Minutes – Committee Meeting 60
Wednesday 10th February 2010. Start time – 3.00 pm
GL Hearn, Soho Square, London
1. Attending
Paul Astbury, Neil King QC, Barry Denyer-Green, Colin Smith, Charles Norman, Mark Barlow
2. Apologies for absence
Emrys Parry, Philip Maude, Keith Murray, Alison Barker, Matt Bodley, Vanessa Lambert-Smith, Nigel Laing, Matt Bodley
3. Previous Minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 10th February 2010 were accepted as an accurate record of proceedings.
4. Matters Arising
5. CPA Reforms
Papers to be circulated in advance for consideration at the next meeting.
· New Rights paper – PM (already circulated)
· Basic Loss Payments paper
o The wording should be tweaked to reinforce the points
o External area should follow RICS measurement code
o Reverse the percentages
o Revise ready for next meeting
· Bishopsgate s20 – PA
· Planning Assumptions - BDG
o amended & awaiting comments from NL (ref Persimmon and Thomas Newell cases) BDG to copy to CN.
o MB also to send a Guy Roots paper onto BDG
· S52 – KM
· S237 / Restrictive covenants – AB to report back on situation in Birmingham.
6. Extending the life of CPOs
PA referred to a letter he had received from a member regarding the need to extend the life of CPOs. Following some discussion it was agreed that PA should liaise and suggest that a paper could be submitted for the Committee’s consideration if it was felt that the proposal so merited one.
7. Events
§ CPA Dinner
o The dinner was excellent, but with 20 people failing to get tickets, it was agreed that a venue with greater flexibility to expand numbers should be identified.
o It was noted that the Bribery Bill is likely to make Civil Servants less likely to attend as guests
§ CPA Drinks
o Agreed to hold at the Oriental Club, London on Thursday 29th April 2010.
§ CPA National Conference
o Agreed suggested keynote speakers.
§ CPA Stakeholder Group
o Agenda discussed and amendments agreed. EP to take notes.
8. Forthcoming meetings
§ Government Office London – meeting scheduled for Wednesday 10th March 2010. CS / AB / PM to attend.
§ Penfold Review Call for Evidence – agreed to postpone discussion on proposed meeting to discuss further those areas that could be reformed in CPO matters. The meeting should include AB, NL, PA and BDG.
9. Website Update
Minutes of IPC meeting and LT Fee consultation to be circulated again and uploaded onto website.
10. Membership update
§ Agreed that an invitation for Honorary Membership be extended to both Stephen Bowman and Emrys Parry in recognition of their contributions to the work of the CPA over the past years.
§ All other membership applications accepted.
11. AOB
§ BDG advised that he would no longer be able to attend the IRWA Conference in Calgary in June.
§ BDG raised issue that the 2mth time limit for referring a counter notice to a blight notice has been repealed by the Transfer of Functions Order with no replacement time limit.
12. Dates of next meetings
o 19th April 2010
o 17th May 2010
o 29th May 2010 – CPA Drinks Reception
o 16th June 2010 – CPA National Conference
Compulsory Purchase Association
4a Woodside Business Park, Whitley Wood Lane, Reading. RG2 8LW Tel: 0118 987 3345 Fax: 0118 987 3366
Email: www.compulsorypurchaseassocation.org