Promoting health and hygiene
Intimate care/ Nappy changing
Statement of intent
We want children’s dignity to be preserved with a high level of privacy, and respect when any form of intimate care is given. There will always be a high awareness of child protection issues and the staff will undertake their duties in a professional manner at all times. All adults who deal with any form of intimate care will have the appropriate checks undertaken.
We aim to ensure that there is a need to treat all children with respect when intimate care is given, and that the child’s welfare and dignity is of paramount importance. The staff will work in partnership with parents/carers to provide continuity of care and will receive the appropriate training as necessary.
- Staff who administer first aid should ensure wherever possible that another adult or other children are present. The pupil’s dignity must always be considered and where contact of a more intimate nature is required (e.g. assisting with toileting or the removal of wet/soiled clothing), another member of staff should be in the vicinity and should be made aware of the task being undertaken.
- The child will be supported to achieve the highest level of autonomy that is possible for their age and ability
- Individual intimate care plans will be drawn up for particular children if necessary.
- Each child has the right to privacy and where possible will be cared for by the same adult on a regular basis.
- Intimate care arrangements will be discussed with parents/carers on a regular basis and recorded on the child's care plan.
- The needs and wishes of children and parents will be taken into account wherever possible within the constraints of staffing and equal opportunities legislation.
- If a member of staff has any concerns about physical changes in a child's presentation, e.g. marks, bruises, soreness etc. s/he will immediately report concerns to the appropriate manager/ designated person for child protection.
- If a child becomes distressed or unhappy about being cared for by a particular member of staff, the matter will be looked into and outcomes recorded. Parents/carers will be contacted at the earliest opportunity as part of this process in order to reach a resolution.
- If a child makes an allegation against a member of staff, all necessary procedures will be followed
Nappy Changing
No child is excluded from participating in out setting who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained and who may still be wearing nappies. We work with parents towards toilet training, and understand that there are medical or other developmental reasons why this may not be appropriate at the time. As children attend the pre-school for a maximum of 3 hours we would not expect to change children’s nappies unless they are soiled or have had the nappy taken off to use the toilet, as part of their toilet training. Parents are asked to send their child in freshly changed nappy before they start the session.
Young children are encouraged to take an interest in using the toilet. We see toilet training as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support and non-judgemental concern of adults.
- A simple agreement form for parents to sign- outlining who will be responsible, within the pre-school, for changing a child who wears nappies will be carried out. This agreement allows the PreSchool and the parent to be aware of all the issues surrounding this task right from the outset. A note book will be used to record who, and what time a child is changed.
- The parent should provide nappies, disposal bags, wipes etc. and parents should be made aware of this responsibility. The Pre school is responsible for providing gloves and plastic aprons. Any soiled waste should be flushed down the toilet and the nappy placed in a nappy sack or disposal bag, which can be sealed.
- Children will be changed in an area which will be partially enclosed. A changing mat will have to be used on the floor when a child is to be changed. This is the recommended method of changing a child, as it avoids an adult having to lift a child and cause possible back injury.
- If dealing with an accident staff should always wear an apron and gloves when dealing with a child who is bleeding or soiled or when changing a soiled nappy. A paper towel is put down on the mat freshly for each child. This bag should then be placed in a bin (complete with a liner) which is specifically designated for the disposal of such waste.
This policy was adopted in September 2016
Signed by the Director……………………………………
Dear Parents,
Nappy changing agreement.
As children attend the pre-school for a maximum of 3 hours we would not expect to change children’s nappies unless they are soiled or they have used the toilet. Please send your child in freshly changed nappy before they start the session. It is our intention that should your child’s nappy need to be changed the person responsible for the changing itwill be their Key Person. Should they be absent other familiar staff members, with a full Disclosure and Barring Check will change them.
Children will be changed in the settings toilets or cloakroom area and a changing mat will be used on the floor when a child is to be changed.A note book will be used to record who, and what time a child is changed.
Please note you are required to provide nappies, disposal bags and wipes. We unfortunately do not have the facilities to dispose of used nappies and ask you to take the used nappies away and dispose of them.
I’d like to remind you that we will work with you towards toilet training, (unless there are medical or other developmental reasons why this may not be appropriate at the time). We will be encouraging your child to take an interest in using the toilet.We see toilet training as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support and non-judgemental concern of adults.
Yours sincerely,
Pre-School Leader
I am happy for my child …………………………………………………………………. to be changed by the person(s) named in this agreement
Signed ………………………………………………….. (parent/guardian)