Electronic supplementary tables for
Environmental Range, Heat Tolerance, and Invasion Success
of Aquatic Species
Amanda E. Bates, Catherine M. McKelvie, Cascade J. B. Sorte, Simon A. Morley, Nicholas A.R. Jones,Julie A. Mondon, Tomas J. Bird, Gerry Quinn
Table S1. Experimental protocol details for species collected in South East Australia from marine and freshwater habitats. Animals were hand-collected between April and July 2011 from three locations. Following collection, specimens were transported to the laboratory in a temperature-controlled container in water from the collection site (13-14°C). On arrival, each species was held (unfed) in a flow-through aquarium system maintained at 16°C for 12 to 48 hours prior to experimentation. During experiments, 10-24 individuals of each species were placed in separate containers with fresh or salt water (as appropriate) and immersed in a temperature-controlled water bath (1.0±0.5 accuracy). Temperature was raised at a rate of 1°C per hour from 20.0°C up to the temperature at which all animals in the experimental trial had reached the behavioural end-point identified in pilot experiments. At every temperature increment, responsiveness was assessed. Finally, after bringing the temperature down to 16°C, animals were then re-assessed for recovery.
species / averagesize (cm) / habitat / latitude / n / behavioural endpoint
Ischnochiton australis / 2.62 / marine / 43°10’00’’S, 147°13’59’’E / 10 / foot curl,
loss of grip
Chiton glaucs / 2.58 / marine / 43°10’00’’S,
147°13’59’’E / 10 / foot curl,
loss of grip
Gyraulus cf. gilberti / 0.4 / fresh / 38°18’56’’S, 142°28’59’’E / 24 / lack of response to touch, loss of grip
Physa actua / 0.42 / fresh / 38°18’56’’S,142°28’59’’E / 24 / lack of response to touch, loss of grip
Sabellastarte australiensis / 15 / marine / 38°10’20’’S, 144°43’11’’E / 12 / response to touch
Sabella spallanzanii / 18.6 / marine / 38°10’20’’S, 144°43’11’’E / 12 / response to touch
Mytilus galloprovincialis / 4.96 / marine / 43°10’00’’S, 147°13’59’’E / 10 / shell gaping
Crassostrea gigas / 6.42 / marine / 43°10’00’’S,
147°13’59’’E / 10 / shell gaping
Patiriella brevispina / 9.5 / marine / 38°10’20’’S, 144°43’11’’E / 12 / loss of tube feet activity, righting ability
Asterias amurensis / 12.6 / marine / 38°10’20’’S, 144°43’11’’E / 12 / loss of tube feet activity, righting ability
Table S2. Summary table for mixed model results where multimodel inference produced model-averaged (based on AICc ) Maximum Likelihood parameter estimates and unconditional standard errors (SEu) for the responses of range breadth and heat tolerance in two datasets where co-occurring species were compared (A. Co-occurring Analysis) and another at the scale of the globe (B. Global Analysis). Covariates and factors levels are described in the methods. The “reference” parameter represents marine native species from the Northern hemisphere. 95% confidence windows that do not overlap zero are indicated by a double asterisk (**). The % variance explained by the random effects included in each model is reported.
A. Co-occurring Analysis
(a)Range breadthFixed-effects / Estimate / SEu / 2.5% ci / 97.5% ci
Reference / 19.21 / 7.68 / 3.84 / 34.58**
Habitat (fresh) / -14.15 / 4.57 / -23.82 / -4.47**
Hemisphere (southern) / -2.69 / 4.45 / -12.22 / 6.84
Study Latitude / -0.26 / 0.19 / -0.67 / 0.15
Mid-range Latitude / 0.35 / 0.17 / -0.020 / 0.71
Origin (introduced) / 2.26 / 5.19 / -8.72 / 13.24
Habitat (fresh):Origin (introduced) / 13.54 / 5.11 / 2.62 / 24.44**
Mid-range Latitude:Origin (introduced) / -0.12 / 0.22 / -0.59 / 0.36
Random-effects / Class / Genus / Residual
14.1 / 12.2 / 73.7
(b) Heat tolerance
