Utilities—Westchester County, NY
Two online services that will allow you to comparison shop are:
For auto insurance (not available in New Jersey), phone and internet, utilities, credit cards and home loans.
For local and long distance phone, internet and wireless services
Telephone System in the U.S.
Local telephone companies and long-distance service companies provide telephone service in the U.S. Local telephone companies set up and maintain the telephone lines and provide local phone service. The local telephone company for most of New York is Verizon. If telephone service is not already set up when you move into your home, you must contact Verizon to start phone service.
Longdistance companies provide longdistance service domestically and internationally. There are numerous companies to choose from. You will be connected to a longdistance carrier automatically when you call Verizon to start phone service.
To Start Phone Service
Initialization of phone service can usually be arranged by phone or online.
New Service, Changes to Existing Service and Billing Questions
(no area code needed for in-state dialing, except for 800/888)
890-1550 (English)
890-2005 (Spanish)
890-1590 (Chinese)
890-1755 (Russian)
800-974-6006 (TTY)
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm Saturday 8:00am - 4:00pm (English, Spanish, Chinese)
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm (Russian)
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (Korean)
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm (TTY)
Repair (24 hours)
Your area code + 890-6611
*For automated product descriptions and instructions, call 800-523-0559.
There will be an identification and credit check if you have never had telephone service in the U.S. before. This requires personal identification documents to be faxed to the telephone company, which you will be instructed on when you call to request service. (It often takes several days to complete this process.) The credit check requires your Social Security number, but don't worry if you do not have it yet; most telephone companies will initiate the phone service without it as long as other documentation is in order. This will include copies of your passport and your international or home country driver’s license.
To complete the account setup, you will be asked your full address, how you would like your name to appear in the directory listing, type of service and options you choose, which longdistance carrier you prefer and the type of phone outlets in your home.
Setup Charges
Telephone companies charge approximately $42 as a onetime charge for order processing and telephone number connection and this charge might vary depending on the number of lines needed. In addition, a deposit of roughly $100 may be required if there is any complication with the credit check. There can be an option to pay this fee in the first billing or spread it out over several months. (This deposit is usually refunded within one year as long as your bills are paid on time. If credit remains a problem, the deposit may be held as security and applied to your final bill when you disconnect service.)
If inside work is necessary, such as installing additional phone lines or repairing existing lines, this is billed at an additional charge; typically, there is an initial charge of about $42 for the service person to come to your home and a labor rate of about $16 for each 15 minutes of work done. There is also a charge for materials. This charge will vary, so it is important to ask about the fees.
Optional Services
Telephone companies offer numerous specialized services, each at an additional monthly charge and sometimes with an initial setup charge. Some popular options include:
"Call Waiting," where a second call may be received while on the line with the initial call.
"Call Forwarding," where calls can be forwarded to another phone.
"Caller ID,” which allows you to see the telephone number or name of the caller before you answer the phone. You may need to obtain a separate piece of equipment for this, or you can purchase a phone with this option built into it.
"Home Voice Mail,” a 24hour automated answering service. You may prefer to purchase an answering machine.
If you prefer not to have your number published, request the "Nonlisted Phone Number" option.
Information on optional services is available in the front of your telephone directory, or call the telephone company for more information.
Long-Distance Services
Long-distance services vary greatly and are extremely competitive. It is best to talk to several companies and compare their current offers. When speaking to them, ask about international long-distance service. Often, they will offer a special rate if you call one country frequently. Many times, these companies will negotiate a good rate for you to get your business. However, beware of shortterm offers that may increase the rate after six months of use. Clarify the length of the offer as well as the services that are covered. Rates may also vary according to the time of day you are calling. Typically, calls made between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. are more expensive.
Some large long-distance service companies are:
Sprint 800-777-4681
Credit Calling Cards
Longdistance companies offer calling cards for making phone calls from public phone’s (or any location) and having the charges billed to your account on your phone bill. (The rates may be considerably higher than regular call rates.) Calling cards are common in the U.S. because of their convenience when away from home.
Prepaid Calling Cards
Numerous companies sell prepaid calling cards. These are usually available in minute increments. For example, you may purchase a 60-minute card for $10. These are convenient, especially for children or teens who do not have access to credit cards. Prepaid calling cards are available in grocery stores, drug stores, gas stations, etc.
