Philosophers of the Enlightenment


For this assignment you will research and present information about one of the Enlightenment philosophers listed below. You are responsible for the philosopher highlighted in the list below.

Philosophers of the Enlightenment

1.  Thomas Hobbes

2.  Charles Montesquieu

3.  John Locke

4.  Cesare Beccaria

5.  Jean Jacques Rousseau

6.  Mary Wollstonecraft

7.  Voltaire

Philosophers of the Enlightenment

After you've been assigned your philosopher, you will conduct research in books and on the Internet for information about that philosopher's work. Note in particular the following about your philosopher:

§  Key concepts/ideas

§  Theories about government

§  Theories about human nature

ü  the class activity and discussion

Rubric – possible score of 25

Effectively uses class time for research and note-taking
(Uses class time for research and note-taking but not effectively) / 2
Addresses all parts of the research notes
(Addresses most parts of the research notes) / 2
Analyzes research and makes connections to prompts effectively
(analyzes most of the information and makes some connections) / 2
Effective contributor when presenting notes to class / 1
Sub-total / 7
Expands beyond basic core of 1-7 points. The basic score of 7 must be achieved in order to earn expanded core.
-  Research is meticulous and thorough
-  Analyzes all questions showing a thorough understanding of the philosopher’s position
-  Presentation in class is polished and professional / 0-3
Total +15 / 10

Using your research, answer the following questions – you may use a separate piece of paper if necessary (some may not apply to all philosophers)

1.  Philosopher’s name:

2.  Mini-biography – briefly cover their background: who they were, where they lived, when they lived, their significant contributions to the period known as the Enlightenment.

3.  Key idea/concept (what is this person known for saying/writing?):

4.  What did your philosopher think about how government should work?

5.  What did your philosopher think about human nature/rights?

6.  What was your philosopher’s impact on the rise of democratic principles?

7.  What did you use for sources for your information (minimum two sources)?

8.  Reflect on your philosopher’s contributions. Are they reflected in every day life in America today? How?