Fixed-effects / Estimate / SEu / 2.5% ci / 97.5% ci
Reference / 26.62 / 3.96 / 18.71 / 34.54**
Acclimation temperature / -0.17 / 0.27 / -0.71 / 0.36
Habitat (fresh) / 3.82 / 1.52 / 0.76 / 6.88**
Hemisphere (southern) / 6.88 / 7.94 / -10.15 / 23.91
Metric (lethal) / 10.03 / 1.53 / 6.95 / 13.11**
Mid-range Latitude / -0.066 / 0.038 / -0.14 / 0.012
Origin (introduced) / 1.71 / 0.55 / 0.61 / 2.81**
Habitat (fresh):Origin (introduced) / -0.46 / 0.97 / -2.42 / 1.49
Random-effects / Study / Residual
94.7 / 5.3
B. Global Analysis
(c)Range breadthFixed-effects / Estimate / SEu / 2.5% ci / 97.5% ci
Reference / 27.22 / 2.34 / 22.70 / 31.96**
Habitat (fresh) / -13.22 / 2.41 / -18.04 / -8.40**
Hemisphere (southern) / -2.96 / 2.03 / -7.15 / 1.22
Study latitude / 0.069 / 0.057 / -0.049 / 0.19
Origin (widespread) / -1.55 / 2.45 / -6.58 / 3.48
Origin (limited) / 3.19 / 2.69 / -2.34 / 8.72
Taxon (vertebrate) / 0.85 / 2.16 / -3.47 / 5.16
Habitat (fresh):Origin (widespread) / 12.42 / 3.53 / 5.19 / 19.66**
Habitat (fresh):Origin (limited) / 5.56 / 3.92 / -3.49 / 12.60
Random-effects / Class / Family / Genus / Residual
3.2 / 8.6 / 20.6 / 67.6
(d)Heat tolerance
Fixed-effects / Estimate / SEu / 2.5% ci / 97.5% ci
Reference / 25.87 / 1.98 / 22.33 / 29.41**
Acclimation temperature / 0.48 / 0.063 / 0.36 / 0.60**
Habitat (fresh) / 0.85 / 0.70 / -0.52 / 2.65
Hemisphere (southern) / -0.12 / 0.72 / -1.62 / 1.38
Study latitude / -0.059 / 0.022 / -0.11 / -0.013**
Life stage (juvenile) / -0.44 / 0.96 / -2.41 / 1.53
Metric (lethal) / 4.01 / 0.95 / 2.04 / 5.98**
Origin (widespread) / 2.10 / 0.56 / 0.94 / 3.26**
Origin (limited) / -0.21 / 0.55 / -1.34 / 0.92
Protocol (slow) / -1.19 / 0.76 / -2.76 / 0.38
Metric (lethal): Protocol (slow) / -4.72 / 1.25 / -7.31 / -2.13**
Habitat (fresh):Origin (widespread) / -1.77 / 0.97 / -3.77 / 0.23
Habitat (fresh):Origin (limited) / -1.11 / 0.96 / -3.11 / 0.88
Random-effects / Class / Family / Genus / Residual
24.2 / 15.8 / 47.7 / 12.3
(e)Equatorward Range Limit
Fixed-effects / Estimate / SEu / 2.5% ci / 97.5% ci
Reference / -2.87 / 2.03 / -6.90 / 1.06
Habitat (fresh) / 6.11 / 1.55 / 3.01 / 9.22**
Hemisphere (southern) / -2.71 / 1.67 / -6.14 / 0.72
Study latitude / 0.67 / 0.047 / 0.58 / 0.77**
Origin (widespread) / -3.57 / 1.60 / -6.84 / -0.30
Origin (limited) / -0.20 / 1.71 / -3.69 / 3.29
Taxon (vertebrate) / -0.26 / 1.47 / -3.67 / 3.14
Habitat (fresh):Origin (invasive) / -2.39 / 2.86 / -8.27 / 3.48
Habitat (fresh):Origin (non-native) / -1.77 / 3.09 / -4.59 / 8.12
Random-effects / Family / Genus / Residual
12.9 / 39.2 / 47.9
(f) Poleward Range Limit
Fixed-effects / Estimate / SEu / 5% ci / 95% ciReference / 23.87 / 2.51 / 18.90 / 28.84**
Habitat (fresh) / -7.33 / 2.24 / -11.81 / -2.86**
Hemisphere (southern) / -5.16 / 1.90 / -9.07 / -1.24**
Study latitude / 0.72 / 0.054 / 0.61 / 0.83**
Origin (widespread) / -4.88 / 2.48 / -9.99 / 0.23
Origin (limited) / 2.34 / 2.61 / -3.04 / 7.74
Taxon (vertebrate) / 0.39 / 2.32 / -4.60 / 4.68
Habitat (fresh):Origin (widespread) / 11.73 / 3.11 / 5.33 / 18.13**
Habitat (fresh):Origin (limited) / 6.03 / 3.37 / -0.91 / 12.99
Study latitude: Origin (widespread) / -0.029 / 0.11 / -0.26 / 0.21
Study latitude: Origin (limited) / 0.019 / 0.13 / -0.25 / 0.29
Random-effects / Class / Family / Genus / Residual
4.1 / 22.7 / 23.1 / 50.1
Table S3.Component model set for each range attribute and thermal tolerance (in italics) in studies where species (A) co-occurred or (B) were sampled across the globe. The full model is listed for each response factor. Component models were weighted based on AICc to produce the model-averaged parameter estimates and unconditional standard errors reported in Table S3.