Monthly Phone Bill
Although longdistance service and local phone line service are separate services provided by different companies, billing for both may be included in one monthly phone bill for the sake of convenience and simplicity, depending on the longdistance carrier you choose. You will get a monthly phone bill from the telephone company, which will itemize all local charges first, followed by charges from your longdistance service provider.
Telephone Directory Books
A telephone directory of local numbers is complimentary from the telephone company when new service is ordered. You will find it to be a valuable source of information about the community in which you live. The telephone directory is usually divided into several sections:
"White Pages" ------numbers of local residents and businesses
"Blue Pages" ------numbers of local, county, state and federal government offices in the area
“Yellow Pages" ------a valuable consumer guide of businesses and services in the area
Telephone directories contain other useful information, often in the front of the book:
Descriptions of the services that the local telephone company offers
Area-code directory for the entire United States
International dialing instructions
Time-zone map for the United States and the entire world
Zip-code listings for the local area
Emergency numbers and procedures
Some telephone directories also include:
An overview of your community with maps
Points of interest and recreation information
Information for cultural and sporting events
Theaters and museums, sports facilities, along with floor plans for seating
Useful community numbers
You may also receive several other telephone directories published by different companies that contain different types of information. However, the general telephone listings will usually be the same for each community. Rely on your local telephone directories as an important resource as you become acquainted with your new community.
Directory Assistance via Phone
Directory Assistance is also available from the telephone company via the phone to assist you in finding phone numbers. For any inquiries to Directory Assistance, you will need to know the proper business or resident name, plus the correct city or town. You will be charged for directory assistance calls when made from a private phone.
For Directory Assistance, dial 411.
Making Phone Call:
Telephone numbers in the U.S. are usually a 7digit number preceded by a 3digit area code. Telephone numbers beginning with "800," "888" or "877" are tollfree numbers. Be careful of telephone numbers beginning with "900." These are usually chargeable at a higher rate and the cost per minute should often be advised up front.
- Dialing Procedures
Local call within your area code:7digit number
Call outside of your area code:1 + area code + 7digit number
Tollfree call:1 + 800 (or 888 or 877) + 7digit number
Operator-assisted call:0 + area code + 7digit number
Credit-card call:Follow the instructions from your credit-card provider
Directory assistance: 411
Emergency Assistance Call:911
To make a coin call from a public phone, you will usually need to deposit 35¢ (no pennies) for a 3minute local call from most pay phones. If you dial the number directly without coins, an automated message will advise you how much to deposit. Dialing procedures are the same as above. (Directory-assistance calls, emergency calls (911) and tollfree calls require no coin deposit.)
Cellular/PCS Phone Service
Cellular phone service can be surprisingly difficult to obtain. There are two reasons for this: First, cellular phones are a credit nightmare for the cellular industry. More people ring up huge bills using cellular services than any other utility. For this reason, cellular companies are extremely careful when granting access. Second, if you are coming from another country, you have no credit history in the U.S. You may do best to look for companies that offer prepaid plans.
Using Your Existing Phone or Not
If you have an existing phone, you may or may not be able to use it. To find out more, you will need to contact a local cellular service provider. Utilize the company web sites to identify the office in your region. The main cellular/PCS providers in the New York area are:
AT&T Wireless 800-462-4463
Digital Advantage (Local), Regional Advantage, Digital One Rate, AT&T Family Plan - New Prepaid Wireless
Verizon Wireless 800-922-0204
Digital Choice (Local), Single Rate East, Single Rate USA, Prepaid Wireless
Sprint/Nextel 800-Sprint-1
Sprint PCS Local Plans, Free & Clear Plans (National)
Digital Cellular, Nextel Direct Connect, National Plans, Nextel Worldwide
T-Mobile 800-937-8997
Northeast Neighborhood, North American Neighborhood
A suggestion: Some companies offer a discounted rate if you inquire through personnel.
Some warnings! If you cross the U.S./Canada border with a cell phone on, some phones may start charging you roaming fees for every minute the power is on, not only when it is in use. Unfortunately, U.S. technology currently lacks the ability to place an overseas call from a cellular phone.
Locally, many individual counties are in the process of passing laws to prohibit the use of a cellular phone while driving. If you anticipate using your cellular phone frequently in your car, be very aware of local ordinances. You may want to consider purchasing a hands-free model.
