Vanishing Bees and the Melting Tip of the Iceberg
The information I give you in this article is very serious, regarding human survival! What is making bees vanish and whales go off course? How is this affecting human beings? The answer to these questions could very well tie into man’s control of the weather--“weather modification” or “weather warfare”.
Not only are bees vanishing without a trace, but whales, fish and birds are getting lost—not able to find their migratory paths, going against “nature”—even predatory sea animals and their “dinner” swimming off-course together without any “interaction”. We saw a week of news in May 2007 about two whales that got lost in a river. They seemed to be confused—not knowing which way to go. Nature is being manipulated, turned off-course, disoriented and lost, and man under the control of Lucifer (Satan as the “angel of light”) is at the helm—for a short time longer.
Where is the Creator in all of this? Yahuweh is still in control-- never doubt that! But, at this point, in order to accomplish His ultimate goals for the salvation and perfecting of His set-apart ones, He has taken His hands off of the plans of Lucifer and his people and this dying world system, in order to gather to Himself a true, pure, unspoiled remnant of people who will come out and be set-apart unto Him. His eye is on His own--on those who fear Him. (Psalm 103:13-18; Malachi 3:16-4:4)
Because of Russia’s weather-altering devices, the north and south poles are beginning to melt. Why? Russia needs the oil, and the mineral wealth in the now-frozen areas in the north part of Russia, and to the north—at the pole.
But, American HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) facilities are also involved. (This great weather-altering facility of America is located in Gokona, Alaska, just east of Fairbanks.)
“Global warming”: A propaganda deception! From The Weather Channel by James Spann, ABC 33/40 Weather Blog, January 18, 2007: “Hundreds of electromagnetic towers—Scalar (Russia) and HAARP (America) are churning out enormous amounts of heat into the atmosphere 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These towers are commonly called “Atmospheric Heaters!” Some weather experts have come to the conclusion that the real reason for the “chem-trails” is to trap sunlight and its heat, inside the dome of the atmosphere, thus causing temperatures throughout the world to increase”.
The beaming of scalar beams into the earth creates great heat in the atmosphere, but these beams also cause earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, wildfires, floods, drought, great storms, heavy snows, hail, and tornados. These beams can remove the ozone layer, causing cancer and the destruction of the immune system of humans and animals, and bees. These beams can scramble the minds of human beings, and the natural instincts of animals, and bees. I strongly believe that the two subjects of vanishing bees, and weather manipulation are tied together.
The vanishing bees phenomenon was reported last night (July 11, 2007) as a lead story on the Tampa, Florida local newscast. The beekeepers report up to 90
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billion dollars worth of crop damage expected in 2007. Twenty-three states are reported as being affected, and some Canadian provinces. Thirty to
sixty percent of bees from the West Coast of America have vanished. Up to seventy percent have vanished from the East Coast and Texas, Florida is hard-hit.
David Bradshaw reports from Visalia, California (February 23, 2007) that approximately 100 million fees were found missing from his bee boxes. They are
NOT dying, nor are any dead bees found near the boxes—they are vanishing. A typical bee colony contains 15,000 to 30,000 bees.
Jerry Bromenshank, a bee researcher, says: “Colonies are going down. The bees aren’t dead in the boxes or aren’t out front. They’ve just disappeared—just vanished”.
A Cornel University study has established that honeybees annually pollinate more than 14 billion dollars worth of seeds and grains alone.
The University of Pennsylvania has put out a report that says that the immune system of bees is collapsing, making them susceptible to disease.
If the bees’ immune systems are collapsing and weather-altering technology can collapse the immune systems in humans, then we can see the tie-in.
Causes discussed by scientists for the vanishing bees are pesticides, disease, mobile phone radiation, electromagnetic pollution from technology, shifts in the earth, and constantly changing weather patterns.
Albert Einstein said that if honeybees became extinct, the human race would decline in four years.
Jerry Haynes, Florida’s top bee expert, says that only the honeybee can pollinate crops. The crops cannot be pollinated any other way. In an interview on CBS news, Jim Blackstone asked Jerry if there was any way for man to pollinate crops. Jerry said “No”--there is no way to pollinate crops except via honeybees. Jim Blackstone said: “No one knows why they are disappearing or how to stop it”.
When the “common man” throws up his hands and says we can’t do anything, this is extremely serious—especially when it affects life on earth. If this is not solved, in a short time, scientists say that one third of America’s food supply will disappear. But, this is not just an American phenomenon. Canada is being affected and also parts of Europe. This has been called “the biggest blight on the United States”.
