brian Cardwell agreed to submit the PDRs to the ATN Maintenance Sub-Group Meeting (AMSG), scheduled for 21 May. Future sub-volume V PDRs will be progressed by a new SME-5, expected to be Tony Whyman.

2.3The agenda approved by the sub-group is attached as Appendix C.

3.Review of the Report of the WGN Second Meeting

3.1It had been decided to review the report of the second meeting of ACP Working Group N at the end of the meeting. However, this agenda item was not addressed due to insufficient time.[AHB1]

4.Input to the Meeting from other Groups

4.1There was no input for other meetings from other groups.

5.Legacy Development for SARPs and Guidance Material


5.1.1The meeting reviewed the draft SARPs and Guidance Material for the IP SNDCF, and the validation reports that had been produced for Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) implementations of the IP SNDCF.

5.1.2It was noted that, while validation of the SNDCF for IPv4 had been carried out to level ‘b’ (two or more independently developed interoperating implementations validated by one state/organisation), formal validation of the IPv6 SNDCF had not been carried out. It was considered, however, that the SNDCFs for IPv4 and IPv6 are sufficiently similar to allow a lower level of validation for IPv6 given that the IPv4 validation has been conducted to a higher level. STNA/Eurocontrol volunteered to conduct validation of the IPv6 SNDCF to level ’f’ (simulation, analysis using tools) in time for the next sub-group meeting and before the ACP/1 meeting.

5.1.3It was considered that the validation report for the IPv4 SNDCF might require further revision, particularly to ensure that validation criteria are traceable to original requirements.

Action Item 2/1.: Validate IPv6 SNDCF to level ‘f’. STNA/Eurocontrol – September 2004.

Action Item 2/2.: Review IPv4 SNDCF validation report and provide comments to H. Denis via sgn1 mailing list. All sub-group experts – End July 2004.

Action Item 2/3.: Prepare revised IP SNDCF validation report for both IPv4 SNDCF and IPv6 SNDCF based on the outputs of actions items 2/1 and 2/2. H. Denis - September 2004.

5.1.4It was acknowledged that SARPs for the IPv4 SNDCF should be published in ICAO Doc. 9705 as soon as possible to allow commercial implementations to proceed that can be used by States and organisations with confidence, and so that the draft SARPs for the IPv4 SNDCF must be ready for submission to the first meeting of the Aeronautical Communications Panel (ACP/1), even if the IPv6 validation should fail to be approved in time for ACP/1. It was therefore decided that since they are complete, the draft IP SNDCF SARPs will be presented to WGN in their current form for review and preliminary approval awaiting the above validation activity, and input sought from WGN as to whether the proposed validation approach would be acceptable.

Action Item 2/4.: Submit WP to WGN containing the draft IP SNDCF SARPs and seek guidance on validation approach. K. Kitchens – to WGN/3.

5.1.5A brief review of the draft Guidance Material highlighted several deficiencies largely relating to the scope of the material and its appropriateness for ICAO Doc. 9739. It was decided that the sub-group should further review and comment on the guidance material with the aim of preparing a revised draft by the next sub-group meeting.

Action Item 2/5.: Review Guidance Material. Comments to be submitted to H. Denis by the sgn1 mailing list. All sub-group experts – End July 2004.

Action Item 2/6.: Prepare revised drafts of Guidance Material based on the output of action item 2/5. H. Denis – September 2004.

5.2Review current status of “Merits of ICS” paper

5.2.1The completion of the “Merits of ATN ICS” paper had been tasked to SGN1 by WGN as one of its terms of reference.

5.2.2It was considered that the Merits of ICS paper may no longer be valid in its present form, given developments TCP/IP deployment in support of ATN ground applications in the European region. It was decided to review whether this paper after the “Report on the use of TCP/IP internetworking for aeronautical communications” has been completed (see section 6.1).

5.3As directed by WG N

5.3.1This item is a placeholder on the agenda. At this time there are no tasks delegated from WG N and no work is required under this agenda item.

5.4Any other GM

5.4.1There was no guidance material outstanding except as discussed in section 5.1.

