Name / JESUS AGUADO / Session / 5
Address / C/.Portillejo 1, Polígono San Lázaro / Question n° / 22
26006 LOGROÑO - SPAIN / Language used on the floor / SPANISH
Phone / 34944151411 / Accompanying visuals on file ? / YES .ppt
e-mail /
GIS “planning oriented” for small and rural utilities .Integration with other systems
The GIS is being enhanced with new modules for specific tasks in the commercial and SCADAareas. It has been necessary to integrate this system with the Commercial System (SAP-ISU) in order to obtain information from its Customer Information System (CIS).
The SIGRE contains, from its origin, a load flow analysis module to be used in MV an LV.
The new modules to be implemented and above mentioned are:
- New connections, which ensures that the geographical position of the new customers is accurately recorded in the system and the proposed connection is possible or it needs a Network Extension Design.
- Network Extension Design, which delivers cartographic and existing network data to the external contractors, in CAD format, and simplifies the incorporation of the new network branches resulting from those designs.
- Call Center management, in which the customer reporting a trouble is identified and located by the call center operator and this information, along with the connectivity, is made available to the dispatch technicians who perform the incidence. The call center operators have visibility of the customers affected by a common failure, in order to filter multiple reporting.
- Public lighting maintenance, which uses the geo-referenced nature of the network assets to pinpoint the location of reported faulty lighting equipment, being able to find it by its identification code (Id), supporting pole Id, address, neighbourhood to customers, and others.
- Meter supervision, which supports planning of routes and help the field workers to locate the customer to be tested.
- Disconnections and Reconnections, whose main function is to locate the geographical position of the customers to be disconnected due to invoices not satisfied, and reconnect it once the debt has been cleared.
- Meter Reading Routing, to help in the optimisation of the routes, give easy to use information for including a new customer in a given route and help the meter reading contractors to locate customers in field.
Those modules have been implemented in an intranet-internet environment, being used both by the distribution utility personnel and the external contractors, using different profiles and hence different privileges. Most modules have the capability of refining or correcting the geographical position of the customers, as verified by their field personnel, contributing to the continuous maintenance of the geographical data base.
As an start point has been necessary to georreference the customers, because its connectivity to the network is already known to the system. It has been done using their addresses obtained from the Customer Data Base, cross checked with the distance to the pole which supports its connection lead, and also checked with its position in the meter reading lists. The residual un-located customers are flagged in the system and will be located by field workers.
The above depicted enhancement to the system and integration with other systems is currently being implemented gradually, being planned to complete this implementation by the end of current year.