Working Group C

3rd Meeting

Anchorage, Alaska, USA

15-19 October, 2001

Agenda Item 11: Any other business

Information on Eurocontrol activities:

Use of a keypad to select VHF frequencies

in the aircraft R/T control panel

Prepared by Nikos Fistas, Eurocontrol

Presented by Ph. Renaud, Eurocontrol


This paper provides information to WGC about an activity that has been initiated in Eurocontrol to examine the potential benefits of using a keypad to select the frequency in the VHF communication radios.

Use of a keypad in the aircraft R/T control panel


The Eurocontrol MCI Programme (DIS/COM) has initiated an activity to identify and analyse potential improvements of the existing communications infrastructure of aircraft. In the frame of this activity, the use of a keypad to select the frequency in the aircraft communications control panel has been identified and is currently addressed.

The objective of this activity is to identify what benefits this will provide and to access the feasibility (taking into account cost and practicalities). In particular, in the light of experience and feedback from the pilots in the 8.33 kHz implementation and the potential implementation of VDL Mode 3, it is important to evaluate whether the use of a keypad could address some at identified concerns (naturally without creating others).

This paper is intended to inform WGC of this activity and describe the scope of this investigation.


The approach will be to evaluate the benefits, the associated costs and the interest of the stakeholders.

Issues to be considered in this investigation include: human factors, certification, and standardisation.

The issue will be analysed in terms of the technical as well as the operational impact.

The intention is to analyse this improvement in close co-ordination with control panel manufacturers as well as other industry involved (airframe manufacturers) and the users (pilots).

3Current status

There has been activities in evaluating the use of a keypad within the avionics industry (avionics and airframe manufacturers).

Eurocontrol is aware of such activities and we are in contact with organisations involved in such investigations, to achieve a co-ordinated investigation.

The next step is to produce a report addressing the different aspects and implications of using a keypad and detailing the current status within the industry.

4Further information

For more information or if there is an interest to commonly address this issue, please contact Nikos Fistas at Eurocontrol.

Nikos Fistas, DIS/COM, Eurocontrol


Tel.:+32 2 7294777

Fax:+32 2 7293511

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