Listening to bee activity in the hives, experts say that the bees are “in distress”. It’s very sad that evil men even distressing honeybees.
We know that just before storms, birds and other animals change their behavior.
Scalar technology creates unnatural storms. One sunny day this July, with no clouds in the sky, I was sitting inside our house in Florida. All of a sudden booming sounds occurred outside in the sky. I asked my son-in-law what that was. He said before storms hit, there were booms. I said, “But it is sunny and clear out there”. He said, “That is the way it is here, the booms happen when it is sunny and clear, and then we have a storm”. This is exactly what is being reported in many places, and these booms are traced to weather-altering technology.
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Aqaba, Jordan, where I lived for 8 years, had a natural weather patter of
approximately 15 minutes of sprinkles a year—usually in January. It is in the Negev Desert on the Red Sea. One day, a giant boom was heard, the earth shook, then a storm came immediately that caused so much rain that it created mud-slides that came down on trains and train workers, and airport workers and killed
them. It broke the main water pipeline from Disi, coming into Aqaba. After this, storms and heavy rains began to come more and more frequently.
One night I was out on the roof of my apartment house and saw five very bright, very huge, fiery-red star-like shapes appear in the sky, high above the hills near Eilat, Israel, across the border from where I was. They each stayed in the sky about 5-7 minutes, then would vanish, and another would come. These were high, huge, and fiery red—very brilliant. I noticed that the air was very still, and unusually warm. It was eerie. The warmth seemed to come from these “fire-stars”. Later that night rainstorms began that continued for a week. The local people were baffled as to what was happening. There is an American military base just behind the mountains, behind Eilat, where the fire-stars appeared.
Of course, these things would distress bees, birds, whales, and animals of all sorts. These things distress human beings, tearing down their immune systems, so that skin cancer, for example, is becoming a plague, even in the young, because the ozone layer is being purposely removed.
David Hackenberg of Lewisberg, Pennsylvania, was the first to sound the alarm about vanishing bees. He lost 800 million bees in 2,000 hives.
From the Christian News Wire, April 27, 2007, we get more information: “David Bradshaw…got the shock of his career when he opened his boxes in January of 2007 and found half of his million bees missing”.
“This occurrence is being called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)”.
“This has spread to Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Greece”. “John Chapple, one of London’s largest beekeepers, announced that twenty three of his forty hives have been abruptly abandoned”.
The Christian News Wire quotes Revelation 6:5-6: “And when He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, `Come and see’. And I looked and saw a black horse, and he who sat on it holding a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, `A quart of wheat for a day’s wage, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wage. And do not harm the oil and the wine’”.
The Christian News Wire article said that grapes are pollinated by wind, or completely self-fertilizing. The grapes won’t be damaged. “Bees and other insects play a minor role in olive pollenization. Wind moves most of the pollen from tree to tree. Many olive varieties are self-fertilizing, so the olive harvest won’t be attacked by CCD”.
The CNN/Time science news editor said that already some U.S. stocks are plunging due to crops not being produced. CNN news said that the changing weather patterns could cause the bees to vanish—to not find “home”. This is interesting because CNN, as most of you know, is controlled by the Illuminati. Many times Lucifer tells on himself in short phrases, if a person
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knows how to listen intelligently. If they are saying that changing weather patterns can cause bees to get lost, then we need to perk up and check this out.
Now I want to give you some fascinating information about scalar technology, invented by a Russian scientist in the 1920’s, and HAARP technology, which is America’s version.
America’s HAARP technology is considerably behind Russia’s technology. Russia’s technology is so advanced that they can use, and have used, their “beams” to destroy things in outer space, as well as create havoc in our own earth’s atmosphere.
Man has gone way beyond his ability to control his knowledge. Man is out of hand. Jeremiah 10:14-16 talks about man’s “brutish knowledge”. Yahuweh’s creation is perfect, but man is destroying it in his attempts to get rid of Yahuweh.
Indeed we have returned to “the days of Noah”. Satan and his demonic forces are now using man to create things for the destruction of the whole human race. Man is playing with the DNA of man and animals and plants, mixing DNA, and creating “monsters”. We now have genetically modified foods, which give us little food value, and have additives that are harmful to our health.