A. Co-occurring Analysis
(a)Range Breadthas a function of: 1. Habitat, 2. Hemisphere, 3. Study Latitude, 4. Mid-range Latitude, 4. Origin, 5. Habitat*Origin, 6. Mid-range Latitude*Origin
Effect # / df / logLikelihood / AICc / Delta AICc / Weight1,4,5,6 / 8 / -255.90 / 530.25 / 0.00 / 0.25
1,3,4,5,6 / 9 / -254.65 / 530.41 / 0.16 / 0.23
1,5,6 / 7 / -257.62 / 531.11 / 0.86 / 0.16
1,2,4,5,6 / 9 / -255.61 / 532.33 / 2.08 / 0.09
1,4,5,6,7 / 9 / -255.73 / 532.57 / 2.32 / 0.08
1,3,4,5,6,7 / 10 / -254.49 / 532.84 / 2.59 / 0.07
1,2,3,4,5,6 / 10 / -254.56 / 532.98 / 2.73 / 0.06
1,2,5,6 / 8 / -257.49 / 533.41 / 3.16 / 0.05
(b)Heat Toleranceas a function of: 1. Acclimation temperature, 2. Habitat, 3. Hemisphere, 4. Metric, 5. Mid-range Latitude, 6. Origin, 7. Habitat*Origin
Effect # / df / logLikelihood / AICc / Delta AICc / Weight2,4,5,6 / 7 / -170.03 / 355.92 / 0.00 / 0.26
2,4,5 / 6 / -171.55 / 356.47 / 0.55 / 0.20
2,3,4,5,6 / 8 / -169.61 / 357.66 / 1.74 / 0.11
1,2,4,5,6 / 8 / -169.83 / 358.09 / 2.17 / 0.09
2,3,4,6 / 7 / -171.14 / 358.15 / 2.22 / 0.09
2,3,5,6,7 / 8 / -169.94 / 358.31 / 2.39 / 0.08
2,4,6,7 / 7 / -171.39 / 358.64 / 2.72 / 0.07
1,2,4,6 / 7 / -171.44 / 358.74 / 2.82 / 0.06
4,5,6 / 6 / -172.90 / 359.17 / 3.25 / 0.05
B. Global Analysis
(c)Range Breadthas a function of: 1. Habitat, 2. Study Latitude, 3. Hemisphere, 4. Origin, 5. Taxon, 6. Habitat*Origin
Effect # / df / logLikelihood / AICc / Delta AICc / Weight2,5,6 / 10 / -811.24 / 1643.55 / 0.00 / 0.25
2,3,5,6 / 11 / -810.20 / 1643.70 / 0.15 / 0.23
2,4,5,6 / 11 / -810.62 / 1644.55 / 0.99 / 0.15
2,3,4,5,6 / 12 / -809.69 / 1645.93 / 1.38 / 0.13
1,2,5,6 / 11 / -811.16 / 1645.63 / 2.07 / 0.09
1,2,3,5,6 / 12 / -810.20 / 1645.94 / 2.39 / 0.08
1,2,4,5,6 / 12 / -810.25 / 1646.05 / 2.50 / 0.07
(d)Heat Toleranceas a function of: 1. Acclimation temperature, 2. Habitat, 3. Hemisphere, 4. Study Latitude, 5. Life Stage, 6. Metric, 7. Origin, 8.Protocol, 9. Habitat*Origin, 10. Metric*Protocol
Effect # / df / logLikelihood / AICc / Delta AICc / Weight1,4,5,6,7,10 / 12 / -553.24 / 1132.02 / 0.00 / 0.31
1,2,4,5,6,7,10 / 13 / -552.45 / 1132.71 / 0.69 / 0.22
1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10 / 15 / -550.73 / 1133.87 / 1.86 / 0.12
1,4,5,6,7,8,10 / 15 / -553.17 / 1134.15 / 2.14 / 0.11
1,3,4,5,6,7,10 / 13 / -553.23 / 1134.27 / 2.25 / 0.10
1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10 / 14 / -552.32 / 1134.73 / 2.72 / 0.08
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10 / 14 / -552.42 / 1134.94 / 2.92 / 0.07
(e)Equatorward Range Limitas a function of: 1. Taxon, 2. Habitat, 3. Hemisphere, 4. Study Latitude, 5. Origin, 6. Habitat*Origin
Effect # / df / logLikelihood / AICc / Delta AICc / Weight2,3,4,5 / 10 / -766.52 / 1554.12 / 0.00 / 0.33
2,4,5 / 9 / -767.88 / 1554.63 / 0.52 / 0.26
1,2,3,4,5 / 11 / -766.41 / 1556.11 / 2.00 / 0.12
1,2,4,5 / 10 / -767.83 / 1556.74 / 2.63 / 0.09
2,3,4,5,6 / 12 / -765.83 / 1557.21 / 3.10 / 0.07
2,4 / 7 / -771.41 / 1557.37 / 3.25 / 0.07
2,4,5,6 / 11 / -767.05 / 1557.40 / 3.28 / 0.06
(f)Poleward Range Limitas a function of: 1. Taxon, 2. Habitat, 3. Hemisphere, 4. Study Latitude, 5. Origin, 6. Habitat*Origin, 7. Study Latitude*Origin
Effect # / df / logLikelihood / AICc / Delta AICc Delta / Weight2,3,4,5,6 / 12 / -784.33 / 1594.20 / 0.00 / 0.70
1,2,3,4,5,6 / 13 / -784.33 / 1596.46 / 2.27 / 0.23
2,3,4,5,6,7 / 14 / -784.27 / 15.98.65 / 4.45 / 0.08