Mr Phil Brealey
By Email
20th August 2014
Dear Mr Brealey,
Further to our meetings and discussions, we are pleased to provide the following quotation for the indoor pool project at Ravenstone Hall.
Pool Type / Indoor freeboard tiled pool.Pool Size / 9.144m x 3.66m with a constant water depth of 1.25m
Filtration System / Filtration system designed and installed in accordance with SPATA standards (Swimming Pool and Allied Trades Association) for a domestic pool.
Pool Finishes / Based on a 23mm Mediterranean Blue Blend ceramic mosaic tile.
Underwater Lighting / Options provided for LED lighting
Access / A set of straight steps in one corner of the pool as per plan.
Heating System / Based on the use of a Calorex Environmental unit with gas boiler primary heating.
Pool Cover / Based on a safety cover design.
Tiled Pool Works
We have assumed that the appointed main contractor will be removing the existing pool hall floor, all the existing pool walls complete and most of the pool floor area to enable the new pool structure to be formed on site. We have included for the following items of work as detailed:
· To set out the pool position on site and set the levels in conjunction with yourself ready for forming the pool shell structure on site.
· We have allowed for installing a dewatering system including a vertical riser tube for removal of ground water during the construction of the pool if required.
· Installing the two swimming pool sumps to the floor area and first stage of pool pipe work.
· Supplying the materials and installing a concrete blinding to the base of the pool excavation to supply a solid base for the installation of the main pool shell.
· Supplying and erecting timber back shutters on site to form the pool shell.
· Designing, supplying and installing the steel reinforcement detail to the pool walls and floor.
· Positioning into the reinforcement the required filtration fittings and any other lights etc. chosen.
· To supply and install a 100mm thick high density rigid insulation board suitable for wet areas for installation behind the pool walls.
· Supplying the materials and forming the high pressure blown concrete pool shell complete.
· Removing and disposing of the timber shutters once the shell is cured.
· Supplying the materials and constructing in one corner a set of straight steps.
· Supplying sand, cement and integral water proofers and rendering and screeding the internal area of the pool tank including the steps, leaving ready to receive the mosaic tile finish.
· Supplying the required materials and forming a sand and cement cove to the junction of the wall and floor within the pool shell.
· Supplying the required timber shutters and fitting them to form a straight and level edge at the correct height around the top of the pool shell.
· Supplying the required materials and laying a bonded topping around the top of the pool shell to the above shutter and removing the shutter once cured.
· Supplying the ceramic Mediterranean Blue mosaic tiles complete with swimming pool tile adhesive and white grout and fixing the tiles to the internal area to the pool tank. Grouting and leaving to dry prior to filling.
Pool Filtration System
We have included for the following items of work:
· Designing and supplying a filtration system in accordance with SPATA standards for a domestic pool based on a six hour turnover.
· Supplying and installing the following items of filtration built into the swimming pool shell all based on white plastic ABS fittings:
1 x surface water skimmer complete with strainer basket and floating weir.
2 x floor main drains
2 x water return inlets
1 x vacuum point
· Supplying and installing the interconnecting pipe work between these items positioned in the pool shell back to the plantroom area and pressure testing for soundness on completion.
· Supplying the following items of plantroom equipment:
1 x 510mm diameter sand filter complete with multiport valve, pressure gauge and filter media.
1 x 3/4 hp single phase swimming pool water circulation pump complete with integral strainer basket.
· Connecting the pool circulation pump, sand filter and first phase of pool filtration pipe work including all the necessary service valves required.
· Leaving the system ready for electrical connections by others.
Pool Safety Cover
This item is based on the Aquamatic safety cover that we discussed. The system works by a set of aluminium tracks underneath the pool coping through which ropes run to pull the cover sheet into position on the pool surface and once in position this encapsulates the pool surface preventing access to the water. The cover retracts into a pit constructed on the end of the pool in which a hydraulically operated roller is positioned. The hydraulic motor is powered by a hydraulic pump positioned in the main pool plantroom with hoses running back to the pit through a duct. The whole system is operated by a key switch that has to be turned and held to operate the cover either onto or off the surface of the pool. This key switch has to be positioned within full view of the pool so that nobody is trapped in the pool when operating the cover system.
The cover pit has a bracket and tray system that is installed over the pit and into which the tiled surround finishes can be applied. At this stage we have assumed and included for the tray system to suit anti-slip tiles at a maximum thickness of 14mm.
We have included for the following items of work:
· To supply the Aquamatic safety cover system complete including cover sheet available in a variety of colours, the aluminium tracking, ropes, roller tube, hydraulic motor and pump complete with the hydraulic hoses, the key switch and control box.
· To supply the materials and form a concrete base at the end of the pool for construction of the roller pit.
· To supply the required concrete blocks and construct the roller pit.
· To install the cover track receptors along both sides and the opposite end of the pool shell.
· To install the roller tube and hydraulic drive, the cover pit brackets, the hydraulic motor in the plantroom and the required duct from the roller pit to the plantroom and hydraulic hoses.
· To supply and assemble the aluminium supporting tray system over the cover pit and leave ready for infilling with tiles by others.
· Once the pool is full to install the cover sheet into position and commission the cover.
