2013 Holly Hill Christmas Festival

Arts/Crafts Vendor Application

December 6 – December 7, 2013

Fri.,December 6th(3 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.) Sat., December 7th (9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

Holly Hill Christmas Parade Saturday, December 7th, 11:00 a.m.

Please print legibly or type.

Business Name
Mailing Address
Phone / Alternate Phone
Please describe the craft, art, or demonstration that you will be providing: (continue on the back if needed)______
Application and fee must be received and approved by the Festival Arts/Crafts/Vendors Committee
in order to secure your space.
Return the application to:
Holly Hill Christmas Festival,
Teresa O. Hinnant
10922 Old Number Six Hwy.
Eutawville, SC 29048
Make checks payable to:TOWN OF HOLLY HILL / Crafters Fees
Check one:
___Inside Vendor (inside of depot): $60.00
Includes Friday and Saturday,
Only 10 spaces available,
1 table provided, First come, First reserved
(Handmade, one-of-a-kind items preferred for inside)
___Outside Vendor $50.00
Includes Friday and Saturday, 10’ X 10’ space,
Must provide own tables and tent, if desired
First come, First reserved
In respect for festival food vendors, we ask that crafts vendors only sell homemade, pre-packaged food items.
Locations will be assigned bythe
Arts/Crafts/Vendors Committeeand are nonnegotiable.
Set-Up: Thurs., Dec. 5th – 5—9 p.m. Fri., Dec. 6th-- 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Must be ready to begin by 2 p.m.)
You must provide your own extension cords if you need electricity. Do you require electricity? Yes No
As a participant of the Holly Hill Christmas Festival, I agree to:
  1. Be responsible to any damages to Town property as a result of my participation in the festival. No steel spikes in asphalt or sidewalk.
  2. Leave my site clean and litter free.
  3. Be responsible for any and all federal, state, and local licenses required.
  4. Set up my display so as to leave space for passage of pedestrians, wheelchairs, and other equipment for people with disabilities.
  5. No use of or allow use of alcoholic beverages on the Town’s public property.
  6. No sale of illegal or dangerous items including those items that are vulgar or obscene.
  7. Participate for Both Days of the festival and for the Duration of the festival.
As a participant, I also agree that the Town of Holly Hill is not responsible for any damage or loss to my personal property or me due to weather, theft, vandalism, or any unforeseen incident that may occur.
Signature of Participant Date
Committee Use Only:
Date Pd. / Date Pd. / Date Pd. / Date Pd. / Date Pd.

For more information, please contact Teresa Hinnant at 843-709-3706 or 6-2-13