Gas and Electric
Public Service Commission: 518-474-7080
3 Empire State Plaza
With deregulation and many choices now available, permitting consumers to choose their electric and/or natural gas supplier, each state has created a state consumer-assistance phone line.
In rental housing, if your gas and electric utilities are not included in the monthly rental fee, the realtor will often see to it that your gas and electric utilities are connected. If you are purchasing a home or if your realtor does not arrange to have your utilities turned on, you will have to contact the utility companies directly.
Consolidated Edison(Con Ed)800-752-6633 ww.coned.com
Northern Westchester/Putnam County:
New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) 800-572-1111
In many towns, water and sewer utilities are supplied and billed by the town. With rental properties, the homeowner may include water bill costs in the monthly rental fee or bill you separately for the cost of those utilities.
If you are purchasing a home, you will need to call the water utility to set up an account in your name. In some cases, there may be an application (your realtor may have the application or you can pick up one at your water utility office) and a required deposit (usually $60 to $100).
For the water company to determine the usage, they may request that the home's occupants call in the reading from the meter or they may send a water company representative to come to the residence and read the meter. On occasion there may be a slight discoloration in the water when the water utility performs their standard maintenance procedures. Call the utility if you have questions or concerns about it.
Cable Television
While regular television service is free, there are only a few channels to choose from. Many people subscribe to a cable television service to increase their viewing options. Cable service adds an additional 30 to 60 channels. Cable companies and service vary, depending on where you live. In many areas, each cable TV company has its own territory. If you are interested in receiving cable TV, check your local directory.
Cable companies typically charge a onetime installation fee and then a monthly charge. The basic plan includes a set number of basic cable channels. Additional channels are available for an extra fee. If the home has already been wired for cable service, everything can usually be handled over the phone and the company will likely turn on the service automatically within a few days of your request If the home is not already wired for cable service, a cable company representative will come to install the necessary cable lines. Cable representatives can generally come within a few days of your request.
Garbage Collection
Garbage collection varies by area. In some communities, the local government takes care of the collection and the cost is figured into the town's property taxes. In other areas, a private garbage collection business must be hired. Each garbage collection service has its own policy as to what it will accept and how. Many towns prohibit the disposal of recyclable or hazardous materials in the regular garbage collection and in some areas, there may even be a limit on the amount of garbage each household can dispose of. Penalties may apply for violating these ordinances. Contact your local town hall regarding collection procedures.
Recycling in WestchesterCounty
The 2000 Program
WestchesterCounty Recycling Hotline: 914813-5420
WestchesterCounty has reached its goal of recycling 40 percent of the waste that is generated each year, thanks to the outstanding response by county residents to various municipal collection programs. However, county officials continue to emphasize that the county has by no means reached its full potential in terms of what can be recycled rather than disposed of as waste. County residents need to keep moving forward, since each item recycled represents fewer tax dollars that need to be expended to dispose of the item as waste.
The County Recycling Office has many informational brochures available on various aspects of recycling and waste reduction, including: Proper Disposal of Paint, Batteries and Motor Oil; Grasscycling; Composting; Household Hazardous Waste Disposal; Business Recycling; Proper Disposal of Sharps; and Beautiful Gardens Without Pesticides.
Household Chemical Clean-Up Days
The County Recycling Office holds Household Chemical CleanUp Days each year when county residents can bring their unwanted and unused chemicals for disposal in a proper manner. For more information, call the County Household Chemical InfoLine at 914813-5425, or log on to the county's web site at westchestergov.com.
Freon, Motor Oil and Vehicle Batteries
By law, freon must be removed before disposal of air conditioners and refrigerators. A list of vendors who extract freon from equipment is available from the County Recycling Office.
Used motor oil is recycled at any service station designated a "Used Oil Retention Facility." Any station that generates more than 500 gallons of used oil per year and any retail establishment that sells more than 1,000 gallons of oil per year is required to accept used motor oil, free of charge, up to five gallons per person per day.
It is illegal to discard vehicular batteries in the trash. Batteries should be returned to any local auto service center, auto supply center or other places where batteries are sold.
While recycling certain materials takes a big bite out of the waste stream, prudent purchasing and reducing what we discard add to the ways that we can all help.