DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2018. See more information on page 4.
The Munzer Foundation will ONLYaccept proposals submitted via email. If your organization wishes to apply for the 2019 cycle, please follow the instructions below and submit your proposal to.
In the proposal, address the following topics in the sequence. The proposal should be no more than 6 pages single-spaced, not including cover page, attachments, and the grant check-in section (for organizations funded in 2017).
Please note that the grant-term for this application is for services to be provided September 2019 to June 2020 (9 mo.).
1)You MUST FOLLOW THE APPLICATION SEQUENCE exactly as it is presented from pages 1-4, line item by line item.
2)Do not write “See Attached” for any of the line items, answer the question as asked. For Example, you will need to provide a Project Budget as an attachment to the application. However, when asked for the total project budget in the line item, answer with the project budget number not “See Attached”.
3)Label the file for submissionProposal Application. The file should include the Cover Page, Proposal Information, and Grant Check In in one file. Label each section in the application as stated.
Organizational Information and Contact
- Name of organization
- Street address, city, state, zip code
- Telephone number, email and website addresses, if available
- Federal tax ID number
- Name and title of chief organizational leader (e.g., Executive Director, President/CEO, Board President or Chair)
- Contact person for this application, title, email, and telephone number
Funding Information
- Total organization operating budget (for the current fiscal year)
- Total project budget (for the grant-term September 2019 to June 2020)
- Amount requested from The Munzer Foundation
- Other committed funding sources for this project
Project Request
- Type of funding requested(please select only one)
Capital purchases or renovations
- Program area most related to this request (please select only one)
Family support systems
- One sentence summary of the project
(The proposal should be no more than 6 pagessingle-spaced)
Program overview and impact:
- Please provide a brief description of your organization including mission, core services, and population and number of individuals served each year.
- Describe the purpose of this request for funding including the following:
- What are the key needs this project will address?
- What are the specific goals of this project and what strategies will you use to achieve the intended impact?
- Target population to be served (including number, demographics, age, and geography)
Relationship to The Munzer Foundation:
- In what ways does this request further the mission, values, and program interests of The Munzer Foundation?
Organizational capacity to achieve impact:
- How is your organization positioned to use a grant from The Munzer Foundation to achieve the intended impact? Please discuss leadership capacity (including Board and/or staff), track record of success and/or evaluation results, organizational planning (e.g., strategic plan), and any other strengths related to the capacity of your organization.
- How do you integrate other community partners (e.g., other nonprofit organizations, government entities, schools, community residents and leaders, etc.) into the project in order to address/reduce duplication of services, share best practices, and increase impact?
Project timeline: Please note that the grant-term is September 2019 to June 2020 (9 mo.)
- What is the anticipated timeline for implementation?
- How will you assess the program to know it achieved its goals or discover areas for improvement? What methods and metrics will you use to evaluate success?
Budget: Please note that the grant-term is September 2019 to June 2020 (9 mo.)
- Please provide projections of the overall income and total project expense. Be sure to incorporate the full cost needed to fully implement this project, including organizational resources required to conduct the project.
- Are there other revenues pledged, received, or needed to meet the full project cost? What is your fundraising plan to meet the total project cost?
Project sustainability:
- What will your organization do to ensure sustainability of this project or capital expense?
If you received a grant from The Munzer Foundation in 2017, please provide the following information to give us a sense of the results of thefunded projectto date. Please provide succinct highlights and key information; between 1-2 pages single spaced.
- Describe results and achievements toward the goals and outcomes stated in your original proposal. Please provide evidence of impact of the grant on your organization and its constituencies.
- Is the project going as planned? Please share key factors contributing to success, unexpected obstacles faced, and/or lessons learned.
- How will you sustain the project in the future?
When submitting your attachments, please title each file as bolded below, thank you!!!
List of your Board of Directors and their professional affiliation
Organizational budget for the current fiscal year including both income and expenses (approved by the Board). Please provide an income breakout that presents how much of your annual budget comes from foundations, businesses and corporations, government, individuals, special events, and/or earned income.
Detailed project budget including income and expensesfor the grant-term September 2019 to June 2020(please keep to one page).
A copy of your most recent IRS Form 990.
Year-end financial statements for the most recently completed fiscal year. Options of accepted documents include: audited financials, or if not available, accountant’sfinancial statement (either review or compilation), orannual financial statement produced by the organization.
If applying for the first time, a copy of the 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Letter.
Promotional materials such as: brochure, annual report, newsletter, news articles, letter of support, or other documents (if applicable). Please: no more than 3 pieces.
DEADLINE for submission is Friday September 7, 2018. Proposals must be submitted ONLY by email to . In Subject Line include: Name of Organization 2019 Proposal. Please, no in-person delivered submissions.
The Rudolph J. & Daphne A. Munzer Foundation
3450 E. Spring Street, Suite 216, Long Beach CA,90806 (562) 912-7732 Page 1.