Introduction to Digital Technology/Computer Science Principles Page 1


COURSE TITLE:Introduction to Digital Technology/Computer Science Principles


DESCRIPTION:Introduction to Digital Technology/Computer Science (CS) Principles is an intellectually rich andengaging course that is focused on building a solid understanding and foundation in computerscience and technology. This course emphasizes the content, practices, thinking and skills central to thediscipline of computer science. Through both its content and pedagogy, this course aims toappeal to a broad audience. The focus of this course will fall into these computational thinkingpractices: connecting computing, developing computational artifacts, abstracting, analyzingproblems and artifacts, communicating, and collaborating.Various forms of technologies will be used to expose students to resources and application ofcomputer science. Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical andlegal issues, and the impact of effective presentation skills are enhanced in this course toprepare students to be college and career ready. Employability skills are integrated into activities,tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required bybusiness and industry.

Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral components of both the employability skills standards and content standards for this course.

In order to facilitate your learning and provide you with more opportunities to explore the business and computer science offerings, this course offers two high school credits. Therefore, all the standards for both courses will be taught within this yearlong class. It is imperative that you master each of the standards successfully. Therefore, additional study time outside of class is strongly encouraged. The two credits will be awarded as: one for Introduction to Digital Technology and one for Computer Science Principles. Credit for Introduction to Digital Technology will be awarded at the end of Semester One and credit for Computer Science Principles will be awarded at the end of theSemester Two. Unsuccessful completion of the course, however, will show that you have not passed-- Introduction to Digital Technology and/or Computer Science Principles.

INSTRUCTOR:Mrs. Robinson, MA-Curriculum and Technology

BS-Business Education

Classroom/Office—Room I18

Telephone: (470) 254-4230 ext. 44232



Google Classroom Class Code: Period 1: 28i1uvu Period 3: 96xwuyy

FBLA Website:

Remind: Period 1 Code: 6cg7k Period 3 Code:6fg29

PROGRAM Information Technology


CAREER PATHWAY: Computer Science or Programming

TEXTBOOK:There will not be a textbook issued for this course. Web-based materials will be utilized.

SOFTWARE:Microsoft Office 365, LearnKey, Ear Sketch, Scratch, Microsoft Academy,

STANDARDS:IT-IDT-1Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.

IT-IDT-2 Explore, research, and present findings on positions and career paths in

technology and the impact of technology on chosen career area.

IT-IDT-3 Demonstrate effective professional communication skills (oral, written, and

digital) and practices that enable positive customer relationships.

IT-IDT-4 Identify, describe, evaluate, select and use appropriate technology.

IT-IDT-5 Understand, communicate, and adapt to a digital world.

IT-IDT-6 Explore and explain the basic components of computer networks.

IT-IDT-7 Use computational thinking procedures to analyze and solve problems.

IT-IDT-8 Create and organize webpages through the use of a variety of web programming

design tools.

IT-IDT-9Design, develop, test and implement programs using visual programming.

IT-IDT-10Describe, analyze, develop and follow policies for managing ethical and legal

issues in the business world and in a technology-based society.

IT-IDT-11Explore how related student organizations are integral parts of career and

technology education courses through leadership development, school and

community service projects, entrepreneurship development, and competitive


IT-CSP-1Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.

IT-CSP-2Create digital artifacts that foster creative expression including programs, digital music, videos, images, documents, and combinations of these such infographics, presentations, and web pages.

IT-CSP-3Apply abstractions in digital data to explain how bits are grouped to represent higher-level abstractions such as numbers and characters.

IT-CSP-4Design and create computer programs to process and extract information to gain insight and knowledge.

IT-CSP-5Develop, express, implement, and analyze algorithms analytically and empirically.

IT-CSP-6Create programs that translate human intention into computational artifacts including music, images, visualizations, and more while exploring concepts, techniques and development used in writing programs.

IT-CSP-7Gain insight into the operations of the Internet, study characteristics of the Internet and systems built upon it, and analyze important concerns, such as cybersecurity.

IT-CSP-8Develop a logical argument from the many ways in which computing enables innovation and our methods for communicating, collaborating, problem solving, and doing business, and analyze the potential benefits and harmful effects of computing in a way people think, work, live, and play.

IT-CSP-9Explore how related student organizations are integral parts of career and

technology education courses through leadership development, school and

community service projects, entrepreneurship development, and competitive


1 / Introduction to Computer Science / 1
2 / Algorithms, Program Solving
/Programming / 8
3 / Leadership Development, Customer Service, and Careers / 1
4 / Digital Information/Ethics / 6
5 / Hardware/Software / 2
Semester 1 / 18
6 / Networking/Internet / 4
7 / Web Design / 4
8 / Big Data and Information Facilitation / 4
9 / Building Apps / 4
10 / Robotics / 2
Semester 2 / 18


GEORGIA TECH:We will be utilizing course materials from Georgia.

ARTICULATION:This course does articulate with Information Technology or Computer Concepts for technical college credit. Successful completion (a grade of 85 or higher) counts as an articulated credit.

CAREER System Administrator, Web Developer, Software Designer, Programmer, Network Technician,

OPPORTUNITIES:Help Desk Technician, Database Engineer, IT Consultant

METHODS OF Class lecture/demonstration, question/answer, group work,

INSTRUCTION: audio-visual aids, student reports/projects, case studies, and guest speakers.

EVALUATION:Semester Average

Formative Assessments: Employability Skills, Quizzes and Home Learning = 10%

Formative Assessment: Daily/Class Assignments = 30%

Summative Assessments: Tests, Mid Termand Projects = 40%

Semester Exam = 20%

Total Percentages =100%

The Fulton County grading policy is as follows:

A=90 and up; B=80-89; C=70-79; F=Below 70

FBLA:Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)is a co-curricular student organization in Business and Computer Science that promotes leadership, career planning, community service, and social networking. Every student will be required to complete FBLA course assignments. Additionally, FBLA will be blended into all of the standards of the course. Membership is strongly encouraged for all students enrolled in this course. Dues are $25 for local, state, and national membership. T-Shirts will be an additional $10. See me for an application.

EOPA:The State of Georgia is mandating that an End of Pathway assessment be given for this course. The assessment will be administered in April. Review materials will be provided throughout the school year. Students who pass the credentialing test will be awarded an honor cord to wear at graduation.


Adjustments to the syllabus may be made as needed.