6.Development of new technical material arising from any new/revised requirements

6.1Technical Provisions related to the use of TCP/IP Protocols in aeronautical internetworking

6.1.1This work item had been allocated to WG N during AMCP/8; among WG N’s terms of reference is “to consider the use of TCP/IP protocols in the provision of aeronautical internetworking”. WG N had allocated it to SG N1 at the WGN/1 meeting to progress. The output is to be a “Report on the use of TCP/IP internetworking for aeronautical communications”, to be delivered to the ACP/1 meeting[MB2]. The first task in developing the report, development of the report outline, had been produced for the WGN/3 meeting as WGN03-WP10. The second task, development of a survey, had also been completed; surveys had been issued to ICAO member states, and responses had been collected. SGN1/1 had asked that the experts nominated by States and Organisations submit WPs to SG N1/2 to indicate their position on this work item.

6.1.2The meeting reviewed the WPs, IPs and flimsies submitted by the experts. These were: WP209 “Use of TCP/IP protocols for datalink communications– Airbus View” and WP203 “Use of TCP/IP protocols for data link communications” presented by Stéphane Tamalet; WP206 “Prediction on the future of ATN internetcommunication service provider” presented by Chanyut Phrukkumwong; IP201 “Minutes of the First Meeting, RTCA Special Committee 162”, IP202 “Optimistic Schedule, TCP/IP Addition to ATN”, IP203 “‘Real World’ Aircraft Network Architecture” and FL201 “Questions to be considered by WG-N with Regard to TCP/IP” presented by Alvin Burgemeister; WP205 “Opinion of Thailand regarding to the use ofTCP/IP in the ATN implementation” presented by Chonlawit Banphawatthanarak; and IP206 “The Use of IP for ATN Ground-to-Ground Network (AMHS)” presented by Leon Sayadian and Kelly Kitchens.

6.1.3In conjunction with the review of positions submitted by experts, the meeting had extensive discussions on the possible use of TCP/IP as an inter-network and transport service technology for existing and future ATN applications, either in addition to or as a replacement for the OSI transport and network protocols. Viewpoints considered included those of network engineering, aircraft and avionics manufacturers, data link service providers, and airlines. Technical feasibility, development and implementation/transition timescales and cost/benefit were also discussed. A summary of the salient points of the discussions collated by Mark Brown and Alvin Burgemeister is attached as Appendix D.

6.1.4The meeting discussed WP205 “Opinion of Thailand regarding to the use ofTCP/IP in the ATN implementation” at some length. This WP presented the results of Aerothai’s studies,which considered a number of scenarios for interoperability between ATN and TCP/IP in ground communications and outlined their basic strengths and weaknesses. The meeting felt that the WP clearly and succinctly presented possible scenarios for the use of TCP/IP in an ATN ground communications environment, and that wider circulation of a revised version of this paper might benefit the ATN community and could be used as part of the report to ACP/1 on TCP/IP. The meeting invited Chonlawit Banphawatthanarak to present the paper to WGN/3 as a concept paper, and if it were approved by WGN, to develop the paper further.

Action Item 2/7.: Present WP205 as a concept paper to WGN/3 and seek opinions as to its value to States and for inclusion in the TCP/IP report to ACP/1. Chonlawit Banphawatthanarak– SGN1/3 meeting.

6.1.5WP205 was considered useful in that it brought to light issues involved in TCP/IP implementation on the ground, and it was felt that a similar analysis paper addressing air/ground communication would be useful for identifying issues in that arena.

Action Item 2/8.: Develop a WP on TCP/IP implementation scenarios in air-ground communication. A. Burgemeister– by next sub-group meeting.

6.2Report on TCP/IP use in aeronautical applications by member states

6.2.1The meeting heard oral presentations of the responses to the survey that had been sent to States and Organisations by the experts from those States and Organisations who were present. The “raw data” (survey replies) will be kept confidential within the sub-group, and only “de-identified” information will be released outside the sub-group.

6.2.2Diane Revell agreed to collate the survey responses and produce a synopsis of the replies, which is attached as Appendix E. This will be reviewed at the next sub-group meeting and used to draft the report.

6.3Review and maintain the “Use of TCP/IP Policy Statement”

6.3.1This item is a placeholder on the agenda. The meeting concluded that the TCP/IP policy statement did not require revision at this time, but it might be more appropriate to review the policy statement following the outcome of the TCP/IP investigation activities.

7.Reports of New ICS Validation Activity/Operational Developments

7.1No reports of new ICS validation activities or operational developments had been received.

8.Development of List of deliverables

8.1The list of deliverables developed at the SGN1/1 meeting is attached as Appendix F.

