Waco Convention Center – Waco, Texas
July 31,2015


The meeting was called to order by John Cochran – President Elect at 9:43 am at the state VATAT conference in Waco, Texas.

Dr. Randall H. Williams was recognized for his participation as the host committee at the 87th annual Texas FFA Convention.

Opening remarks from John Cochran included his son Jack stepping up and reporting to the court that a juror had been speaking to a reporter before a trial had concluded. John reported that Jack was asked in a world of turning the other cheek why he stood up and demonstrated so much integrity. His reply was, he learned these attributes and characteristics in the FFA with one individual coming to the forefront, Mr. Jim Harris. John stated, “We are responsible for leading these kids!”

Committee Reports

State FFA President Travel – Mitchell Hippensteal reported that he will send out the travel form via Google DOCS. Dates for travel include September 28 – October 1 and February 8-12.

LDE - Frances Nelson and Marco Barrientes reported on the LDE committee changes.
Frances stated the new Robert’s Rules of Order parliamentary guide would be available now and sent out by August 15th. Nominations and discharge a committee are different from that of the old Jarrell D. Gray guide. Additionally, Questions will be derived from those in the ParliPro problem and cleaned up according to easier motions.
Agricultural Advocacy topic– Future of Agriculture
Job Interview – Will follow National FFA guidelines for utilizing supporting documents in the contest.

SDE – Frances Nelson reported on the SDE committee changes.
The committee decided to eliminate the State Finalists Breakfast at the State FFA Convention. The contest will begin promptly at 8:00 am. The elimination of the manuscript has been approved at the state level.
Jr. Prepared time was changed to 5-8 minutes from 4-7 minutes in order to align with Livestock show rules.
Extemp books will be eliminated and USB drive will be utilized for contest.
Committees have been established for state speaking rules changes. There have been some changes to Spanish Creed.

AgriScience Fair – Kevin Sparks reported that there will be a printed journal of all AgriScience Fair Projects. June 20th will be deadline for manuscript submission. July 11th and 12th will be set up and judge.

CDEs – Jeff Kennedy and Jim Harris reported on CDE.
Clipboards will be content specific with no stickers of any kind. There will be a $10 increase on all state contests. In 2016, feeder cattle will be back into the livestock CDE. We may not see , revisions in spring to contest, but will be added to judging. Most implementation will be made in 2017.

Scholarships – Courtney Bauer reported on Scholarships. She reported that either or passed in relation to .
Application changes made to committees and offices held, as there will be a spot for each. Additionally, yes or no has been deleted from the need narrative. An overflow has been created for SAE and activities. State office will post results up to 5 days after scholarship completion. Applications are due to Jerome by April 1st and state office on May 16th.

Checking – Brett Wright reported on revisions related to record book check sheets. There will also be guidelines for Exploratory SAE. Proficiency award judges will have to be in attendance the day before check for training. Those not in attendance for that training will not be allowed to judge. American Stars all four made the finals. Look at the check list for American to incorporate into record book. Golden Horizon will classify.

June 8-10 – State checking @ McLennan – If not, San Angelo or Tarleton.

Animal Industry – Marco Barrientes reported that SALE will have steer classification workshop.

Rodeo Finals – Lin Becerra reported that the Rodeo for FFA was going to try to move to Mesquite. The committee also determined to talk to the contractor about animal use.

Coordinator’s Report – Jerome Tymrak reported on Area X happenings. District directory is being updated and if you do not receive emails from him, notify him. Everything Area X can be found on the website at He is also placing calendar info on Judgingcard, if you need something posted let him know. He also reported that he will be on TAMUK campus on Monday only. Jerome will come to your school to instruct but he will not do it all. Honorary Lone Stars were handed out to teachers.

President’s Report – John Cochran simply stated that we should set an example to our students. LEAD by Example.

Bobby Farias & Francis Nelson presented the 10th buckle made for the 75th anniversary of the VATAT to Jerome Tymrak.

Mitchell Hippensteal moved to adjourn at 10:16 and was seconded by Francis Nelson motioned passed and John Cochran adjourned the meeting.