Contact: Judy Iannaccone April 26, 2005

Director, Communications FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Phone: (714) 480-7503


Summer Classes Begin June 6 at Santa Ana and Santiago Canyon College; Registration Starts May 2

(Santa Ana)—Summer registration will begin on May 2 for Rancho Santiago Community College District. Summer classes will be held from June 6 through August 11 at Santa Ana College, 1530 W. 17th St. in Santa Ana, and at Santiago Canyon College, 8045 E. Chapman Ave. in Orange. For specific registration hours, contact SAC at (714) 564-6005 or SCC at (714) 628-4900.

The enrollment fee is $26 per unit at both colleges. Copies of the summer class schedule are free in the SAC and SCC bookstores. The summer schedule of classes is also available online at and Each college will have two summer sessions and one intersession. The four-week intersession will be held from June 6 to June 30. The first six-week session will be held from June 6 to July 14 and the second six-week session will be held from June 20 to July 28. The first eight-week session will be held from June 6 to July 28 and the second eight-week session will be held from June 20 to August 11.

New students must submit an application to either college to obtain an appointment to register. Those enrolling in English and math classes may be required to take a placement test. For further details on English or math placement tests, call (714) 564-6147 at SAC and (714) 628-4812 at SCC.

Continuing education classes are held at more than 100 locations throughout the district. For further information, call Centennial Education Center at (714) 241-5700, Orange Education Center at (714) 628-5900 or the Marketplace Education Center at (714) 564-5760. Continuing education classes are offered free-of-charge to the

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community and on an open entry/open exit format.

About Rancho Santiago Community College District

Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College are public community colleges of the Rancho Santiago Community College District, which serves the residents of Anaheim Hills, Garden Grove, Irvine, Orange, Santa Ana, Tustin and Villa Park. Both colleges provide education for academic transfer and careers, courses for personal and professional development, and customized training for business and industry.

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