8.2Concerns were expressed that the description (scope and content) of the deliverable(s) to ACP/1 under work items relating to TCP/IP are not adequately clear. It was observed that an outline of the report on TCP/IP to ACP/1 had already been prepared as WGN03-WP10. It is expected that further clarification of the sub-group deliverables will be made at the next sub-group meeting, once the results of the discussions on TCP/IP at the current sub-group meeting have been reviewed.

9.Future work for next meeting - allocate actions

9.1See Appendix G.

10.Output of SG-N1 to other Groups

10.1“Development of a WP for a future WG N meeting stating the need for subnet security measures” had been tasked to the FAA, but no draft WP had been submitted to the current sub-group meeting.

Action Item 2/9.: Develop working paper on subnet security needs.

11.Any Other Business

11.1Leon Sayadian and Kelly Kitchens presented IP202 “System Wide Information Management (SWIM): A Proposed Global Implementation”. Brian Cardwell commented that SWIM is still a concept and would need to be approved by an ICAO operational Panel and the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) before WGN could work on any ATN improvements that might be necessary to support it. Experts could try to raise awareness of SWIM within their States and Organisations and could also try to make SWIM initiatives aware of the ATN as a possible network for SWIM use. Brian Cardwell proposed that inter-panel communication be co-ordinated to contact other panels to raise awareness of SWIM. It was considered that the maximum that could be done by the sub-group at present would be to look at whether the ATN can support SWIM and what modifications might be required to support it; however, it was noted that there had been no responses to action item 1/10 from the SGN1/1 meeting that invited such reviews from interested experts.

11.2Tom McParland presented an information paper on a concept for integrating IP air-ground communication into the ATN air-ground data link and routeing architecture and the use of ATN mobile routeing for TCP/IP air/ground communications. The meeting noted the approach as a possible technical concept that could be further explored once further direction on air-ground IP becomes clear.

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WP 05



Appendix AAttendee List

ICAO ATNP SG N1 - ATN Internetwork Communication Service: Meeting 2 - Montreal, Canada, 19-20 May 2004

BROWN, Mark / Oki (JCAB)
JAPAN / 10-3, Shibaura, 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8551, JAPAN / +81-3-3454-2111
+81-3-3798-7623 /
BURGEMEISTER, Al / B-twelve Assoc./Boeing
ICCAIA / 1103 W. Meeker, Kent, WA98032-5751, USA / +1-253-859-0515
+1-253-852-4732 /
UK / Spectrum House, Gatwick Road, GatwickAirport South, UK / +44-1293-576 401
+44-1293-576 381 /
USA / 901 D Street, Suite 850, Washington, DC20024, USA / +1-202-646 5931
+1-202-646 5815 /
LAM, Henry / FAA
USA / 600 Maryland Avenue SW, Suite 305E, Washington, DC20024, USA / +1-202-314 4579 /
NGO, Thien / FAA
USA / 800 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC20591, USA / +1-202-493 5012 /
THAILAND / 102 Ngamduplee, Tungmahamek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 / +66-2-285 9250
+66-2-285 9253 /
USA / 800 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC20591, USA / +1-202-385 7236
+1-202-385 7237 /
THAILAND / 102 Ngamduplee, Tungmahamek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 / +66-2-285 9171
+66-2-285 9636 /
TAMALAT, Stephane / Airbus
ICCAIA / 316 Route de Bayonne, PO BOX M3031, 31060 Toulouse CEDEX 03, France / +33-5-61 93 06 48
+33-5-61 18 51 55 /
Panel Secretary / 999 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 5H7 / +1-514-954 8219
x 6714
+1-514-954 6759 /
VANDEN, Boogaard / IATA / 800 Place Victoria, P.O. Box 113
Montreal, GC Canada H2C 158 / +1-514-874-0202
1-514-874-2661 /
DENIS, Henri / STNA / STNA 8CA, 1 Avenue Du Docteur
Gryufogel, BP1084 3135 Toulouse Cedex-France / +33-0-562-14-5489
+33-0-562-14-5402 /
REVELL, Diane / Boeing/ICCAIA / P.O. Box 3707 MC 14-08
Seattle, WA98124-2207 / +1-206-655-5174 /
DESCAILLOT, Jocelyn / SITA / 770 Rue Sherbrooke Quest, Bereau 2100, MontrealQuebec, CanadaH3A 1G1 / +1-514-982-3507
+1-514-982-3597 /
SHARMA, Akhil / SITA / Capital Place, 120 Bath Road
Hayes, Middlesex UB35AN UK / +44-0-20-8476-4504
+44-0-20-8476-4347 /

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Appendix B

ACP Sub-Group N1 – ATN Internet Communication Services Working Paper List

Second Meeting

Montreal, Canada

19-21st May 2004

WP No. / Agenda Item / Presenter /
(a)WP Title
WP200 / 1 / Chairman / Working paper list for 1st SG-N1 Meeting
WP201 / 2 / Chairman / Agenda
WP202 / 3 / Chairman / Report of 1st WG N-B1 Meeting, (Bangkok, Thailand, November 2003)
WP203 / 7.1.1 / S. Tamalet / Use of TCP/IP protocols for data link communications
WP204 / 7.1.2 / STNA / IPv4 SNDCF Validation Report
WP205 / 7.1.3 / C.Banphawatthanarak / Opinion of Thailand regarding to the use of
TCP/IP in the ATN implementation
WP206 / 7.1.4 / C. Phrukkumwong / Prediction on the future of ATN internet
Communication service provider
WP207 / 7.1.5 / EUROCONTROL / ProATN TAR-TTS IP SNDCF Validation Report
WP209 / 7.1.9 / S. Tamalet / Considerations for the use of TCP/IP in datalink communications-Airbus view
IP201 / 7.1.7 / A. Burgemeister / Minutes of the First Meeting, RTCA Special Committee 162
IP202 / 7.1.6 / K.Kitchens
L.Sayadian / System Wide Information Management (SWIM): A Proposed Global Implementation
IP203 / 7.1.11 / T. McParland / Common Mobility Solution for
ATN OSI and Internet Protocol Stacks
IP204 / 7.1.8 / A. Burgemeister / Optimistic Schedule, TCP/IP Addition to ATN
IP206 / 7.1.10 / K. Kitchens/H. Tran / U.S. Position on the Use of IP for ATN Ground-to-Ground Network and Its Applications
FL201 / 7.1.11 / A. Burgemeister / Questions to be considered by WG-N
with Regard to TCP/IP
FL202 / 7.1.12 / A. Burgemeister / Real World Aircraft Network Architecture

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Appendix C


Sub-Group N1 – ATN Internet Communication Services

2nd Meeting

19-21 May 2004

Montreal, Canada


  1. Meeting Organisational Issues
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Review of Report of WG SGN1 First Meeting
  4. Input to the Meeting from other Groups
  5. Development of new technical material arising from any new/revised requirements
  6. Technical Provisions related to the use of TCP/IP Protocols in aeronautical internetworking.
  7. New Papers
  8. Discuss TCP/IP Survey
  9. Review and maintain the "Use of TCP/IP Policy Statement"
  10. Report on TCP/IP use in aeronautical applications by member states.
  11. Reports of New ICS Validation Activity/Operational Developments
  12. Development of List of deliverables
  13. Future work for next meeting - allocate actions
  14. Output of SG-N1 to other Groups
  15. New Business


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Appendix D:

Collected thoughts and observations on use of TCP/IP for Aeronautical services


The following is a synopsis of discussions of the sub-group experts and observers regarding the use of TCP/IP for aeronautical services, with the initial objective of determining if, how, where and when TCP/IP could be applied. A number of subject areas were identified as follows:

(1)Air-ground data communication

(2)Air-ground voice communication (e.g., VoIP)

(3)Ground-ground data communication

(4)Ground-ground voice communication (e.g., VoIP)

(5)Use of public Internet for dissemination of information to the public domain (AIS, MET etc.)

(6)Use of public Internet for submission of flight plan information,cooperative decision making (CDM), etc.

2. TCP/IP for Air-Ground Data Communications

Industry is pressing ahead in developing and deploying TCP/IP air-ground data communication services for AOC, AAC, and APC and there are several current research initiatives looking at TCP/IP for air-ground data communication.

However, TCP/IP in its present state is viewed as having technical deficiencies that make it unusable for air-ground ATS data communication for safety-critical communication; inter alia routeing, priority, end-to-end data integrity, mobility, security, and certification related to the use of commercial technology for critical data link communication.

Given that TCP/IP is already being used for air-ground communication for non-ATS purposes, and increasingly within the aircraft, convergence towards a common network/transport protocol of TCP/IP is viewed as a desirable goal for air-ground ATS communication (from, say, 10–15 years hence) if the technical deficiencies can be addressed.

However, there are no TCP/IP-based ATS air-ground applications at present, while the ATN is a stable and validated solution for air-ground applications, which is available and is being deployed now.