Office Guidelines
Curtis A. Crandall, D.D.S.
1410 14th Street, Plano, TX75074
(972) 423-4595
Thank you for choosing our office for your dental needs. Please review the following information.
Scheduling Guidelines:
Our practice is dedicated to quality care and exceptional service. We respect the importance of your time and work very hard to schedule appointments that accommodate the busy scheduling needs of all of our patients. In return, we ask that patients make every effort not to change reserved dental appointments. Broken and missed appointments create scheduling problems for other patients as well as the practice. If you find that you must change your appointment, we require a minimum of 48 hour notice so that we may accommodate another patient. A charge will be applied for broken and missed appointments without advanced notification. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Financial Guidelines:
We realize that every person’s financial situation is different. For this reason, we have worked hard to provide a variety of payment options to help you receive the dental care you deserve that allows you to enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile with respect to your budget. We are always available to answer your questions or assist you in any way we can.
Payment Options: Cash or Check
Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa, or Discover
In the unlikely event your check is returned, we reserve the right to re-present the item, plus a processing fee.
All of our fees or copays less than $300 will be due and payable at the time treatment is rendered unless specified as follows or special arrangements have been made with our office prior to treatment.
Emergency Visits: Payment is expected at the time of service. If you have dental insurance, we will provide you with a
receipt, which can be used to file a claim. The insurance payment would then go directly to the patient.
Out of Town/ Payments for these students are made in advance with the parents. These students are the parents’
College Students: responsibility.
Children: The parent/adult who accompanies the child is responsible for all charges.
Insurance: We are happy to assist you in filing the necessary forms to help you receive the full benefits of your coverage;
however, we can make NO guarantee of any estimated coverage or payment. Because the insurance policy is
an agreement between you and your insurance company, we ask that all patients be responsible for all
When an insurance check is received, due to the patient, we will deposit it and issue an office check to the
Extended Payments: No interest payment plans and low interest extended payment plans are offered through Carecredit.
Payments in Advance: We offer a 5% courtesy to anyone paying in advance or at the time of service by cash, check
or credit card when the services total over $500.
I understand and agree to the above policies.
Signature of Responsible Party