Call for Nominations
Are you interested in expanding your role in Michigan Division of Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children (MiDEC)? Consider a position on the MiDEC Executive Board! Nominations are now being taken for the positions of Member-at-Large, Treasurer and President Elect. All nominees for these positions must be current members of MiDEC.
The Member-at-Large is a two-year term, running from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019. Duties of the Member-at-Large include attendance at all Board meetings, annual membership meetings and MiDEC activities, represent MiDEC as directed by the Board, serve on Standing and Ad Hoc Committees at the direction of the Board, and assist in the general work of the subdivision at the direction of the Board.
Treasurer is a two-year term, running from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019. Duties include reimbursing all approved expenditures, depositing received funds, providing receipts and invoices as needed, maintaining ledgers and reporting the financial state of the subdivision at Board meetings, reporting on the financial status of the subdivision at the annual membership meeting, preparing an annual report of the financial status of the subdivision, and preparing and submitting for approval an annual budget to the Executive Board.
The President Elect is a six-year commitment, beginning with a two-year term as President Elect, running from July 1, 2017 through June 30 2019; followed by a two-year term as President, running from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021; followed by a two-year term as Past President, running from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023. Duties of the President Elect include serving in place of the President in case of absence or disability, serving as ex officio member of all committees, attending Michigan CEC Board Meetings as the MiDEC Representative, authorizing expenditures if the President is unable, depositing funds if the Treasurer and President are unable to do so. Duties of the President include acting as the chief officer of the subdivision, calling and presiding at all sessions of the annual membership and all Board Meetings, recommending chairpersons of committees, representing the subdivision in coordinating collaboration with other agencies and divisions, giving leadership to general policymaking and carrying out the directions of the membership, submitting annual report to DEC, filing any amendments to the constitution with DEC/CEC, authorizing expenditures, making deposits if the Treasurer is unable to do so. Duties of Past President include mentoring and providing guidance to current President, determining and announcing to the membership the date of the election of officers, recruitment of candidates for offices, and conducting elections.
If you would like to nominate yourself for one of these positions, please email the following information to by May 12, 2017:
· Name
· Position of Interest
· Why you are interested in serving
· What qualities you have that will make you successful in the role
Please limit your nomination statement to 3000 characters or less. All or portions of your nomination statement may be used in developing the slate of candidates and ballot. Questions may be addressed to the same email address.
Elections will take place by an electronic survey. Elected officials will be expected to attend an Executive Board Planning Meeting to take place Friday, July 14, 2017 in DeWitt, Michigan.