Please note the cover comes complete with an electrical pack that contains the required trips, control box and key switch, but we have not included for any electrical installation of these items or connections for them and have assumed these will be completed by your own choice of electrician.
Automatic Pool Water Levelling Unit
This is an item that is recommended for most pools but is a definite requirement for the automatic cover system above.
The unit consists of a float chamber at the side of the pool with an extra inlet fitting built into the pool shell. The unit is connected to a water supply in the plantroom including a header tank to comply with Water Regulations. The float in the poolside unit is set to the required water level and tops the pool up when water is lost due to evaporation or filter backwashing.
Cleaning and Maintenance Equipment Plus Starter Chemicals
Supplying the following items of pool maintenance equipment:
1 x telescopic vacuum pole
1 x vacuum head
1 x vacuum hose
1 x 18” pool brush
1 x pool water thermometer
1 x skimming net
1 x ‘Pool Owner Guide’
1 x ‘Instruction Video for Pool Maintenance’
1 x starter chemical kit as below:
1 x 6kg pool acid
1 x 5kg pool alkali
1 x chlorine test kit
1 x 5kg chlorine concentrate
2 x 1 litres long life algaecide
2 x Total Alkalinity adjuster
Pool Handover and Commissioning
For this item we arrange a convenient time to visit site and provide full instructions on your complete pool system. This includes the use of the heating, air handling, cover, filtration system and any other additional items you have chosen. We also provide instructions on water testing and chemicalisation of your pool including safe methods of dosing. A full set of Material Safety Data Sheets for the provided pool chemicals is included in your handover package.
For the above works £58,920.88 plus Vat.
Pool Water Heating, Air Handling and Ductwork
For this item we have based the calculations and quotation on a Calorex ducted air handling system.
Briefly explained, this unit draws hot moist air from the pool hall via a grill positioned in the dividing wall between the plantroom and the pool hall. The unit dehumidifies the air, extracting the excess moisture and uses the heat produced by this process to reheat the pool hall air or the pool water as required. The air is returned back into the pool hall via an underfloor insulated ducted system, the vents from which are located around the pool hall below the glazing positions to provide a curtain of warm air. The grills at these vent points are dampered for control of the air flows and can be powder coated to your choice of BS or RAL colour to match your floor finishes.
The unit incorporates two heat exchangers within it that transfer heat to the pool water and also to the air as required. This heat is from a primary heat source that at this stage we have assumed will be a gas boiler producing a flow temperature of 78-82oC.
We have based our calculations on the following parameters of use:
Required pool water temperature: 28oC
Required air temperature: 29oC
Relative humidity: 60%
Hours of pool use: average of 4 per 24 hours.
Pool cover: to be used whenever pool is unoccupied.
Use of air handling unit: 24 hours per day.
We have included for the following works:
· To supply the suitably sized Calorex air handling unit including fresh air adaptation.
· To install the unit within the pool plantroom, supply the required extra pipework, control and bypass valves and connect to the main pool filtration system.
· To design, manufacture and install an underfloor insulated ductwork system including the supply of the bespoke polished stainless steel slot type air grills which you have requested with inline adjustable dampers.
· To supply and install the required timber protection boarding around the underfloor ducting.
· To supply a suitably sized wall hung gas boiler and balanced flue and install into the plantroom.
· To supply and install the primary pipework system from the boiler to the Environmental Control Unit.
· To connect the boiler to a gas supply in the plantroom provided by the main contractor.
· To leave the systems ready for electrical connections by others.
· Once the electrics are completed and the pool is full, to commission and set up the Calorex unit, balance the air flows through the ducting system and commission the gas boiler.
For the above system £13,800.00 plus Vat.
Ultra-Violet Disinfection Unit
Ultra-Violet light is an excellent sanitiser and very effective at killing bacteria. The addition of an ultra-violet disinfection unit in the filtration system reduces the amount of chemical sanitiser required in the pool. We can add this unit to the filtration system and have included for the following items of work:
- To supply a suitably sized Ultra-Violet unit complete with the required additional pipework and flow switch, and install the unit into the filtration pipework within the plantroom and leave ready for electrical connections by others.
- Once the pool is full and the electrical connections complete to commission the unit and provide instructions on its use.
For the above items our budget price is £681.00 plus Vat
Automatic Chemical Dosing System
This unit is based on the dosage of two chemicals: liquid chlorine (sodium hypochlorite) as a sanitiser and sulphuric acid as a pH correction downwards. pH correction upwards is not normally required with this system as the sodium hypochlorite is a very alkaline chemical.
The unit consists of a chemical controller, two chemical dosing pumps, a pre-filter and a sample chamber with two probes located in it. This is all mounted onto a back board for wall mounting. Below the control system on the floor of the plantroom, two carbouy bunds are located, one for each of the chemicals. Dosing tubes connect from these carbouys through the dosing pumps and into the filtration pipework via two injection points. The unit constantly monitors the pH of the pool water and also its Redox level which it uses to measure the amount of Chlorine in the water.
The chemical levels in the pool still need checking on a regular basis and the unit requires checking regularly for alarms or problem alerts.
We have included for the following works:
· To supply and install the above unit complete with board mounted controller, pumps, tubing, carbouys and probes.