We are back in the “days of Noah”, when demonic powers controlled mankind to the extent that Yahuweh had to destroy all flesh, except Noah and his family, to get rid of the “pollution”. (Genesis chapters 6 and 7)
Scott Stevens, one of America’s top meteorologists, told the “Cutting Edge” report (October 20, 2005): “To put it plainly: There is no natural weather left on planet earth. None! Hurricanes now develop in locations that best suit the weather makers. Storms now develop much to where the `powers that be’ want the maximum terror effect. These storms are government sponsored terrorist events. The effects are economic, are emotionally draining, certainly financially taxing, and used to cause a victim mentally that makes us all feel powerless in some sense. All weather is now manufactured. Period.” Most of these storms originate in Russia—the true technological super power of the earth. Russia is creating weapons for the Arabs to use against Israel that are far more advanced than anything the U.S. or NATO has to date.
On September 10, 2001, F.E.M.A. (America’s secret government authority) made a prediction: They said that a major terrorist attack was expected that would occur in New York that would demolish major high-rise buildings, that a class four to five hurricane would hit New Orleans and wipe out the whole area, and that a monster earthquake would hit California and kill many—two down, one to go. They are no prophets.
In December of 2004, when a tsunami hit south Asia and killed hundreds of thousands, six thousand Americans died, but it was not reported in the U.S. All American news showed at that time was the same picture of 9/11/01, over and over and over. America is not supposed to know what the rest of the world knows. I know there is a purposed news block-out to the U.S. We are being mind-programmed continually. The higher-ups didn’t want us to lose focus from 9/11 and think about 6,000 dead Americans in a tsunami. The tsunami was
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called a “freak of nature--shaking the core of the earth and rattling it. Months afterwards, scientists said the earth’s core was still shaking. I believe it was man-made. I believe it was a practice test for hurricane Katrina.
The Bible talks about the “roaring of the seas”. In Luke 21:25, the Messiah says: “And there shall be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on earth anxiety of nations, in bewilderment at the roaring of the seas, and agitation, men fainting from fear and the expectation of what is coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to take place, look up, and lift up our heads for your redemption draws near”.
The Greek word for “roaring” is #2278, and 2279 in James Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. It is the word “echeo” – “to make a loud noise, to reverberate, to roar, to echo, to be loud or confused”. From The Merriam Webster Dictionary, 1994, the word “reverberate” means: “to reflect light or heat, to respond as in a series of echoes”. What a description of the effect of scalar technology! On land, the light-heat and confusion passing through the atmosphere is changing the course of nature to its destruction.
Excerpts from Romans 8:18-22: “For the intense longing of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of Elohim…the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage to corruption into the esteemed freedom of the children of Elohim. For we know that all creation groans together, and suffers…” Yes, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, fish, mammals of the sea, plants—all creation—awaits the coming of Messiah to free it from man’s destruction.
If you will do a study on Ezekiel 27 and 28, you will see that Satan, as Lucifer the illumined, shining, angel of light, works through trade and commerce. The seas have always been a major avenue for Lucifer’s system to exchange goods. The melting of the polar ice caps and other northern ice-bound areas, by America and Russia, are all because of greed—to get at the wealth that lies beneath. The passages in Ezekiel correspond to the destruction of the harbor of New York, in Revelation 18. This chapter is clearly New York—for all the commodities listed in this chapter are only traded daily in one place—Wall Street.
Revelation 16:3 says that in the wrath of Yahuweh, all sea life dies. In fact, when Messiah comes, the whole earth will be shaken so badly that islands will sink, and the earth thrown back onto its original axis, before the great flood of Noah’s day. But, in Revelation 11:18, we see that in His wrath, He destroys those that destroy His earth. Now, because scalar technology has gone into space, even to the moon, and among some of our solar system’s planets, man has their evil into the realm of the “heavenlies”. Yahuweh is soon to arise and end it.
Jerusalem Post journalist, David Shamah, wrote on the tsunami on January 13, 2005: “I mean, how was it that the US Naval Base at Diego Garcia—which is `this’ close to India, the Maldives, etc—emerge unscathed? Forget nuclear
weapons, there’s a much greater danger out there, one that could easily have caused the tsunami. It’s called HAARP…HAARP is being
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designed as a weapon to control the atmosphere, the weather—and earthquakes.”
Have you wondered what is going on—Earthquakes, tornados, massive fires, hurricanes, heavy flooding, heavy snow, heavy storms and high winds,
drought and great heat—all in America, sometimes with totally different things happening within a small area, all at or around the same time-period, within one season? Jeremiah 5:22-23 tells us that Yahuweh has set the boundaries of the seas. Yahuweh rides upon the floods and storms, and controls the “chambers” of snow and ice, the Psalmists say. But, in Psalm 2, we see that just before Messiah comes, man is meeting and working to do away with His “bands”—His boundaries. Yahuweh is letting out the rope—and evil man will hang himself.