Mrs. GruenewaldRoom 513
Periods: 5,6,7
Language Arts 1-2H Syllabus
Course Description:
This course is an introduction to Literature. Students will examine and apply composition formats to real life experiences.Literary and technical reading, writing, speaking and listening activities will be integrated throughout the course of study. This course is aligned with the district and state standards and supports the school wide efforts of increasing student achievement.
Required Textbook:
Elements of Literature: Third Course Holt, Rinehart and Winston
.One composition book
.1 folder with three-hole “brads” and side pockets for AP manual.
.Several pens with black or blue ink ONLY! (erasable is acceptable)
.#2 pencils only (mechanical pencils are fine)
.three highlighters (preferably different colors)
.Folder/binder dedicated to ELA with lined paper
All assigned class work will be due at the end of the class period.
All assigned homework will be due the day it is assigned.
Grading System:
Grades are determined by the student’s cumulative earned points during the semester.
The earned points are weighted into categories as shown below:
Grade Distribution: Semester grades are determined by the coursework (70%) and the Summative exams/Projects (30%)
Course Work: 70 % of grade
.Reading 30%
.Writing 45%
.Speaking/Listening 15%
.Language 10%
Summative Exams/Projects: 30% of grade
Speaking and Listening:
Students will complete the following:
Contribute to class discussions, listen to others speaking, and analyze all information
District Grading Scale:
A= 90%-100%
B= 80%-89%
C= 70%-79%
D= 60%-69%
F= Below 60%
.Tests and quizzes reflect: class notes, reading comprehension, class discussions, spelling, vocabulary, class projects, etc.
.Cheating on any assignment will receive a 0% and disciplinary action will be taken.
.Assignments that cannot be read receive a 0%.
Powerschool Access:
The Powerschools site allows parents/guardians and students to access the student’s grades, attendance, and other information. It is highly recommended that both students and parents monitor grades, assignments, etc. and express concerns if they arise.
The web address is:
Canvas: The DVUSD canvas application will be used on a daily basis. The weekly schedule, assignments, announcements etc. will be updated daily. Please check on a regular basis.
Make Up Work Policy:
.It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all make-up work.
.Absent work will be accepted one day after the return to school for every day absent or upon an agreed time designated by the teacher.
.No Late Work will be accepted.
.Make up tests are to be completed within one week of returning to school. These tests will be taken by appointment, before or after school, or if time allows during class time, and an alternative test may be given.
.Please refer to the student handbook for more information on these policies, including policies for Long Term Projects.
.Students are expected to attend class daily and be prepared. This includes having all required materials, due assignments ready to hand in, and being actively engaged in class discussions
.In accordance with the DVUSD attendance policies, any student who has more than 10 unexcused absences may be dropped from the class and receive no credit.
.While the district allows for a reasonable margin of absence, students who are regularly absent or tardy will suffer the effects in their course grade. This course moves at a brisk pace, and it will be difficult to keep up with the work load if a student is excessively absent
Behavior Expectations:
- Students will bring all specified materials to class every day.
- Students will respect the teacher, themselves, and others as well as their
property and possessions.
- Students will remain focused on the learning process.
- No student will be allowed to disrupt the learning of any other student in my classroom. Disciplinary action will be immediate!
- Students will place all contraband items in their backpacks.
- Electronics: Improper use of electronic devices is prohibited and items will be confiscated. This includes but is not limited to cell phones, and Ipads, kindles, etc.
One warning will be given, if student continues use, or has item out again it will be confiscated until the end of the class. If student refuses to give phone to teacher, interaction is considered insubordination (major offense in student hand book), referral will be written, and security will be called to confiscate device until the end of the day, and parent/ guardian must pick up the confiscated device.
- Students will follow all classroom, school, and district policies at all times.
This includes proper dress code!
- Plagarism and cheating will not be tolerated in any form, please refer to student hand book for further outline.
Classroom Procedures/Structure:
- Upon entering the classroom students will promptly begin “bell work.”
- Objectives for the day will be written on the board.
- Instruction will take place in the form of collaborative activities, short lecture, note sessions for new material, and mini-lessons.
- Independent or group activity with teacher facilitating and monitoring is included.
- This class involves “bell to bell” instruction! The students are to be in their seats
when the tardy bell rings. They are dismissed from class when the dismissal bell rings and NOT before. NO LINING UP AT THE DOOR BEFORE THE BELL RINGS!
Please feel free E-mail me with any questions or concerns:
LA 1-2 Honors
Mrs. GruenewaldRoom 513
Periods: 5,6,7
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
In an effort to conserve paper your student’s syllabus was covered and discussed in class electronically, and is available for your view on both the class website at and the canvas application downloaded on your students ipad.
Please take the time to read over the 2017-2018 syllabus for ELA 1-2 (Honors), then detach the bottom half, sign, and return by Friday, August 11.
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year please contact me at .
Lindsey Gruenewald
------Please sign, date and return this bottom form to your teacher.------
I hereby certify that I/we have read and understand the syllabus, and give permission to read and view the following titles during the 2017/2018school year
Movie and Novel Permission
During the course of the school year students will be reading and viewing a variety of materials. Some of the materials are rated PG or PG13 and require permission to view. We may view/read all or a portion of the following:
Romeo and Juliet To Kill A Mockingbird The Odyssey
Your signature indicates that you have reviewed both the syllabus and the ancillary novels list.
Student name: (Printed)
Student Signature:
Parent Signature: