Personal Wellness (Non-Traditional)


Instructor: Forrest Dolgener, Ph.D.

WellnessRecreationCenter (WRC) 129

277-5110 (H) or 273-6479 (W)


Course Purpose: To provide an opportunity for development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will encourage and facilitate the implementation and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Such a lifestyle, if embraced, will enhance the quality and quantity of one’s life. Specifically, this section of Personal Wellness will attempt to provide these knowledge, skills and attitudes within the framework of the non-traditional student.

Course Materials:

There is no required text for this course. Reading material is available from the web page for this course. The website is the following: After accessing the main page, click on the appropriate course. If you would like to use a textbook rather than the various materials on the website, you can purchase a text from University Book and Supply or online at places like Amazon usually has used text for $10-15. The text new is about $60. The text to purchase if you desire to do is entitled Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness by Thomas Fahey (published by McGraw Hill).

Course Evaluation:

There are two options the course grade. The first option will be 3 tests. Each test will count 33.3% (total of 100%) of the course grade. The second option includes various labs/activities/presentation assignments and will comprise25% of the total grade with the 3 tests comprising the remaining 75%/. Each lab/activity/presentation assignment will be graded independently and the average of all activities will count25% of the course grade.

Tests: There will be three tests given throughout the semester. Tests will be multiple choice. Test 3 is a take home and will be distributed the last class meeting.

Lab/Activities: Labs/Activities will consist of a variety of activities that will be graded. The average of the lab activity/assignments will count 25% of your course grade if you elect option 2. Assignments will be due on a specified Monday date (see Class Schedule). Late assignments will be accepted without penalty until the Wednesday @ 5:00 pm following the Monday due date. Assignments turned in after the Wednesday following the Monday due date will be assessed a late penalty of 5% per weekday they are late until 50% has been deducted. After 50% has been deducted there is no further deduction.

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) provides protection from discrimination for qualified individuals with disabilities. Students with a disability, who require assistance, will need to contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) for coordination of academic accommodations. The ODS is located at 213 Student Services Center (319-273-2676)