CusterCounty Weed & Pest Board Minutes:
Board Meeting: 02/09/10 – 1:59PM to 2:40PM
Custer County Highway Department – Conference Room
Meeting called by: Bill Kirsch – Minutes/Agenda posted web site, Courthouse, Co. shop, W&P Dept.
Facilitator: Kirsch
Note Taker: Wiese
Time Keeper: Kirsch
Bill Kirsch – W&P Supervisor
Steve Wiese – W&P Field Supervisor
Leonard Wood – Commissioner Representative
Earl Stombaugh – W&P Board Chairman
Martin Mahrt – Board Member
Tom Barnes – Board Member
Myron Eggers – Board Member
Irv Evans – Board Member
Meeting Called to Order; 1:59PM
Attendees reviewed the budget reports for end of year 2009 and January 2010. Kirsch noted that 5.4 of the 2010 budget were expended in January with the biggest expenditures through the Auditors office for liability insurance, Workman’s Comp., insurance and payroll. Kirsch again noted that 91% of the budget for 2009 was expended. Kirsch informed the Board that an ATV, Jack Rabbit spray unit and Transfer pump were purchased at a cost of $4200.00 2009 Budget. No further discussions
Old Business/Minutes:
Minutes from the 10/13/10 Board meeting were reviewed. No changes or amendments made on this date. Kirsch discussed follow up items including:
Update on contracts no payment from DOT for 2009 work completed. Kirsch informed the Board that DOT reimbursement was late last year.
Kirsch indicated that he had contacted GF&P and will pursue prairie dog work for that department in 2010.
Kirsch reported that he had forwarded the Plan of Treatment from WindCaveNational Park to the Commissioners, (as requested by Leonard Wood).
Kirsch informed the Board that he had completed all required reports to the SD Agriculture Department.
Kirsch reviewed the purchase of ATV, transfer pump and Jack Rabbit sprayer.
Kirsch informed the Board that he had submitted the request for Black Henbane and Common Tansy to be added to the local noxious weed. State Weed Commission will review and give recommendation at it next meeting.
Kirsch will schedule a grasshopper meeting with APHIS in March 2010 to address problems in CusterCounty.
Kirsch discussed the upcoming 2010 spray season indicating that he had contact all government agencies and all have indicated they will be having Custer County Weed & Pest spray this season. Kirsch also indicated that he is currently working with the Black HillsNational Forest on MOA’s for the upcoming season. Kirsch informed the Board that he is optimistic about the upcoming season and should be able to run at full speed this year even though W&P is no longer spraying for private landowners. W&P will still be spraying under grant programs on private lands.
The following items were discussed:
The Board reviewed approvals and requests for travel and training. All items presented were approved.
Kirsch discussed upcoming staff needs for the season and informed the Board that the department should be able to hire full crews for the season. Kirsch indicated that most of the 2009 crew was returning and job postings will be delayed until later in the spring depending on returns and work status. Wood requested a more detailed explanation per new hire request. Wood informed Kirsch that hire requests need to have hire date, layoff date and reason for hire. Kirsch responded that it is difficult to predict layoff dates and some hires are returning early for recertification classes. Kirsch will submit detailed request.
Kirsch distributed the 2010 pay scale for review.
Prairie Dog Season 2010:
As noted Kirsch is in contact with GF&P for contract work.
Kirsch reported that the process is ongoing with letters being mailed out prior to spray season.
Kirsch discussed the following items:
- 2010-2011 Conservation and Private Forestry Grant for $15,000.00
- Department of Agriculture 2010-2011 grant A for $3500.00
- Department of Agriculture Competitive Grant B for $20,400.00
- Kirsch informed the Board that he had met with the Custer County Conservation Board and that the four year landowner joint reimbursement project will continue. Kirsch indicated that the Conservation Board would like to improve communications with the Weed Board including exchanging minutes, joint meetings, continued joint projects and information exchanges. The Weed Board agreed.
- Kirsch provided information on the landowner reimbursements project for 2009 and indicated that $12,000.00 was distributed directly to landowners for chemical costs. Kirsch reported that the Conservation District had distributed $5000.00 of the $12,000.00 out of their grant funds. The Board reviewed letters of support from participating landowners. Both Boards continue to support the project. Funding is provided by grants from USDA and SD Agriculture Department.
- Wood opened a discussion on the effectiveness and need to attend the annual training and conference. Kirsch indicated thatattendance is required for grants and although some information is basic updating for new supervisors, the conference is an opportunity for programs to network, educate, communicate and update.
Kirsch presented the annual/fiscal reports for review. No comments noted. Kirsch also discussed the 2010 Custer County Plan for Noxious Weed & Declared Pest/2010 Memorandum of Agreement with Commissioners. The Board deferred discussion to the April meeting as a number of Board members were absent on this date.
As noted previously Kirsch discussed the purchase of new equipment. Tim H. Co Hwy. attended the meeting during the discussion to report that the front end is out in WP1, Silver Dodge. Tim indicated that the front end had a crack in the housing and oil had drained out. I asked Tim later if it was a maintenance problem and he indicated that it was not and probably happened when the unit hit a rock or other object. Tim estimated repairs would cost $2000.00.
General Notes:
- Kirsch distributed the Calendar of Activities for review.
- Kirsch reviewed Ag Committee bill HB 1058, HB 1239 and HB 1218.
- Kirsch request review and approval to purchase department caps and long sleeve t-shirts for crews. This equipment will provide high visibility for work in ROW, Forest Service and other government work. Board approved the purchase at a cost of $342.60 plus shipping.
- A discussion was held on the Open Records Laws.Kirsch indicated that he had turned over field records for applicator J.W. to the State Attorney Office with billing for time and copies, (as allowed by state statue and county policy). Wood informed the Board that any further requests for documentation/communication/information from Quality Weed Control Plus will be handled through the State Attorney Office and Custer County Commissioners.
- Kirsch informed the Board that Earl Stombaugh has been selected as South Dakota Outstanding Weed & Pest Board Member of the Year. Kirsch requested review and approval for travel, lodging and meals for Stombaugh and family members to attend the award ceremony in AberdeenSD on 02/18/10. The Board unanimously approved the request will be forwarded to the Custer County Commissioners. Attendees congratulated Earl on the award and praised his contributions to the department over the years.
- Meeting Adjourned: 2:40PM